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Messages - Kelin

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Československé fórum / Re: Kooperativní hraní
« on: October 29, 2017, 09:01:11 am »
Nazdar, pokud chcete chodit spolu ve skupině tak musí jeden vodit. Je to jednoduchý, ostatní členové si vůdce skupiny tzv. tagnou, to znamená označí ho jako vodiče (nemá nic společného se slovenským řidičem).
Tady je ilustrativní obrázek:

Až si tě kamarád takhle otaguje, tak se mu nad tvojí hlavou zobrazí šipečka nebo kolečko a pak už stačí až budeš opouštět lokaci aby byl poblíž a ono se mu zobrazí okno, kde se ho to zeptá jestli se s tebou chce vydat do pustiny. Takto můžeš vodit skupinu až o deseti lidech včetně tebe.

Československé fórum / Re: Hra ke stažení
« on: October 08, 2017, 07:30:19 pm »
Hele já se ani k těm hovnům zatím nedostal  :D né fakt jsem teď tú byzy, ale slibuju hned jak budu mít čas tak začnu hrát, vidím to optimisticky na listopad.

Československé fórum / Re: Hra ke stažení
« on: October 07, 2017, 04:59:38 pm »
Nevim proč, ale Kilgore zase změnil linky na soubory. Opraveno.

Československé fórum / Re: Hra ke stažení
« on: April 12, 2017, 07:35:50 pm »
Odkazy na klienta aktualizovány.

Fan Art / Re: Fallout Fan Film - Luck 10
« on: April 01, 2017, 12:06:06 pm »

General Game Discussion / Re: PK and APK: Let's Clear the Air...
« on: February 11, 2017, 09:33:03 pm »
I am so glad people stopped using this silly word Anti-PK and now Henry you show up and try to enforce this term to the newcomers. I think your post is wrong on so many levels that I will try to address at least some of the problems I see in your logic.

This leaves us with a harsher-than-usual environment where bad behavior is mostly unchecked most of the time. So the jackasses here are able to misbehave much more intensely than in other MMOs. The resulting hostile environment is perceived as "harsh", and harsh here is praised. You learn to embrace it or you end up quitting.

What kind of bad behavior? Could you describe what bad behavior is? All I see is a game and if someone is following the game's rules then I wouldn't call it a bad behavior. In your chess example you are assuming one of the guys just breaks the rules and considers it a victory. That's not the case with player killers, they don't break any game rules. Like it or not, this is how the game is designed and this is what this game has always been about. What you are talking about is the gamestyle, some enjoy the game this way, some the other way... and that is perfectly fine. If the game offers such variety, be grateful. Don't judge others because they've chosen a different approach.

You claim that player killers are players using the game to express their real-life hatred or anger. Can you support that claim with some evidence? I bet you can't for two main reasons:
a) it is rather hard to get to the real personalities of the players you play with or against
b) getting some real research done would be really time consuming, ain't nobody got time for that!

Also, over the years I noticed players go through several phases (or milestones). Some can skip some of the phases, if they got some external help like a friend or a team. A phase can take from several days to several years, depending on many circumstances. These are the phases:
1. Getting to know the game - You shovel shit and get eaten by scorpions. That's pretty much it.
2. First tent - You are finally able to stash some of your items. You die less often.
3. First fully-leveled character - Now you feel like a boss and think you can own anyone... with your 137 hp crafter.
4. First solid PvP experience - You finally get to kill other players with build that doesn't suck.
5. Average PvP player - You know all the basics + you spent probably more than 1000 hours in Hinkley or in TC
6. Veteran - You can probably calculate all the builds in your head and know most of the advanced game stuff. At this point you need to work really hard to stay entertained because there aren't many new things to attract you.

Each phase is unique and provides a different game experience. If you move to the next phase, it's almost impossible to go back. You changed and the game changed for you as well. As you can see I consider PvP experience as the top game, if you are stuck crafting in your cave it's totally ok, not everyone reaches the top phases (heck, some people don't even get over the first phase).

I'm trying to illustrate how all the players can live together. If you are new and you get killed by an NPC you don't get mad at it (maybe you do, but hopefully you see the point). Newbies just know there are other players seeking them and trying to kill them. It's like an NPC, but smarter (most of the time) and more challenging. They should embrace the reality, not try to suppress it and rely on the so-called anti-PKs. That's how people get better at this game. If they know they can reach that same level of the guy that just killed them then that's comforting.

If you lose a chess game against Garri Kasparov, would you call him a PK and yourself an Anti-PK? Of course not! Because it's stupid. He is just better and if you try really hard you can be just as good or better (or maybe not).

Never heard of a APK but it seems very similar to a term me and my friends use called "player killer killers" and it seems like the definition is very close...
For some reason, this PKK makes more sense than APK. Even though I probably wouldn't use it myself, I do see that you actually can kill a PK, but that does not make you some kind of a holy warrior.

But do not think that APK means nothing.
Well I do think APK means nothing. Sorry to disappoint you.

Before anyone starts labeling me I just wanna say that my gamestyle is completely irrelevant to this topic. I rarely play this game, however, being called "a PK" or "the bad guy" actually flatters me, although it's so hard to get there because I am such a nice person :>

News and Announcements / Re: FOnline: Battleground
« on: January 24, 2017, 07:56:38 pm »
Yes!! I knew you would, Kilgore... I knew you would put it back online one day  :D

Bugs / Re: Caravan - Super Stimpak Guards on worldmap
« on: November 21, 2016, 08:29:42 pm »
It does work, you just don't see the change. Heal all the guards while traveling and then check their hp right after you enter an encounter, you'll see.

Československé fórum / Re: CZ populace
« on: September 07, 2016, 10:10:12 pm »
Já tu.

The Thunderdome / Re: Khans suck
« on: January 01, 2016, 12:05:20 pm »
Voted. Although it felt like government elections in a communist country  :P

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: August 12, 2015, 09:44:27 pm »
I is logged on char "Blasma Khan", check ip canada,  blasma is dirty murican
Blasma is a Chinese nigger, I insist on that!

Suggestions / Re: change fort hinkly map
« on: June 13, 2015, 03:45:39 pm »
OR... you can make some crazy rule like after 10 minutes of combat make all players on the map visible.  ;)

Closed suggestions / Re: Bring back TC windows
« on: May 30, 2015, 05:36:11 pm »
Just check forum and see how many posts like "give me magic locker with my pixels, pvp is dead without it" are there. Just a bunch of spoiled crybabies that play for loot not for fun.
I just call them jews ;d

Closed suggestions / Re: Bring back TC windows
« on: May 30, 2015, 09:25:51 am »
As a history lesson, what were the other attempts, and why did they fail, what did they lack that TC has?
There have been many variations of Town Control during the past 5 years. Most notable attempts were towns full of OP militia, 30-minute timer, toilet control, domination mode (though it appeared only on paper - was never implemented), visible bases, Base Control in Sierra, Mariposa and Cathedral (still very popular on other FOnline servers, but personally I think it's meh), and most recently Area Controls from AoP which I don't know much about since I played it for like a day, but I don't assume it's different from typical team PvP events.

In my opinion TC works best as a PvP beacon, something that tells your opponents that you are ready to fight and where to find you, thus reward should be just symbolic. The most valuable reward is the prestige.

General Game Discussion / Re: Hello!
« on: April 30, 2015, 09:54:39 pm »
I'd ask players about their view and get 10 different views all disagreeing,  haha. I mostly trusted the maths and fine tuned it with a bit of player feedback.  Never will be perfect but that was how I liked it.
Instakilling grease gun sneakers were the best!! ;p

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