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Topics - Blarney

Pages: [1] 2 3
Suggestions / Sneaker armors
« on: March 26, 2018, 05:55:25 am »
So thermal leather is the new fire gecko leather, basically just the name was changed, and it made me wonder why there can't be other sneak armor options, even with only slight differences, or potentially going up to t4 sneak armor (like chinese stealth armor or somesuch hehe).

We have the difference of the lower end sneaker armors, in both how it looks on the player model and in stats, but those basic leathers are almost useless by comparison (whereas at least metal armor serves a function independent from CA for example).

Why not take better advantage of these differences and have a high end black leather sneak armor, comparable to leather mk2 in its own right? This requires a lot less effort than say a whole new t4 sneak armor animation/color set (which honestly could just be a basic black reskin of CA for sneaks and i'd be happy  ;) ).

I know this and the other pistol post make me look like some kind of sneaker obsessed whore, but I literally just noticed the name change and it made me think. What are the thoughts/fears on this topic?

Suggestions / Solar scorcher thoughts
« on: March 26, 2018, 05:13:47 am »
As a guy who used this weapon in excess last season, I can admit when combined with the old pyromaniac buffs, was way over the top in comparative potential for other similar weapons, one because nobody can build to tank its damage properly and two because it already had good damage rates (compared to say alien blaster and 223 pistol) before adding 50 flat damage to each hit. My first thoughts on it are that the new pyro should effect solars, as it makes building for them specifically, a bit more costly than other builds, and secondly because the damage buff has been greatly reduced from a minimum damage perspective (still needs super crits to be worth taking).

Other than those questionable notions though I want to get to the heart of my suggestion on solars, relative to a notion Veki brought up in another post, but put it here as it is a very specific suggestion;

Make 2 different solar scorcher weapons;
Why? Because solar currently is in a bit of a strange place as a weapon, too rare to be reliable in gathering, too strong to be common gear.

To what end?
Well we could have a basic version of it, that is comparable to plasma pistol, with its own benefits and downfalls when compared. Say if we took the solar scorcher stats as they are now, and reduced them, possibly forcing it to also use an ammo type (MFC I would think), give it less damage and range too, to make plasma pistol a viable choice against it.

Then have a t4 version of it (super solar scorcher mebbe?), which more accurately resembles the 223 pistol/gauss pistol logic in being a rare item for builds that use it, this version of the solar could be free ammo (reloaded only in day still), have stats more resembling the current solar (perhaps a bit better) and perhaps potentially come with random unique buffs seeing how it would be a t4 drop and rare as vindis or gauss.

Similarly I would think that the alien blaster could take up the function of being a t4 version of plasma pistols, rather than a semi rare item that it is now.

The end result is to have distinct choices and usages for these weapons which I know are quite niche already, but which at the very least I as a pistol sneak lover contemplate frequently;
You would have a comparative choice in play styles when choosing 223/gauss for one, in the benefits of extreme pistol range and penetration based focus, compared to the plasma pistol/alien blaster differences which could focus on being mid/high ranged but very high damage potential (as well as very low potential), and the solar/super solar focus could be on having much more reliable damage rates overall (with the lower resistances to fire in general), lower general ranges while having good max damage rates, which would still be lower than the potential damage of say an alien blaster super bypass crit.


General Game Discussion / New session
« on: March 25, 2018, 04:48:26 am »
I know nobody cares and there's not much to any reason for even posting, but just thought i'd share my experience;

Most of the changes I actually like personally, was never a fan of the silly 1hex best ping wins dance for example, but clearly the result is a lack of players. I saw in another post someone mentioned that the player total only looks less because the multilogging PVP abusers are gone, but I saw at least 9 multilogged and/or fast relogging alts at shops around the place in my most recent run while there was only some 25 players online for example so I guess that goes both ways?

Being one who doesn't multilog (I don't even have an alt character let alone sandboxie), and who enjoyed pvp for pvps sake (everyone mostly being there for the same reason, drama is shit, teamfights are interesting), I really hope this changes, as for now it is seriously depressing to walk around the wastes/towns and mostly encounter nothing or some afk/disco alts who don't give half a fuck about disconnecting in dangerous towns etc, knowing that 95% or more of players are farming in an instanced quest like GR muties or raiders and that is all they will ever be doing.

Is this really what we wanted?

General Game Discussion / Sneaky sneak change post :)
« on: January 06, 2016, 02:03:36 am »
I am just referring to this post here;

Specifically Kilgore's statement;
"The planned change is to make cap @ 270%, with Ghost perk adding the other 30%."

