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Messages - cirn0

Pages: [1]

Closed suggestions / Re: Development Questions
« on: September 24, 2013, 09:38:25 pm »
Some personal opinions regarding the things in questions:

9 - How do you feel about dual wielding single handed weapons?

10 - Currently, it is all about the numbers as most weapon mechanics operate the same. An example change that would create a notable role diversity is forcing all big guns to walk, like already with the m60, or perhaps forced stationary thus allowing for justifiable changes to the other numbers, ect.

Closed suggestions / Development Questions
« on: September 24, 2013, 09:35:39 pm »
I'd like to consolidate the community efforts by having a clearer understanding of the developers' mindset, plans and philosophies for the FOnline Reloaded project. With that in mind, the community ought to provide better quality feedback and suggestions that coincide within the general guidelines of the developers rather than the current spray and pray of suggestions and speculations.

So for the developers some general questions to answer.

Developer Questions

0. Who are the developers for FOnline:Reloaded and what are their roles? How many of the developers play the game? Who steers the boat?

1. What are the currently being worked on, what is planned and what is on the wishlist for FOnline:Reloaded?

2. What content will you accept from contributors? (Sprites, Scripts, Maps)

3. Are you for or against the preservation of Fallout lore in terms of content being suggested or contributed?

4. Do you follow a conservative or liberal mindset for change in the current system? What are you willing to change, what are you indifferent about, what systems do you like?

Gameplay Questions

5. Do you have any plans for the diversifying the combat roles of small-guns, big guns, EW, and melee?

6. What method do you use to for game-play balance such as weapon or skill changes? Are they balanced with anything specific in mind ( PvP, PvE )

7. Do you believe in transparent mechanics, will you explain if asked a certain calculation or are you for magic boxing things ( either is acceptable )?


PvP Questions

8. Will dungeons be public or private?

Events & Competitions / Re: Lottery giveaway
« on: September 21, 2013, 06:46:45 pm »

General Game Discussion / Re: Sniper Rifle vs. XL70
« on: September 16, 2013, 11:50:29 pm »

Armor can't go into the negatives.  Minimum of 0.

AP ammo for 5mm also have a DT divider of 3.

Sniper Rifle has Long Range (Double perception toHit bonus) whilst XL70 has Accurate (+20 toHit)

Closed bugs / [Mechanic] Hex throws
« on: September 16, 2013, 09:28:30 pm »
Hex throws do not take into account BROF for action point cost.

Hex throwing non-weapon items do not benefit from heave ho.

Closed bugs / [Mechanic] Helmet Radios
« on: September 16, 2013, 09:24:35 pm »
Helmet Radios are not checked for distress call, should it be?

Pages: [1]