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Messages - Fahrenheit

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
General Game Discussion / Re: Gun Runners
« on: November 03, 2013, 09:37:13 am »
It must be something else than reputation, because you would get different answer.

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 28/10/2013
« on: November 03, 2013, 07:57:04 am »
guy with steel balls, not crying girl like forum citizens 8)
yeah, it sure takes balls of steel to kill some players and write about it on forum...

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 28/10/2013
« on: November 02, 2013, 01:02:34 pm »
Ladies and gentlemen, i dont think that only the shotguns are the problem.

I think the damage output from all the guns in the game is getting unrealistic.
It is so high that soon we won't feel the difference between wearing armor and not, if it continues like this.
So called tanks are able to survive 2-3 bursts from heavy weapons. "Tank" has lost its meaning because the only difference is if you will die from 1, or 2 bursts. We have pistols that are able to shoot through APA, we are able to create characters that can shoot plasma rifles 15 times, wiping out a small army in one turn. Snipers ale meaningless, because who bothers to cripple an incoming dude, if you can just burst him away from 35 hexes? PvE is becoming jokingly easy with all those weapon buffs. And now, you can just shoot away any dude that comes your way with shotguns, while in reality, they shouldn't be able to penetrate metal armors, not to mention high-tech-space-technology combat armors.

IMO, if you want to throw some balance into game, stop buffing damage of all the guns, it leads nowhere. Either nerf them, or increase effectiveness of armors. Make the combat more tactical by adjusting the crit chances of e.g. sniper rifles, reduce effectiveness of miniguns at long ranges (is that possible to implement?). Because now, it looks like it only matters who has more avengers in their team.

is somebody willing to comment on this?

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 28/10/2013
« on: October 30, 2013, 09:03:09 pm »
Ladies and gentlemen, i dont think that only the shotguns are the problem.

I think the damage output from all the guns in the game is getting unrealistic.
It is so high that soon we won't feel the difference between wearing armor and not, if it continues like this.
So called tanks are able to survive 2-3 bursts from heavy weapons. "Tank" has lost its meaning because the only difference is if you will die from 1, or 2 bursts. We have pistols that are able to shoot through APA, we are able to create characters that can shoot plasma rifles 15 times, wiping out a small army in one turn. Snipers ale meaningless, because who bothers to cripple an incoming dude, if you can just burst him away from 35 hexes? PvE is becoming jokingly easy with all those weapon buffs. And now, you can just shoot away any dude that comes your way with shotguns, while in reality, they shouldn't be able to penetrate metal armors, not to mention high-tech-space-technology combat armors.

IMO, if you want to throw some balance into game, stop buffing damage of all the guns, it leads nowhere. Either nerf them, or increase effectiveness of armors. Make the combat more tactical by adjusting the crit chances of e.g. sniper rifles, reduce effectiveness of miniguns at long ranges (is that possible to implement?). Because now, it looks like it only matters who has more avengers in their team.

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 28/10/2013
« on: October 29, 2013, 05:54:49 pm »

if someone bought it for 1.000.000, then... well it's his choice ;)

it was a CHOICE? You have to be kidding here, at the time it was the only option, not a damn choice.

I do not understand why now ALL the blueprints are available at such outrageously low prices. Blueprints are a specific, one use per character item, they are supposed to be damn expensive. Someone that farmed caps until now, is able to buy every blueprint possible 10 times now. This change kills half of the open market, and makes a mockery of players that farmed countless lockers in search for BPs.
IMO, this change would be reasonable, if you made the BPs price about twice as high as at the open market.
This would made a good sink for caps and would prevent caps from becoming an obsolete trading medium at open market, because it's a realistic scenario when everyone here becomes a millionare.

General Game Discussion / Re: Blueprints give-away
« on: October 29, 2013, 03:35:06 pm »
Some people just don't allow critique into their minds.

Polskie Pustkowia / Re: Przywitaj się !!!
« on: October 19, 2013, 01:45:30 pm »
Mam nadzieję, że gra będzie działać, że przezwyciężę nieznajomość angielskiego, że ludzkie zachowanie nie zniechęci mnie.

To na głębokie wody się rzuciłeś/aś :D

Events & Competitions / Re: Super event
« on: October 17, 2013, 03:58:40 pm »
Topic read 666 times, celebration time!

To clarify, fellas from BBS are not the only ones who understand "true nature of the wastes" (duh) (as if there was one and only true nature of the wastes). I also like to shoot people in the face occasionally and without reason, but somehow, i dont feel the need to call them also "fckin noobs" while i pretend to have buttsex with their warm carcass.
Man, "noob" is such an overused word.

Events & Competitions / Re: Super event
« on: October 17, 2013, 01:30:36 pm »
Hah, exactly the kind of replies i have expected from you. Wasteland is harsh, eh?
Well, since i have no right to complain, i guess it's time to move on.
(wow, there actually IS a hello kitty online game)

Events & Competitions / Re: Super event
« on: October 16, 2013, 09:18:09 pm »
I'm sorry for the loss of moral, material and promise that will not be more events.
Well, you dont have to promise that, cubik. No one will be mad if you organize a suprise event, but this time, i belive, no one that wishes to get shot in the face will come.

Prayer, you still in the thread? You may have seen, me, during the event, trying to pick up some stuff from one of dead people, good memory you have. That was But what's wrong with that? It's not like im going there mass-looting everyone who drops. But you did. And forgive me, i don't actually remember any Hinkley fights i done with BBS. BUT what i remember  from the pvp event, was BBS teams offending players in nastiest and most childish ways, eg. "your mother gets fucked by a dog" and other equally low-tier shit talk.
BBS always kills any person that walks into their towns, always. Even god damn bluesuits. You act like a bunch of assholes (thats one of the softer terms), and you fully deserved to be called whatever names you are called, as Letoo pointed out earlier.

Events & Competitions / Re: Super event
« on: October 16, 2013, 07:34:42 am »
Zastanawiam się jeszcze, co by było gdyby to inna frakcja postanowiła zrobić z eventu lootfest.. Czy gm by zareagował? Wiadomo, gra jest full pvp, ale przejmowanie serwerowego eventu na swoją korzyść to już inna sprawa.
No, CHYBA ŻE z góry było takie założenie, ale kim ja jestem, aby spekulować.

Events & Competitions / Re: Super event
« on: October 16, 2013, 12:31:32 am »
Za dużo już widziałem BBSów odpierdalających takie gówno, żeby wierzyć w przypadkowość tego. Obrazek trafny, Neuromancer, I mad.
Rozumiem, macie swoją piaskownicę w której się świetnie bawicie i możecie robić co wam się tylko podoba. Szkoda tylko, że zapominacie, że do swojej piaskownicy się nie sra.

Całe szczęście, że są jeszcze inne serwery fonline.

Events & Competitions / Re: Super event
« on: October 15, 2013, 10:10:18 pm »
me getting a blast

Events & Competitions / Super event
« on: October 15, 2013, 10:09:48 pm »
Super event, i had a blast, and many other players too, i bet.

Why not just let BBS shoot people freely in towns without consequences?

Buy / WTB Gauss pistol
« on: October 15, 2013, 12:59:57 am »
PM me with your offers, please

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