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Topics - NotDaddy

Pages: [1]
Survival Guides / How not to die?
« on: July 05, 2016, 06:34:20 am »
So I played a long while back in TB and am just venturing into RT now. I've made myself weapons, armor and ammunition and am fairly proficient at doing so but I keep getting into encounters in RT that I either lose, or don't know how to run from.

I'll enter a zone that isn't in an encounter and there will be enemies there, I'll try to run in RT but will be tagged from out of vision by a bullet and stuck in the zone for 10 seconds, at which point I just keep getting tagged until I die as the timer never hits 0 to let me leave.

Any tips on how to survive these encounters or to be able to get away safely without losing everything over and over?

Current gear is Combat Shotgun, Metal Armor, Metal Mask and regular 12ga Shells.

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