I only just noticed it now, but this is a very interesting change and 270% is very specific and it got me thinking again (oh shit).

So I would guess this means that ghost would no longer function under certain conditions, it would just give you a flat 30% buff to your current stealth level, but maybe not.

Similarly, the stealthboy, when used at 270% sneak, I would guess would take it only to 300, not 330 or beyond if the player has ghost and a stealthboy.

I really like the idea of reducing the cap for play-ability, but at the sacrifice of another perk is huge, considering silent running is a definite, and silent death a maybe. That being said, that could also be for the best, making sneak a much more specialised class.

Personally though I would think to make the cap 250, and either keep ghost as a flat +30 bonus, which would mean that stealthboys can be used to achieve full 300%, or boost ghost to +50, but only under certain conditions (like night time, interior, and distance from a wall/piece of scenery), in that case sneakers that are forced to run into the open sunshine that aren't using a stealthboy, will be much more visable, which makes sense.

Anyways, discuss your thoughts :)

Game Help / How exactly does the sneak looting work?
« on: December 20, 2015, 10:00:47 am »
This is really something I should already know  :facepalm, but from experience alone, the rate at which looting de-sneaks is very random.

Using the take all option seems to always desneak, but taking them one at a time or using the ctrl click will often leave you in stealth mode. Similarly picking items off the floor de-sneaks at a pretty random rate, with the same item sometimes desneaking and sometimes not..

So what exactly is the deal there, should looting desneak all the time, or is there a specific method that sneakers are supposed to utilised to loot while staying stealthed?

I figured if this was possible it could be used specifically to limit certain sneaking shenanigans, particularly fast equipping weapons and armors that sneakers really shouldn't be using, but it could be used to limit other things.

Say if all of the heavy weapons (gat laser, rocket launcher, avenger) had an attached condition that if a player tries to equip them while sneaking it will be unsuccessful and maybe a message like "cannot equip this while sneaking" appears in the textbox (also "you cannot sneak with this gear equipped" when trying to stealth in heavy armor or with a rocket launcher etc). That way a player has to desneak, open inventory and equip the weapon before he can open fire, making it basically a very terrible idea in most situations and putting an end to certain silly things.

Certain "lighter" weapons, that still give a sneak penalty (like sniper rifles, laser rifles, assault rifles, LSWs?) could be excluded from this list, so that they can still be utilised with the current mechanics, as they currently are.

So is it possible? Or are there any problems with the theory I cannot see?

Toxic Caves / Notice boards in towns (player managed)
« on: December 06, 2015, 06:04:25 am »
A notice board in all towns, where players can post bounties and general notices, such as faction recruitment posters and it could be the equivalent of the forum bartergrounds, inside the game.

For the bounty system they give the cash to the bounty board through dialogue, and type the players name in "say", then players who read the board will be provided with all the current bounties (or all the ones on the specific board if you want to be realistic).

As many players can take up the bounty if they wish, BUT, players can only hunt one bounty at a time, and if someone else kills your bounty first then you get no reward (and must go take a different bounty). The player who kills the bounty simply has to return to a bounty board to collect his caps (maybe there could be ear trophies or the like).

It's just a small player inspired sidequest system, and if it includes only caps, then it is not exploitable. Also if you add a "tax" (the player who claims the bounty only gets 75% of it, the other 25% is deleted), then it also works as an in game money sink.

Just an idea anyway, if it has already been suggested like this, or is already in the works, then ignore this :)

Closed suggestions / Tesla suggestion and justification
« on: December 01, 2015, 07:52:04 am »
These are just my thoughts on tesla in general, I feel that it doesn't really live up to its role as a real alternative to wearing CAmk2 and instead becomes a "backup" armor in case an enemy is using gat lasers, which would be fine, if metal MK2 didn't do that exact same thing just as effectively for much less hassle.

Tesla's current stats;

Normal      3/25%
Laser        10/85%
Fire           0/10%
Plasma     10/75%
Explode    1/20%
Electrical   12/80%

My suggested changes;

Normal      4/35% (or 5/30%)
Laser        8/75%
Fire           2/25%
Plasma     7/65% (or 8/70%)
Explode    2/15%
Electrical   10/70%

This still leaves it as a powerhouse vs energy weapons, but very weak to explosions and fire, and slightly better than leather mk2 normal resistances, which it really should be. It also leaves some space, so that unique teslas, with bonus energy resists can be utilised as entirely anti energy armors.

