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Messages - Furior

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Character builds / Re: Crippler (arms/legs/groin? shots)
« on: February 29, 2016, 07:38:48 pm »
When attacking enemies on CA you will have 61% crit chance and +16 crit power and making no damage at all. If u were aiming eyes u would have 75% crit chance and +15 crit power (without finesse) and you would also deal damage. Eye shots >> Groin shots. And then arm shots will be only useful against 1 st characters, but you will only have 61% crit chance with ~70% of the critical hits achieving weapon drops, and dont forget u wont almost damage them (bypass crits will be very rare). Tanks with Stonewall have 10st, so weapon drops will be very rare, even more if they have MoS.

IMO, just go for eyes.

General Game Discussion / Re: Regarding sneak...
« on: February 27, 2016, 09:59:22 pm »
hello i am a sneaker that kills alot of people in this game
sneak overall is pretty good
kilgore pls nerf bonehead. reduce gatling range by 5 hex.
Ok.. ill make it short. Sneakers arent supposed to kill tank builds.

Closed suggestions / Re: Improving XL70E3
« on: February 25, 2016, 09:29:13 pm »
-accurate perk changed to long range
Not neccesary. XL right now is great for sniper cripplers (aiming arms). The problem is cripplers suck because someone decided in the previous season to nerf arm and leg (because, why not? everyone know leg shots are OP) critical hit tables, something I was against but everyone ignored. Also, finesse could use a twist.

-bursting range increased from 35 to 40
35 its fine imo. 40 range on it would be a nerf for snipers, because they lose their range adventage and they usually have crap resistance to normal dmg (lack of toughnes perks + jet). And I dont know why XL should have more range than Avenger, LSW, Plasma Rifle, etc...

You say people uses P90 over XL. Well... XL is better than P90... P90 has slightly better damage/ap, but XL its better because its burst cost 5AP, which means more compacted damage, and less time wasted on animations, and ofc, it also have longer range.

-increased magazine capacity from 45 to 60
That could be nice.

I havent been active for months, I might be missing something.

Closed suggestions / Re: Support Perk [Reveal Map]
« on: May 12, 2015, 09:59:47 am »
That perk already exist, you can get in new reno for 15.000 caps, its called buggy. It takes you 2 min to reveal the whole map.

And there is also:

Game Help / Re: old bunker base
« on: May 12, 2015, 08:20:44 am »
Enter by south, he is in the first building u will see. Talk with the leather armor bald guy.

Suggestions / Re: Enclave Metal Armor
« on: May 11, 2015, 02:33:59 pm »
Enclave uses high tech stuff, not metal armors. Raider Metal Armor sounds better for me. Also I dont like how it looks like in game, I just see lots of black pixels, it doesnt have shape and details.

General Game Discussion / Reroll and BPs
« on: May 08, 2015, 10:19:38 pm »
I guess the bps you have used with a character are lost after u reroll it. In case this is true, is it gonna be fixed? Right now I have to make a crafter alt just because of this.

It always existed. Now he have lots of encs with other players because we have around 180-210 players online. In the previous season we had 80...

Tierra de Nadie / Re: Nuevo wipe, nuevo comienzo....
« on: May 01, 2015, 02:26:17 pm »
Parece que las cosas siguen como siempre

News and Announcements / Re: SERVER WIPE ANNOUNCED
« on: May 01, 2015, 12:03:40 pm »
How will reroll work on characters with implants?

General Game Discussion / Re: Anti-gaming, we need new rûles.
« on: February 11, 2015, 05:00:16 pm »
They didn't like the endless grind. They didn't like that every location was camped with people with the best weapons, gear and an army of mercs to go with it. Trying to get the best gear means you need the best resources which means campers stay there and kill people.

Sure it sounds fun if you and your friends got into the game when it was new. Got all the resources and weapons, enough to take the mines and hold them. But any newbie would get crushed trying to get resources. There was always some asshole around that would let newbies mine until they couldn't carry anymore, only to kill them. The only time I could get resources was in the early morning hours when the Europeans were still sleeping.

I played 2238 alone. No faction, and i could get resources, ofc i got kiled sometimes while mining. You just needed to scout first, if no players camping u could get ur resources and leave. If there were 1 or 2 pks, u could fight them, or u could just try other mines.

If newbies want to stay at the Hub area forever then let them. What does it matter to you? When they do leave kill them.
I want server to be populated, noobs dont count as active players because they dont interact with other players (interact = fight, mainly)

The only area you shouldn't get killed or stolen from are the barter grounds area.
I dont agree. In FOnline there shouldnt be any 100% safe place.

