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Topics - b0wcaster

Pages: [1]
Closed bugs / [World Map] Klamath is missing
« on: September 10, 2017, 05:43:58 pm »
i went to place a tent near klamath today, but it wasnt on the world map.

Faction Announcements / Claw Company Merc Hiring Rates
« on: September 09, 2016, 08:22:21 pm »
Our standard rates for Mercs is as follows;

Reno/Warehouse: 10k per Merc, 5k upfront (paid by individual to Merc.)

Ares/Glow: 25k per merc + share of loot. 10k upfront. (paid by individual to Merc.)

Town Control: Varies 

Bugs / JunkTown Boxing Ring broken [mechanics] [minor?]
« on: September 15, 2015, 05:24:55 pm »
I was boxing in Junk Town last night, and learned that if you attack before Tyler finishes countdown, the fight will end after a few hits, declaring the opponent the victor, and the last attack made against the victor will be considered PvP in town.

To recreate this event, simply start a boxing match at attack the opponent as soon as it starts.

Bugs / Turn-based Chem timer extention
« on: July 27, 2015, 07:27:20 am »
I think i found a glitch.... in turn based combat, if you take a drug just before you end combat, it adds 10mins to your timer... not sure how to classify this...

Closed suggestions / Adding combat mode indicator on screen
« on: July 09, 2015, 04:07:59 am »
I think that having an indicator somewhere on screen (like where the time and date of game is) would be helpful so that for the players that bounce back and forth wont forget what mode they are in.

Game Help / Default Keys/Binding commands.
« on: July 07, 2015, 02:38:39 pm »
Hello, i was just wondering if there is a list of all useable commands for bindings? And if there is a way to change your default keys?

Closed bugs / Going off the map in Cave SE
« on: June 17, 2015, 06:32:37 am »
the is a Map bug.
i found you can go behind the rocks and get off the map/behind the wall.


Toxic Caves / Going off the map in Cave SE
« on: June 17, 2015, 06:27:37 am »
Hello. I have found that in the cave SE you can go behind the rocks and get off the map. There is nothing back there, and you can get back to the other side, but i still found it interesting,

Faction Announcements / Claw Compay Mercs (Recruting)
« on: May 20, 2015, 04:56:42 am »
Claw Company Mercs

Enlistments are open! New and experienced players welcomed.
We are a PvE/PvP faction based on having fun. We have a faction forum, and a Teamspeak.

For now members we can offer you
-   Teaching of the game
-   Starting gear
-   Aid in grinding
-   Farm locations
-   Crafting assistance
-   Build assistance
-   Quest assistance

Reply here, or send a PM the either me or Henry if you wish to join.

Faction Announcements / Player looking for faction
« on: March 11, 2015, 07:01:02 pm »
I am a active player looking to get into a faction and learn about the game. please find me in game.
list of alts:

Pages: [1]