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General Game Discussion / Re: Log in help!
« on: November 14, 2013, 10:18:10 am »
Your not trying to use the login/password from the forum, are you?

The in-game login is the name of your character, the password is on a per-character basis and you select both at character creation (registration from the games main menu). If you can't register a character name, then it's:
-used by someone else
-too short
-too long
-with illegal gliphs (@&%£$,'§¿¤ etc.)
Try another name.

Suggestions / Re: New weapon: Tazer/Stun Gun
« on: November 13, 2013, 01:29:47 pm »
Ah, ok., one shot, low damage, short stunt, low range? Sorry, would not use ;)

Suggestions / Re: New weapon: Tazer/Stun Gun
« on: November 13, 2013, 01:15:28 pm »
5ap -1 fast shot -1 brof -1 crafting bunus =2 ap/use.
With 14 ap (10agi, 2 a-boy, jet) you get 7 seconds of stunt-lock.
I don't like it.

Survival Guides / Re: Blond guide to Fonline
« on: November 12, 2013, 03:53:10 pm »
I put all the pictures in a gallery here:

It's kind of a pain to get it all on the forum wit thumbnails and all, not sure if I'll have time to do it :P

Closed suggestions / Re: AC again
« on: November 12, 2013, 11:22:04 am »
Leather Jacket is a starter item, it has no real use and you can farm 500 of them in 15 minutes -this item should not have any bonuses.

Combat Leather Jacket - ok, so it looks cool and has stats somewhat like LA, can have +5 AC.

LAmk2 is a bit hard to craft - you can't use privat mine + slaves to get tons of gecko hides, so I'd say it's harder to craft them Combat Armor, yet it has stats that make it a really bad choice for most characters (save sneakers and fashion victims like myself). An AC bonus makes this item useable again.

I want to have armors with a bonus so that people don't go troll-nude, risk-free into PvP.

Closed suggestions / AC again
« on: November 12, 2013, 10:36:03 am »
So, armor class sucks. 5 perks, a trait and you end up with a gimped toon that gets hit all the time anyway.

How to make it work?
1. AC affects max. hit chance.
So if one has 30 AC then someone shoting him will at best have 65% chance to hit.

2. AC is caped at 45 (and 0).
There is always at least 50:50 chance to hit. Can't be lower.

3. Static and Dynamic AC.
When you don't move you only get Static AC, if you move you get both.

4. Numbers:
-Agility +1 per point, dynamic
-Dodger +3 per rank, dynamic
-Livewire +1 per Agi, dynamic
-HtH evade, +3 per rank, static
-Kamikaze, +5, static
-Leather Armor +5, static
-Leather Armor mk2 +8, static
-Metal type armor -20, static
-Combat type armor -10, static
-Power Armors -37, static

For armors you only get the bonus if condition>50%, but you always get the minus.
Max static AC: 19
Max dynamic AC: 26
------------------------------- +
Max AC = 45

This way AC is worth something and at the same time we don't get immortal Jinnxed AC trolls

Survival Guides / Re: Blond guide to Fonline
« on: November 10, 2013, 06:57:17 pm »
I've got about 80 screenshots documenting step by step how I'm fallowing my own guide. At this moment, after about 2-3 hours of semi-intensive playing I have two tents (and materials for 3 more), a bank account, level 11, a collection of combat shotguns, armorer I and gunsmith I professions and didn't die once - this is without any help from my alt or other players (even gave one shotgun and armor to someone in NCR)  8)

Closed suggestions / Re: Alcohol rework
« on: November 09, 2013, 07:55:07 pm »
liquer must add rad-resistance
That doesn't make any sense.
There's an urban myth that alcohol  prevents or heals radiation poisoning,   I have no idea if it's true.

Events & Competitions / Re: Newbie guide - contest
« on: November 09, 2013, 07:34:14 pm »

Survival Guides / Blond guide to Fonline [LOT-O-PICTURES WARNING]
« on: November 09, 2013, 07:31:35 pm »
So, You downloaded the client, installed it and read some info on the wiki, but You have no idea on how to start? Fear not, for this guide is for You!

tl;dr -> skip to point VI if you know how to make a valid character.

I. Know Your Gun.
Before You even login for the first time, You need to know what guns You will use. There are a lot of options and choosing a gun is not as simple as picking the one with best stats. Let's first look at the categories we have:

1. Hand to Hand
Some new players make the mistake of selecting HtH/melee for a first character - don't do that mistake. HtH weapons are cheap (like your hands - they are free, can't lose them), but they have no range at all, low damage and usually lack the bonuses that other weapons can gain from crafting. Some people prove that HtH is playable, but it is one of the hardest way to play this game.

2. Throwing
Not as bad as HtH, but still not the best choice. Throwing knifes and grenades are easy to craft and do just enough damage to bu usable. If You really, really, really want to use them You can, but there are better choices.

3. Big Guns
The bad boys in Fonline, some of the most powerful and most used guns are Big Guns. At some point You will want to use them, but not at the start!! You would need blueprints (they cost caps), an advanced workbench (they are in dangerous places or require some time to get access to) and high quality resources (available in dangerous places or in costly private mines). There are low-tire big guns and if you're not afraid of a challenge, then you might start your Fonline adventure as a big gunner.   