Well, it is not possible to satisfy every individual player out there, because everyone has his own opinion about how the game should look like. It's also typical that there are many individuals who would like us to make the game exactly as he/she wants it to look like, because "all others are wrong", "devteam is wrong", but they are perfectly right. So, complaints are inevitable.

The good thing is that now players have enough resources to create the game, based on 2238, or FOnline SDK (TLA), it doesn't matter, so with some effort you can make your perfect FOnline without reinventing the wheel. That's actually what we did: we had/have some vision how better FOnline should look like, we grabbed the tools (source of 2238) and that's how Reloaded was created.
That's also why with the start of the new session, we will share current source (first session of Reloaded, just as it's running now) with all of you. In case you aren't satisfied with new changes, you can start development of the better FOnline.

Telling us that we don't listen to the community is funny, I've got to admit. At least 90% of changes that appear in changelog come from players suggestions or bug reports.
So, lets all make our own FOnlines, so we will end up with 300 servers with 1 player each. Thats is not a solution. You listen to the people, thats OK but it doesnt mean u are listening to the right people.
I think u listen to noobs to try to not to lose them but even if u give them what they request, they will most likely leave. This game is not for everyone. And u shouldnt forget about "old" players.

I also think there are better ways to make new players stay, like tutorials, quests to train them, etc...

General Game Discussion / Re: Worst mistake you made in Fonline?
« on: February 11, 2015, 04:31:43 pm »
When I was noob, sharing my base (with my stuff) with new "friends" I met. Got my base raped a few times, but i learnt the lesson

The Thunderdome / Re: Challenging players to you
« on: February 11, 2015, 04:24:13 pm »
Hard for me to fight someone 1v1 as they usually go in packs to the places I frequent, so its mostly 1vmany for me.
Out of a few single (1v1) fights I had Furior seemed good, he seemed to be actively seeking 1v1 combat which I value, and he is tough as nails.
Who were you? I remember a guy called "Panic" or smthing like that. I used to fight 1v1 against him in reno, it was really funny and challenging.

General Game Discussion / Re: Anti-gaming, we need new rûles.
« on: February 10, 2015, 02:11:42 am »
I suggest to remove all weapons, even the unarmed attacks, and add new feature; hugs and kisses, and maybe ponies, so we will receive noobs how they deserve, with love.

I miss the 2238 old times, where u could get killed anywhere (VC,NCR,Hub,mariposa, random encounters...). No private mines, so u had to go mining with a hammer and a smg in the 2nd hand. There werent infinite amount of resources, so items were valuable. NCP traders were useless, there was only trading between players, noobs selling crafting mats to mid-level player, etc.. Players were scattered all over the map (I used to "live" in gecko, it was safer than VC), there werent workbenchs at tents, so u had to visit cities.   In VC u could get killed while crafting and guards would not kill ur attackers, ncr were full of thieves trying to steal from you while crafting. It was CHALLENGING and EXCITING. Its sad all that died. Reloaded is just too easy. It takes 6 hours to get lvl 24 character, starting from nothing; getting weapons and armors is so easy they have lost their value. The only challenge in reloaded is to grind enough to get some "advanced" guns (stupid feature). There is no "casual" pvp, its imposible to find unexpected enemies. You are grinding, or you are looking for PvP, thats all. So reloaded has became some kind of Call of Duty with bad graphics. Every changelog dissapoint me (things like barterground or the hub, where u cant attack or steal from no one... They just destroy the falloutish atmosphere and make this game less unique)

I remember someone once said in 2238 something like "Do you want noobs to learn? Shoot them in the head, thats how they learn" I totally agree; hub just wont let them grow as players, they addapt to that safe enviroment and they never learn how to survive, how to avoid pvp, how to notice things in maps like openned doors and etc, they just stay noobs forever.

Also there are players who are addicted to tents/bases. When I used to play, there were around 100 people logged; I was lucky if I could find 10 different players around the map. I would just add a 5 min timer, if u stay longer in ur base/tent, deathclaws spawn and kill you.

I really hope some gameplaying changes come with the wipe.

Game Help / Re: Help for beginner lost in Fonline
« on: February 02, 2015, 08:37:23 pm »
You should add something: Rambo players will always say they died because PVP players has implants. And roleplayers (and maybe rambos as well) will always use JHP ammo, not delivering any damage to PVP players, and broken armors,  getting killed in 1 shot; which will lead them to ragequit. Roleplayers will also grab any item they find on the ground; rocks, shit, spears, stacks of 1 bbs ammo,flowers, everything.

You could also have introduced some "extinguished" player communities like the NCR idlers, thieves, bombers, tent followers...Just to remember the good old times.

Also add special paragrath just for Seki (he just deserve it for being the best shit shoveler in the wasteland).

Nice guide btw, very accurate.

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