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The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: December 21, 2015, 03:49:11 pm »
Khans saying they are best at PvP when they obviously aren't is like Data posting screen of killing bluesuits with "penta kill" comment - it doesn't make him better, especially in the eyes of other players, it's just annoying but not enough to be upset about it, rather to laugh at him. If I did take Khans' lame PvP propaganda (it was fun until they started crying about how good they "are") seriously it would be just worse for them - I would be determined to make their game painful.

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: December 21, 2015, 02:58:36 pm »
I've took total newbies to fonline world, and made a PvP gang which could stand against SoT/BBS in 1st session of reloaded, and it was only me who had PvP experience but no leading experience, and still we won 1/2 fights, and it's a not matter of skill but a matter how you lead people and how you treat them
Of course keeping good atmosphere in the gang and morale high matters, but it's not just about it. If you can win half of the fights, of course assuming equal terms and not overnumbered actions, it means guys you play with are not total noobs. Teams like Blackhearts or RSA - these were total rookies that didn't have any skill in Fo. They were loosing 10v3 fights even when they had a pretty expierienced leader with them. :) The truth is you need to learn the game to play it well, and by learn I don't only mean the mechanics, but also you need to gain reflexes (get used to the engine) and learn few tricks which are the part of skill too. If you take total noobs that can't click (shoot or heal) fast enough you will lose equal fights even when you lead them well.

P.S. Of course it's a game and we play it for fun, but isn't being cocky in a way Khans do with their "we're best at everything (including PvP)" propaganda taking game a bit too seriously? ;)

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: December 21, 2015, 12:50:50 pm »
Thats just classic, such thing is happening on every FOnline server since 1976. Not everyone agrees on my assumptions - Invidual skill dont really apply for team PvP , especially here on Reloaded
Jesus... Get over it finally. Tactics determine fights in wider aspect and individual skill is the factor that influences (decides of) the outcome of the battle itself. Even you realized playing with noob-swarm is pointless when reorganised squad of Hello Kitties/Rogues because of "skill gap between players" that was "very noticeable". So stop that bullshit already. Every team you lead brakes because of your overrated ego sooner or later, not because of some problem with "lack of teamplay because of good players playing in a team". You failed again and came here to prove your point that is invalid? Guess what, no one cares. You're not even on your own playground, so stfu. No offence, of course. :)

P.S. Coming to Reloaded to say that Reloaded players are noobs is just pathetic. Especially you're worse than easily half of them.

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: December 17, 2015, 04:18:36 am »
IQ plays role here, I guess.


The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: December 17, 2015, 02:18:29 am »
your point is invalid he nearly killed you, you ran away shit happens.
"Nearly" is a key word. Spawned in a trap, managed to sruvive. Shit didn't happen. Your point is invalid.

Hmmm i'm sure its a tactic to use a turnbased spammer in turnbased mode?
1 AP shooting was broken and it was fixed, which proves it was broken. C4 also was abused at times (stacking) and it was fixed, not deleted, also it's dmg was adjusted, which proves being legit now. Only because you can't use it properly and we can doesn't make it a thing "not to be proud of". Quite the opposite. ;)

But that's not even a point. Bison brought up a lame example to cover his lack of knowledge of mechanics of the game he's playing. That's all. Hail to the great Bison who never onehexed. ::)

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: December 16, 2015, 10:54:28 am »
Says the person who got killed in one of my encounters and then came back in PA and was forced to run with 30HP.. But that's another story right?
Gay turbo plasma rifle (1 AP shots back then) fastshot build with 14 APs and first turn in TB. 14*20 dmg = 280 dmg Nothing to be proud of, especially I did manage to go out. :)

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: December 15, 2015, 10:39:33 pm »
him failing to hex me and then i hexed him.
2:00 You didn't even move so how could he fail to hex you and then you hex him? Fuck logic. He failed to hex you (hit for 106) and you shot him back on range for 98. He was like ~40 HP so he died... Damn amateurs.

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: December 12, 2015, 06:08:01 pm »
they all were playing since bsg got rekt and "disbanded", its really just switching names every time they decide to play "again"...

