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Topics - Kelin

Pages: [1]
Toxic Caves / Re: PK and APK: Let's Clear the Air...
« on: February 17, 2017, 03:49:03 pm »

The Thunderdome / What we love about UV
« on: April 11, 2015, 10:16:39 pm »
Many bad things have been said about The Ultra Violence, and I felt there should be a topic to counter that hatred so finally here we have place to talk nicely about this faction.

I'll start with confession, don't expect me to stop calling them Mexicans as for me the name just stuck and sounds incredibly hilarious every time I say it, although it is not meant as an insult (at least not from me).

Ok, so here is my list:
  • Persistent enemies - nothing is worse in any fonline than no players to fight, thankfully UV has always been around to provide us plenty of fun
  • Ckarlos - I'm not sure whether Carlos is still with UV, but this guy has been always funny as hell, many can't forget lines like "Carlos u first" or "Shu shu shu.... enterenterenter"  ;D
  • Napalm - I've known Napalm for ~5 years, since the good old TTTLA swarm alliance times most of you don't even remember and I have to say, this guy is always respectful towards me with no sign of ulterior motives. Really, there is so much more people who are 10 times bigger idiots and nobody treats them as bad as him, that is a shame.
  • Dendito - By contrast, I don't know Dendito at all, but from what I've heard he is a very cool guy and even on the battlefield I never saw him insulting anyone.
  • Spanish language - what's not to like about Spanish? I personally don't speak it but I like the sound of it. Hola Juan, hola Esteban, dónde esta esa biblioteca?
  • Good gear - that's right, if you win you often get the best loot you can imagine, power armors, bozars, turbo plasmas...
  • Reason to take towns - this is a bit cheating as this basically extends the first item of the list, however it's true that one thing is for sure, if you don't take the towns, UV will.
  • Legacy - this is not unique for UV only, but it's not always a rule that a faction has some tradition. UV rised shortly after the start of the server and its name is easily recognizable.

One last thing, this is meant seriously so if you feel like spreading any bad things about UV, go somewhere else (please).

Faction Announcements / The Pistoleros
« on: July 20, 2014, 01:24:21 pm »
Hello, we are a group of hardcore pvpers who call themselves The Pistoleros. We have been playing together for almost a year now and during this time we accepted many new members who eventually became our core members. The time has come and we are looking for another fresh blood, so if you are interested in joining us, we offer good fun, active members, and friendly atmosphere.

Our requirements are:
- basic understanding of English language
- microphone + TeamSpeak 3
- desire to improve yourself in PvP

Contact us:

Brief faction history:
- founded on 6th November 2013, formed by people from many "dead" gangs like Hawks and Backstreet Boys, so this is a pure FOnline Reloaded faction
- one of the two most active factions in that time, the other was (and still is) BBS
- low member activity in February 2014, resulting in the team disintegration
- in March 2014 the remnants who hadn't left the faction allied with The Amboy Dukes and started playing under their faction name.
- July 2014, the alliance with The Amboy Dukes is broken, some of the old folks returned, some remain in different factions
- August 2014, the alliance with The Amboy Dukes is restored
- in January 2014 the alliance with The Amboy Dukes is yet again broken, some of the old Pistolero members leave the faction and together with TAD form a new faction called Poor Mongols

Faction ID (for name colorizing): 589

Buy / WTB Endurance implant
« on: June 18, 2014, 10:49:16 pm »
Buying endurance implant. PM me, find me on IRC or post in this topic if selling one, it's up to you.

The Thunderdome / Ghost Town
« on: June 09, 2014, 10:36:13 pm »
I know that there are some plans to bring this map alive after the wipe, but honestly I don't care about the map as much as I care about quality pvp, so I want to have this arena working again with all things that were avaliable in 2238, like outfitters, lockers with good shit etc.

For those who have never played in Ghost Town, it was a map dedicated for non-stop pvp and people were coming there all day long, the reason was lockers spawning top gear at the bottom of the map. It was a great adventure for me and I'd wish to experience it again, so please say your opinion, I believe if we will be many willing to have this nice place to fight, Kilgore will eventually unlock it ;>

EDIT: I forgot to add that the town would be available only in the so-called pre-wipe madness.

Auctions / (SOLD) 900 beers
« on: January 12, 2014, 04:00:02 pm »
Offering quality Czech beers (Budweiser ;p)

You may ask yourself, why would you need beer? Thirst in the wasteland is the worst thing you can imagine, even your companions need to drink something! Keep in mind to raise their loyalty from 0 to 100% you need 50-100 beers per companion.

Even if you don't have any companions, you can still drink beer to get some extra damage resistance, though you might be a bit hammered (drivers be careful).