Metal and metal MK 2 still come out with very strong laser resists comparatively, which makes them still just as effective vs gat lasers and the like, while still remaining cheap and easy to produce (and competitive with tesla with crafting bonuses).

Toxic Caves / Sold
« on: November 15, 2015, 09:37:21 am »

Closed bugs / Magic vision?
« on: November 06, 2015, 11:26:42 am »
Is there any reason someone should be able to spot a 300 skill sneaker in leather from 30 hexes or more?

Because this seems to be happening vs certain players, like being chased very specifically from 30 hexes should be impossible right? Considering the max spotting range is 20.

Perhaps some bug is causing this to occur?

Closed suggestions / Radio on tesla
« on: November 05, 2015, 05:55:03 am »
The tesla helmet is more high tech than a basic combat helmet I assume (being that it was created to defend against energy weapons, which were logically created after bullet weapons), so adding a radio doesn't seem like it would be lore breaking in any way, in fact it's a little strange that a basic combat helmet is more advanced than a tesla in many ways, not just this one, but the suggestion is for radio on tesla helmets, so I will leave it there.

Tesla helmet radio access please :)

Closed suggestions / Preview button cooldown?
« on: September 29, 2015, 09:53:52 am »
I'm not sure how the idea would be received, but how about a cooldown on the preview spawn button, nothing too long that would make people exploit it with multiple accounts, just like 5 seconds or something?

To prevent CCTV like vision of movements by 1 person.

Survival Guides / Sneak Caving
« on: September 28, 2015, 04:22:46 pm »
I found this method to be the quickest and most successful method of acquiring solar scorchers and alien blasters, but good cave loot also includes Brotherhood, enclave and NCR armors, bridgekeeper robes, hypo, and a few other useful things like police armor, drugs, g11s etc.

Firstly to do this you may need 300 sneak, but less might also work (this and outdoors are all you really need though), I simply have not tried. Secondly you will want to set your nowalls hotkey to something easy to remember (in Fonline2238.cfg file, under [Bindings] if not already there add; ToggleWall=Ctrl 9 (ctrl 9 as an example), and also the item highlighter mod available here;

Another trick is to set your custom border to your max view range, as that is the range items appear on the floor to you no matter your facing and it makes checking caves a lot easier (having very high perception and agility helps alot too).

The concept is pretty self explanatory, but, try not to walk directly in front of NPCs (1 hex in their face) as they are prone to slap you and you will die, dont stand still for too long or you are likely to draw aggro and die, and when you are picking up gear keep your finger hovering over 1 to restealth if you become desneaked (which occurs at a pretty random rate) dont worry you get a few seconds if you do get desneaked, even when in plain sight. Also check under big items as multiple can spawn on the same spot.

Just take some leathers and a basic weapons just in case (or not) and set up a tent right next to one of the many "black patches" on the map, the shadow of small mountains, as caves have a good likelihood of spawning there.

Buy / Buying Solar Scorchers (prices included)
« on: September 28, 2015, 04:49:40 am »
In need of solar scorchers as I don't have the time to farm caves at the moment.


95-100% condition; 30k

80-94% condition; 25k

60-79% condition; 20k

51-59% condition; 12k

50% and below; 6k

This is assuming the minimum percentage matches the max (is fully repaired), knock 3k off if they are very low in current condition.

Character builds / BG crit burster/sniper
« on: September 23, 2015, 12:57:52 pm »
I was thinking about this recently but what do you guys think about the idea of an LSW (or bozar if you got it) based BG build that can quickly change between the option to burst or to shoot guns out of hands.

The build would be pretty standard I guess, but I think taking finesse would be a bad choice, having burst as an option, and I am not sure if better crits would be an optimal choice in the reverse regard either way something along these lines;

6, 7, 10, 1, 1, 7, 9
Traits; Small frame, ?
Tags; BG, ?, ?
Perks; More crit, Even more crit, BROF, Lifegiver x2, Stonewall, Better crit (?), Hit the gaps.

Other options could include dropping ST to 1, and getting bonehead (and possibly man of steel instead of better crits).

So, you use your maximum distance at all times if possible, shooting arms with single shots for support at the extra range given by single fire, and switching to burst when finishing targets or once crippling becomes ineffective. You could even carry an avenger for those close 1hex calls, or a rocket launcher for something different ;).

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