4. Energy Weapons
Energy Weapons deal high damage but on the other hand most enemies (and players) have high resistance. The more powerful weapons need rare ammunition (Micro Fusion Cells) and all of them need Electronic Parts to craft - getting them is not always that simple. The extra challenge is getting a profession to craft these -you need to go to some dangerous places and you can lose your caps. Having said that - if you manage to buy the Energy Expert Profession and get some Electronic Parts then you will find the Magneto-Laser Pistols a worthy companion in the wasteland, whether your level 4 or 40.

5. Small Guns
What ever other people say Small Guns are the best guns for first time players. There are a lot of guns in this category, but I'm gonna focus on these few essential ones.
Combat Shotgun
Learn to love this gun, it will be your friend for some 20 levels. Why is is so important?
-good damage
-can be crafted from basic resources (just as ammo)
-acceptable by most traders for a fair price
-crafting it (and its ammo) gives nice amount of experience
-single and burst mode
It's only downside is the low range, but until you gen your gun skill over 150 you will not shot targets from more then 25 hex.
Hunting Rifle
Just as the Combat Shotgun  it is easy to craft, but it doesn't have the damage potential of the former - what it has is range, 40 of it. It is a good sidearm for shooting far away target - if you have the perception and/or skill to shot at far away targets. Once enemies get closer, switch to the shotgun. 

Once you have some High Quality resources and extra caps you can (and should!) use better guns then these two (XL70E3, Pancor Jackhammer, .223 Pistol, P90c). Don't waste your time on crappy guns, there is no excuse for using a Tommy Gun or a Mauser. Just don't.

II. Mad Skillez
So, you know what guns you should use, so tagging Small Guns on your char-gen screen is the first thing you should do. But you still have 2 more skills to tag (tagged are much easier to raise), let's see what to select:
First Aid and Doctor
I put these together because they are similar and almost equally important. First Aid allows you to heal yourself and others, Doctor is for fixing broken limbs. You will lose Hit Point way more often then brake limbs, but since crafting Healing Powder is so simple and cheap you may not need high FA on low levels, but at some point first aid will be the best way to heal yourself. Tagging both of these is not a bad idea.
Science and Repair
Both skills are important if you want to do some crafting (and you want that), Repair is also quite useful on it's own. Both of these skills can be raise with books. If you don't want to make/use Energy Weapons then you might as well ignore Science, but you really should get Repair to 50 (sometimes even before putting points in your gun skill), later on getting Repair to 100 is a good idea, maxing it at some point is also recommended - both these skills max out at 125% so tagging them gives less benefits then say FA or Doc. 
Outdoorsman is an important skill, but You can do well with Outdoorsman as low as 100 and you can buy books to raise this skill (up to a point). With more Outdoorsman you can travel faster and avoid encounters. You don't need to tag this skill, but you need to get it to 100 ASAP.
Lockpick and Traps
Most of the time these skills are not worth the skill points invested in them ... but then again you can find some nice stuff in lockers in urban areas and these two skills are needed to open these lockers. For a first character - ignore and even if you want to use these, don't tag them, you can only raise them to 150% anyway.
You will get more caps from traders for your items, if you have any leftover skillpoint you can dump them here. Don't focus on this skill too much, merchants don't have that many caps anyway.
Sneaking starts working around 200-250%, so it can take a while to see any benefits from using this skill. Tag it and invest in it every level (and get the Silent Running perk) or forget it and never regret that decision - the choice is yours.
There are benefits from owning slaves and having mercs and companions - but for a first character they only steal xp and you need to equip them and care for them - would not recommend.

III.Choose Your Destiny! (...or Traits)
Just a quick look on what we have:
Bloody Mess- no real bonus
Bonehead - more resistant to headshots, -1 int. For PvP characters.
Bruiser - for HtH, don't take it.
Chem Reliant/Chem Resistant- your first toon will not use (much) drugs, don't take these.
Fast Metabolism - not worth much
Fast Shot - can't do called shots, but shoots faster - good if you have low Luck, bad if you want to snipe
Finesse - don't take it
Good Natured -not for first time players
Heavy Handed - for HtH, don't take it.
Jinxed - don't take it
Kamikaze - don't take it
Loner - not worth much, but it's something
One Hander - if you will use Combat Shotgun/Hunting Rifle then don't take this
Small Frame - a good one
Skilled - more skill points less perks, but you can have unlimited skills as long as you keep gaining levels and only a few perks (last on on lv 24). My first character (that I still play) has this trait (and I don't regret it), but I don't feel confident recommending it to others - it will make your character weaker in the end.