My Offer:

Starting bid: 8000 caps
Minimum raise: 1000 caps
Auction ends: 13th January 12:00 (19 hours from now)

Trading place: Barter Ground

Tools and Modifications / Nuka Addict
« on: December 04, 2013, 07:16:45 pm »
Nuka Addict

Download: Nuka Addict

What is this?
A simple tool for players who use drugs in FOnline extensively and would like to see how much time they got before their drugs wear off. When you are taking your drugs, you have to activate the Nuka Addict as well, then the counter starts counting minutes.

Why Nuka Addict?
Because I like Nuka Cola, but naturally players take mostly more than just one drug at the same time, so this program is made especially for them, for junkies who would end up with really low ap after their drugs are out. It’s suitable mainly for Town Control, New Reno, Hinkley or any other real time PvP event.

How does it look like?
It is a desktop application written in the Java programming language that runs in the background, the user interface is very limited in fact the whole application is just an icon in the system tray and a pop up menu.

Does it work in a turn based mode?
Since this tool is not connected to the client in any way, it does not work in turn-based.

Things to know
  • The file run.bat launches the application
  • CTRL + N starts the timer
  • CTRL + SHIFT + S stops the timer
  • There is a sound which is played shortly before the timer ends (can be disabled)

Any opinions or feedback are welcome, thanks to all who helped me test the application, special thanks to Rancor who made a nice set of icons and I hope that the tool will be useful to some players.

Note: The program requires JRE installed (if mojuk’s character planner works for you, this program will work, too), if you don’t have it you can download it here: Java SE Runtime Environment

Closed suggestions / Ammo for shotguns
« on: October 31, 2013, 12:53:17 am »
Sorry but I don’t really remember the exact names, hope nobody gets offended if I use "green" and "purple" shells. First of all I’d like to mention that this is no cry topic about how op current ammunition for shotguns is, I just got an idea to make pancors more interesting and usable as a tactical weapon. Now it’s kinda boring to be honest since from range it deals similar damage as avenger and personally I don’t see any fun in it.

So I suggest to completely rework these two new types of shotgun shells and here we have some numbers:
Purple ammo aka "tank killer"
DM mod: 5/8
DR mod: -70%
AC mod: -20
Armor Piercing

The idea behind this is to have some weapon that deals constant damage and totally ignores enemy armor. With pancor’s 24-30 base damage it would deal 90-112 dmg to basically any armor, which makes it a great choice for close range fights against tanks, but also very effective against other builds.

Let’s take a look at the other ammunition:
Green ammo aka "gauge rubber" or "non lethal"
DM mod: 1/1
DR mod: +90%
AC mod: -10

This ammo would have 100% chance to either knock down (50% chance) or knock back (50% chance) your enemies, but causes no damage to them.

Please discuss whether you like the new shotgun ammunition or would love to see my suggested ammunition implemented instead.

Československé fórum / FOnline slovník
« on: October 02, 2013, 05:31:30 pm »
Převzato z polské sekce, upraveno a doplněno mnou. Pokud máte další slova či zkratky o kterých si myslíte že jsou často používané ve FOnline, pak mi je pošlete a já je přidám do seznamu.