Saying shit like flags and tc doesn't matter because it's the end of session is the thing here, you're still not part of a bigger thing, you do not yet believe in a flag or an idea. Waving your banner is everything and no matter the cost your timer was stopped everytime you tried it and had you been able to bring those critbursters into towncontrol proper and fight in the open you'd have regeared and come back to fight, same in redding before that.
We obviously have different priorities in the game thus I don't think you understand why we even start timers. You have to comprehend that we are not playing for possession in any way, we don't care if we get the town or now. Only good action counts for us, then us starting a timer is only a way to attract PvP to other places than Reno. If you like good fights too, you'll come.

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: December 10, 2015, 05:29:53 pm »
Because I don't want to waste 30 minutes of doing nothing for only 30 seconds of glory.
Sometimes, Town Control and Reno fights can be like this also. actually happens quite often so your point is invalid.
That's only a reason not to play this game.

*blah blah blah* it is time to grow up lets be honest. fucking boring saying the same shit constantly no-one cares.
Exactly, Daryl.

The Thunderdome / Re: Reloading PvP
« on: September 13, 2015, 02:46:48 pm »
Who will care about their posts and their screens if everyone knows that these team suck ?
We already know that and it helps with nothing, hehe. ;D

The idea is nice, but not possible to implement as long as we have people like uv, Rogues or BBS in our community. Teams with an urged need to "dominate", whatever it means.

The reason is people turned the goal of the game upside down. I always thought the main goal of the game was to have fun, but all these noob-give-me-loot-swarmers set their goal to win, loot and spoil every other person's fun instead of sharing fun with other players. So no, they will not come in equal numbers (like eight8 said) if they can't win on equal terms. They will not lower their chances of winning - because it is the only thing that matters for them.

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: September 09, 2015, 10:06:59 pm »
;D ;D ;D

Stop. Doing. Drugs.

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: September 09, 2015, 09:12:25 pm »
yes bb we swarm u when u have 16 lvl  :facepalm :) omg youre like beetle who is rolling a small ball of shit uphill and he cant finish his work becouse ball all the time falls. :)
No. I said "hunt", not "swarm". It's funny how easily every word transforms into "swarm" and every sentence into "crying" in your brain. However, I feel like you want to say you didn't and I'm lying. Hm? ::)

Spoiler: show

I have more, also with Adidas, Tomarock, Dark Angel, SirFurior, le chabes, zinthos and Azura on them. ::)

Also, it was Sisyphus...

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: September 09, 2015, 06:16:54 pm »
If you really need a "special build" for decent performance in TB, then it says everything about you by itself, I have nothing more to add, "bulshit arogant morone". ::)

The only times we fought in TB were in the beginning of this session, when I tried to level up my 16-level character and you were hunting me with 4 other friends in SF area. ;) Stop doing drugs.

General Game Discussion / Re: kilgore pls
« on: September 09, 2015, 06:08:55 pm »
Well, first of all, I never said that PvP part should be treated as if they were "more important", I just expressed my amazement over treating us as less important than the rest all the time.

In fact, this game has many ways of playing it. I don't mean to discriminate against those who avoid PvP completely - those who stand in Hub chatting, gather junk or broc flowers, craft and sell and eventually kill Raiders. Let them be if they choose this path. But let's realize this is an online game for people - so I suppose interaction between real humans should be important part of the server. Then, if there is not much space to do cooperative PvE, there are mostly PvP activities left - because, let's be honest - even though it may sound cocky of me - all these non-PvP players I mentioned before don't have any impact on the server. So let them be, but if they were about to disappear one day no one would even notice a change in the gameplay (except halved number of people online).

So, remembering this is a multiplayer game, I indeed believe that lack of possible fulfilling PvE activities implies the importance of PvP, my dear.

P.S. Also, in my opinion, combining PvE and PvP is bad for both of them, as we can notice in many cases (in Fo2 mostly), but that's another story.

General Game Discussion / Re: kilgore pls
« on: September 08, 2015, 07:27:42 pm »
its not tears. its wish to pvp. i love the game but its fking boring now.
You made it that way so stop crying and do something to change it (yourself, not with dozen of useless topics on the forums demanding "rewarding PvP") or just deal with it.

I totally agree with Wichura when it comes to numbers, still we have to remember that (in the way I see it) Reloaded, unlike Fo2, lacks fulfilling PvE activities. So since PvP is very important part of this server I could never understand why we (PvP apes) are treated like a secondary matter.

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