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Messages - Artaxeus

Pages: [1]
Faction Announcements / Re: Custom Faction Names
« on: April 01, 2024, 07:19:51 pm »
Can you please add Hudon & Fistit Brewery?

Can anyone update this mod please, some items won't appear, specifically footlockers  :-\

Tools and Modifications / Re: Pure Evil Interface v14 by Doctor Eex
« on: August 11, 2018, 01:06:44 pm »
Can anyone please re-upload the latest working version all-in-one .zip file? The thread is a mess, the OP is outdated, links are dead, and not sure which one is working the best.

I like this mod and the little details you've added, however it isn't highlighting footlockers founded on random encounter maps, I am only using this mod and the pure evil black interface, am I missing something?

Game Help / Re: Ultimate Damage Sniper or Crippler build 2016?
« on: January 29, 2016, 08:34:25 pm »
Alright, i decided to go with Seki's classic SG sniper build since it only relies to nuka cola, cigarettes and jet, and have good results overall.

Final result:

SNIPER 1 - classic Small Guns
HP : 231-261, normal res in camk2 : 6/25
ST 1
PE 9 + cigs = 10
EN 10
IN 1
AG 9 + nuka = 10
LK 9

Traits : smallframe, bonehead

Tags : SG, FA, OD.

Perks : more critical, even more critical, sharpshooter, lifegiver, better criticals, bonus rate of fire, right between the eyes + 1 perk (second lifegiver or even tougher or action boy, up to you)

Drugs : nuka cola, cigarettes, jet

Weapons : sniper rifle, .223 pistol

300% SG is a must have for this built as far as i understand.

I'm still not sure if i should go with Even Tougher, Action Boy, Lifegiver or Man of Steel perk for 8th perk.

Again, thank you all for your help!  :)

Game Help / Re: Ultimate Damage Sniper or Crippler build 2016?
« on: January 29, 2016, 03:03:21 pm »
Thank you for your detailed explanation, but i'll be honest, this turned out to be more complicated than i ever thought.

I dont have any implants right now, but i am fine using nuka cola, jet, cigarettes, etc.

Le Troll's and Seki's  2nd build (tanky crippler) seems like a balanced build between damage sniper and crippler (correct me if im wrong), but is it going to be effective with no implants?

Also can a sniper class kill a BG/Tank class in 1 vs 1 fights, or is it useless?

Game Help / Ultimate Damage Sniper or Crippler build 2016?
« on: January 29, 2016, 11:59:05 am »
Hello folks, Ive been gathering info all over the forum since 2 days now and ive come up with this build, so im going to ask your opinion if this is a ultimate sniper char to go with, focused on PvP ONLY.

I have a couple of questions first, so bear with me.

Is the ultimate crippler character as of today's game mechanics (early 2016)?

Ive heard crippler isnt a good build for PvP on 1 vs 1, is that true?

Can i make a make both crippler and damage sniper build and have overall better results?

Also thanks to Seki, Henry, Beer, and other players for helping newbies and sharing their info and builds.

So this is what i came up with. (note that i have copied many from forum)

ST-1 (+1 implant = 2) (+ 1 jet + 1 psycho = 1) = 1
PE-10 (+ 2 psycho = 8) (+ 1 cigs + 1 implant = 10?) = 10? (can someone confirm if i can take 2 psychos and 1 implant helps despite having 10 PE on the start?)
CH-1 = 1
En-9 (+1 Implant = 10) = 10
IN-1 = 1
AG-8 (+1 implant= 9) (+1 Nuka Cola = 10) = 10
LK-9 (+1 Implant = 10) = 10


1. Finesse
2. Bonehead


TAG > Small Guns (300%)
TAG > Science (150%) or Energy Weapons do i even need to tag science for a particular reason?
TAG > Doctor (200%) better than First Aid since i can use Stimpak pr Super Stimpak instead

Rest is optional

Probably Outdoorsman (150%) for fast travel


1. More Critical (5% more likely to cause critical hits in combat than without it)
2. Even More Criticals (increases your critical hit chance by 10%)
3. Sharpshooter (expands your field of vision by 6 hexes, and increases your chance to hit by 8%)
4. Better Criticals (gain a 20% bonus on the critical hit)
5. Lifegiver (1/3) (gain 20 hitpoints)
6. Lifegiver (2/3) (gain 30 hitpoints)
7. Right Between the Eyes ? or Man of Steel ?
8. Bonus rate of fire (each ranged weapon attack costs 1 AP less to perform)

What do you guys think of this build?

Will i be able to stand against most mid/high level players and beat them, or do you recommend going full damage sniper build instead?

Can someone edit this build for ultimate damage sniper with details?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Pages: [1]