FOnline slovník
AB - Action Boy, perk, přidává jeden akční bod [info]
AC - Armor Class, třída zbroje, zjednodušeně řečeno čím vyšší tím hůře se do vás trefuje [info]
AP - Action Points, akční body
AP - Armor Piercing, druh munice, průrazná
APA - Advanced power armor, energozbroj Enklávy
AR - Adrenaline Rush, perk [info]
Ares - PvE dungeon
APK - Anti-PK, mýtické stvoření, chrabrý mstitel nevinných a utlačovaných
Avek - Avenger Minigun, masakrální rotačák, vše mění v řešeto
BA - Brotherhood armor, zbroj Bratrstva oceli
BH - Broken Hills, město, nechráněná lokace
BP - Blueprint, recept či výkres potřebný k výrobě určitého předmětu [info]
BG - Big Guns, skill, velké zbraně (může též označovat postavu specializovanou na střelbu z velkých zbraní)
BRD - Bonus Ranged Damage, perk, užitečný především pro miniguny
BRF, BROF - Bonus Rate of Fire, střelba stojí o jeden AP méně [info]
BoS - Brotherhood of Steel, Bratrstvo oceli
Build - naplánovaný char
CA - Combat armor, zelená bojová zbroj
Char - Character, postava za kterou hráč hraje
Dmg - Damage, poškození většinou je jednotkou jeden HP
DOC - Doctor, doktor skill
DT - Damage Threshold, odečítá se od výsledné dmg [info]
DR - Damage Resistance, odolnost vůči dmg [info]
Dungeon - zde se jedná o lokaci, která obvykle vyžaduje kooperaci více hráčů k dosažení určitého místa s dobrým lootem
EW - Energy Weapons, skill, energetické zbraně
FA - First Aid, skill, první pomoc
FA LeMark! - zlidovělá hláška, kdo nikdy nedal FA LeMarkovi jako by nebyl
FA Proterran!! - legendární historická hláška z jednoho FOnline videa
FO - FOnline
FoV - Field of View, viditelná oblast
Glow - PvE dungeon
HtH - Hand to Hand, boj beze zbraně
HP, hápéčka - Hit Points, životy
HPA - Hardened power armor typ T-51b, tvrzená energozbroj
Imba - Imbalanced, nevyváženě silný, význam podobný jako u OP
JHP - Jacketed Hollow Point, trhavá munice, vhodná na slabé zbroje
LA - Living Anatomy, perk
LA - Leather armor, kožená zbroj
LAmk2, Lamka - Leather armor mk2, vylepšená kožená zbroj
Loot, lewt - kořist, předměty které získáte tak, že si je prostě vezmete
LSW, elesvéčko - Light support weapon, lehký kulomet
Lvl - Level, dosažená úroveň postavy
NCR - New California Republic/Shady Sands, město blízko V15
Noob - nový hráč nebo hanlivé označení pro veterána který se chová jako by to hrál první den
MAmk2, metalka - Metal armor Mark II, kovová zbroj
MFC - Micro Fusion Cell, velké baterky
Mos - Man of Steel, perk
MRD - More Ranged Damage, perk, silnější BRD
OD - Outdoorsman, skill, zálesák [info]
OP - Over powered, obvykle označení zbraní, které jsou až moc silné
PA - Power armor, energozbroj
PvP - Player versus Player, označení situace, kdy mezi sebou bojují hráči
PvE - Player versus Enviroment, označení situace, kdy mezi sebou bojují hráči a počítačem řízení nepřátelé
PK - Player Killer, takto se obvykle označuje člověk, který má potěšení ze zabíjení očividně slabších hráčů a který si je dobře vědom své výhody
SEC - Small Energy Cell, malé baterky
SG - Small Guns, skill, malé zbraně
SF, Frisco - San Francisco, město na západním pobřeží
SP - Skill Point, body které dostáváte při dosažení každého levelu
SS - Super stimpak, léčivý předmět [info]
Stich meh! - viz. FA
Talchem - PvE dungeon
TC - Town Control, zabírání měst s cílem mít PvP a dostat odměnu za ubránění města
TB - Turn based, hra na tahy, stejné jako ve Fallout 1 a 2
TLA, TLAmk2 - The Life After, jiný FOnline server s pestrým PvE
RT - Real time, hra v reálném čase, většina lokací ve FOnline
RL - Rocket Launcher, rakeťák nebo také bazuka
Warehouse - PvE dungeon
WTA - Want to Auction, chci něco prodat v aukci
WTB - Want to Buy, chci něco koupit
WTS - Want to Sell, chci něco prodat
WTF - What the fuck?, co to k***a je, co se děje?
V13 - Vault 13, pro hráče nedostupná lokace
V15 - Vault 15, PvE dungeon
VC - Vault city, město
XL - XL70E3, velmi účinná útočná puška [info]

Toxic Caves / Re: Killing in Barter Ground
« on: September 08, 2013, 05:19:27 pm »
Nice event, I really enjoyed that, after deciding to try the first and simplest strategy, killing guards, we had gone inside and saw the GM watching us, “oh, great, this event is really happening” we thought. So we immediatelly started with killing guards, but after we killed two or three we got air striked (by the Game Master) and then after we came back and wanted to have some discussion about what happened we got only
Observer: stop crying

I understand that maybe some other event took place there, what I don’t get is why these two events overlap and why this is supposed to be our (testers) fault. Today another competition clearly states, that today we are allowed to test whatever means we wish to kill players at Barter Ground.

Anyway, had a really great time during this event, keep them coming!!

Československé fórum / Hra ke stažení
« on: August 28, 2013, 04:44:23 pm »

1. Stáhněte si zazipovaný klient a rozbalte ho.
2. FOnline.exe spustí hru.
Poznámka: Pro nastavení rozlišení, zvuků a ostatních věcí spusťte FOConfig.exe.


1. Stáhněte si zazipovaný klient a rozbalte ho.
2. Zkopírujte soubory master.dat a critter.dat z vašeho Fallout 2 CD do složky s FOnline.
3. FOnline.exe spustí hru.
Poznámka: Pro nastavení rozlišení, zvuků a ostatních věcí spusťte FOConfig.exe.

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