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Messages - izofra

Pages: [1]
Faction Announcements / Re: List of faction names
« on: August 23, 2014, 07:54:54 pm »
Mezen Guild
- add this name please for me

Thank you very much !
I plan to initially begin to translate what the player sees when he begins to play. - Interface, skills, names of items, description of items, craft, such as the basic quests - cleaning crap Brahmins and support caravans. ( and etc.) and after that I plan to start the transfer of deeper dialogue and quests.

thanks !!
How can I integrate my translation of the game after I finish the translation?

Game Help / Re: translation on russian
« on: August 22, 2014, 10:55:28 pm »
need where to begin. if you think so then the translation will not budge ever. :)
I think it will take a little more than a month time. I would start with the translation of dialogues and with the core subjects which sees the player when the game comes namely basic quests such as support of the caravan, cleaning brahmin shit. interface, skills, perks, traits, craft and name of items - i think its enough for start playing. and translation takes not much time - somewhere around a week. after that you can begin dialogues deeper
if you could send me the text, I would have started translating today  :)

Game Help / translation on russian
« on: August 22, 2014, 08:27:07 pm »
hello  :)
anybody can help me find text files with dialogs and interface ? i tried find with DAT explorer but did not find  :'(
I love to play on this server but my friends do not understand English. and since I now have enough free time I am ready to start translating the dialogue and interface into Russian.

Toxic Caves / translation on russian
« on: August 22, 2014, 08:26:19 pm »
hello  :)
anybody can help me find text files with dialogs and interface ? i tried find with DATA explorer but did not find  :'(
I love to play on this server but my friends do not understand English. and since I now have enough free time I am ready to start translating the dialogue and interface into Russian.

Русская территория / перевод на русский
« on: August 22, 2014, 06:32:58 pm »
всем привет. планируется ли перевод игры на русский ?
дело в том что у меня проблем с английским нет, но вот у моих некоторых друзей моих проблемы с ним большие, а поиграть здесь очень хотелось бы вместе.
или может кто подскажет в каком файле можно найти источник диалогов игры ? я бы сам занялся переводом. :)

Pages: [1]