IV. That SPECIAL feel...
I will not recommend one build that is best, I'll just point out what is good, roll your own stat
Strength (4-5)
Combat Shotgun needs 5 Strength, no need for more. With less you will have -20% hit chance, but you can live with that, you just need more gun skill. I don't recommend going lower then  4 - you will want to carry some stuff after all.
Perception (6-10)
Perception is good. If you want to use cigarettes you can take 9 Perception and lose nothing. Don't go lower then 6.
Endurance (4-10)
For a PvP character 10 is a must-have, your first character will not be a PvP toon. Put all the point you have left here.
Charisma 1
No choice here, 1.
Intelligence (4-10)
8 is a good number, you can take the Educated support perk and have 23 skill point per level. 10 is not bad for a first character, but 8 is enough in most cases.
Agility 10
Take 10, 9 if you want to drink Nuka Cola all the time. 6 if you must, but really - take 10.
Luck 1 or 10
If you want to make aimed shots - take 10, if not - take 1.

V. Private Parts... I mean Perks!
There is a really good list here:
just pick the perks that allow you to shoot faster and stronger, if you don't know what to take, take Toughness, Lifegiver or Action Boy. Never take Gain X and perks that give you AC, same for throwing and hth perks.

VI. Adventure Time!

This isn't Kansas
You start of in a hole in the ground of some sort, look around and talk to the person you see (there may be more the one). You'll get a quest - do it, most of the time it's just a matter of getting to a city and talking to someone.

Go West! No! Wait, go South!
No matter where you start - go to Junktown. You will die on the way, but that means nothing, but before you leave check where you are.
If you're in NCR:
Buy cigarettes for Buster
Pay back Mira's debt.
If you're in Hub:
Bring a shovel to Dan (go to a brahmin herder for a free shovel)
Lift some caravan boxes
In Junktown:
Bring radscorpions tails for Mark
Doing these quests takes no skill at all and they will get you to level 2 and at level 2 you will get a new quest
A Tent in the Wasteland, do that quest and now you have a tent and some tools. If you can't make these quest or still don't have enough xp for level go, to into the wasteland and look for broc flowers and/or xander roots, press "F" and turn them into weak healing powder.

Set your ten half way between Junktown and the mine and start mining, but first search for some trees to upgrade your campfire and some flint and junk for a primitive bench

Hi-ho, hi-ho!
Mine. Mine as much as you can carry, take it to your tent, turn it into metal parts and gunpowder. Take the metal parts and gunpowder to Junktown and  turn them there into 10mm JHP ammo then sell them for caps. If the trader in Junktown has no caps, then take the ammo back to your tent and go mining again. Repeat until you have gain some levels, raised repair to 50 and got 1500 caps - go to Boyce in Junktown (near the workbench) and get yourself the Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns). From now on you can make Combat Shotguns

American Guns
Get some wood, mine some ore and minerals and start making Combat Shotguns big time. Make 5-6 of them and some 100-200 shells, try to sell them for caps, you need another 1500caps. Hub, Junktown or NCR is your best chance - if you get attacked shoot if you think you can win or run. You need to get to Rondo in NCR with the 1500 caps - if you have the caps but you are in Hub, then put them in the bank - you can pull them out in NCR with no risk. Why do you need to get to Rondo ? - to get Profession: Armorer.

Ride'em Cowboy!
Now you have a tent, guns and ammo and you could craft your own armor. Could if you have all the resources.
For a Metal Armor you need metal parts and alloys - that's not a problem, fibers - get a knife, look in the wasteland for plants, and a Brahmin Hide.
Brahmin Hides can be tricky to get, look for cows around Hub first, but don't use them yet for making armors. Trade some combat shotguns for armors in NCR and use the Brahmin Hides to craft a Folded Tent. The best place to hunt Brahmin is around Modoc and that's the place you will want to setup your second tent. Before you move there, invest all the money you have to buy scouting books in the Hub Library (market district, behind the shop, well both shops).

Sky is the limit
Whatever happens next, now you always have a fast way to make new armors and guns and a place to store them. Keep putting up tents in interesting places, earn caps, do some quest for Gunrunners, buy blueprints, buy a private mine and buy/catch some slaves - play as you want, make items for your other characters, join a gang, have fun.

This works!

So, here are the pictures of me fallowing my own guide, step by step:

...a few posts lower or here:

Toxic Caves / Re: [!] Weapon suggestions
« on: November 08, 2013, 12:06:50 pm »
"Being too similar to existing weapons" is not a valid complaint.
It is. Devs have only so much time, they can use it for adding weapons no-one would use or focus on things that can make this game better.

Closed suggestions / Re: Realtime and Fallout dont mix
« on: November 08, 2013, 10:14:53 am »
Oh, but you can win vs two tb spamers, you just need to be a tb spamer yourself and do the Han Solo (Han shot first!)... but then we end up with One Build to Pwn them All. No fun/don't want.

Toxic Caves / Re: [!] Weapon suggestions
« on: November 08, 2013, 10:05:26 am »
With the new shotgun shells the Punch Gun could be of some use, the rest is in Tommy Gun/CAWS terrain -would not use them.

Closed suggestions / Re: New armor idea (Mk3)
« on: November 08, 2013, 09:59:09 am »
For me the armor system is all wrong. Leather should be dodge/sneak armor.
Metal good vs laser/plasma/explode.
Combat good vs normal/fire/electric.
All of them should have 2 versions - vs critical hits with lower dt/dr and with high dt/dr with no crit-hit protection.

PA would be good vs all but not as good as dedicated armors.

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