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Topics - carnack

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General Game Discussion / Getting banned on irc for no reason.
« on: January 12, 2014, 04:23:30 am »
I am getting constantly banned on IRC. My nick on irc is Ranother. Last time i checked there was 2x my name Ranother and Ranother_ . Is it maybe possible somebody wrote some shit with my name ? I am not aware of any bannable behavior from my side on irc. I use it mostly to discuss game mechanics and for my bartering stuff. There was also another guy getting banned with me so maybe it is possible that somebody has my our IP (I am not IT, sorry dont really know how this works).

Auctions / WTA Bozar 100/100
« on: January 12, 2014, 03:11:54 am »
Starting at : 250K
Min bid : 10K
Buyout : 500K

ending in two days

Since there are a lot of suggestions about this skill i thought we could all focus it in one topic. Pls write your suggestions i will add them to the first post.

My ideas are :

Rework gambling to explorer or cautious. At 300 this skill will let you see enemies 10 hex away even behind walls since you will be able to hear them. This skill will also reduce the damaging of your armor.

Rework reserved to resilience. Simply this skill reduces dmg taken by 15% or 10% at 300.

Closed suggestions / hub safe system
« on: January 10, 2014, 10:26:47 pm »
Well basically the idea is that you can go to hub (or any other city bank or maybe gunrunners) and you could save an item under some keyword. For example you go to the banker you give him 1000 and he will save the item, you tell "ulalala" with say button and he stores your item. Then anybody who comes to the banker ands says ulalala and pays 1000 caps can retrieve that item. This could be used as a mailing system.

Toxic Caves / WTA Pulse Rifle 100/100
« on: January 10, 2014, 08:26:50 pm »
Starting at : 200K

Minimum bid : 10K

Ending in 2 days around this time, exact time will be specified on last day.

Auctions / WTA brutal Black and White helmets bundle !
« on: January 10, 2014, 08:24:45 pm »
not selling separate

Unique Enclave Combat Helmet

Crit Power -1
Fire DT +4
Normal DT+3
Normal DR+9%
Plasma DR+10%

Advanced Brotherhood Brotherhood Helmet

Plasma DR +8%
Laser DR +3%
Laser DT +3
Crit Power -3

Starting at : 40K

Min bid : 5K

Ending in 2 days around this time, exact time will be specified on last day.

Československé fórum / 9 Ghoul - Nábor !
« on: January 10, 2014, 05:25:47 pm »
Zdravim wastelandery, jelikoz uz nas nebavi hrat solo a lovit bednicky, tak jsme se rozhodli ze rozsirime nase rady.

Ve svem core mame momentalne 4 aktivni hrace, kteri hrajou jiz od prvniho fonline serveru. Momentalne mame kolem 30 bazi, pokud joinete budou vam zpristupneny baze na klicovych mistech (kolem 5ti pro nejnizsi rank). Po zasluhach dostanete vyrazne lepsi pristup.

Nasim cilem bude town control, ares, glow, warehouse, new reno arms. Umime vyrobit vsechny dostupne blueprinty a pokud donesete suroviny nebo jinak prispejete tak budete mit pristup k nejlepsimu dostupnemu vyrobitelnemu gearu. Jsme schopni vam vytvorit build ktery vam bude vyhovovat (upraveny pro potreby frakce). Zaskolime vas do zacatku, pomuzeme kdyz bude potreba !

Vyzadujeme :

- zodpovedny pristup
- teamspeak / sluchatka
- ucastnit se alespon 30% 9 Ghoul akci

Na foru muzete kontaktovat tyto lidi : Carnack, Salamander
Ingame : Ranother, Ranbruiser, Ranthug, Ran Ghost, Hooded

Buy / wtb advanced gunpowder
« on: January 09, 2014, 02:03:50 pm »
Wtb advanced gunpowder.
150 caps / piece.

WTA Advanced NCR Ranger Armor

stats :

+Rad Resist +19
+Endurance +1
+Crit Chance -5
+Fire DR +9%

starting at 60K

minimum bid 5K

auction ends 2 days from now, exact time will be specified on last day

Auctions / WTA Unique Turbo Plasma Rifle -1 AP
« on: January 07, 2014, 09:12:39 pm »
Stats :


+Accuracy +9%
+Min dmg +22%
+Max dmg +18%
+AP cost -1
+Crit power +3

Starting at 250K

Min bid : 50K

*edit : forget to add auction end, its tommorow around this time

Suggestions / Random encounter - rare enemies
« on: January 07, 2014, 07:36:33 pm »
Well my suggestion is to add some chance to meet some random enemy (different enemy in different parts of map).

For example :

In some molerat spawning location on world map you could have a very small chance (say 3% or so) to meet molerat king with more hp and more stuff and giving you more xp.

In raider spawning location on world you could meet raider lietenant with better armor and a lot of raiders and he would have advanced or unique weapon.

In super mutant location on world you could meet super mutant (very hard) caravan with a wagon full of some stuff.

This could be implemented on all parts of map and could expand the pve.

Buy / WTB stimpaks
« on: January 07, 2014, 03:06:11 pm »
150 / piece

Auctions / Even more unused flares !
« on: January 07, 2014, 01:48:11 pm »
WTA 5 random color unused flares. This auction will happen in stimpak (normal stimpak - not super stimpak)

Starting at : 400 Stimpak
Min bid : 10 Stimpak
Buyout : 700 Stimpak

Buy / WTT metal or alloy or stimpak (need) for fiber (have) 1:2 !!
« on: January 07, 2014, 08:14:40 am »
Ill give you 2 fibers for 1 piece of metal or alloy in high numbers !

I also need stimpaks so the same offer, ill give you 2 fiber for 1 stimpak.

General Game Discussion / bounty : Brahmins
« on: January 02, 2014, 11:32:11 am »
I hereby place bounty on this player for his behavior in fallout universe.

If you post screenshot of his dead body you will get reward from me.

1st kill : random book that increases skill
2nd kill : random weapon with 80% + quality

multiple kill : random unique item and my eternal gratitude

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