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Topics - blood-dagger

Pages: [1]
Forum Français / quebec :)
« on: December 18, 2013, 02:20:22 am »
si ya du monde de quebec qui joue pis veux sfaire une equipe, sa serrais malade!~

Game Help / best hand to hand weapon
« on: December 18, 2013, 01:26:19 am »
so after fiddling around with my fancy pants unique mega power fists, is there anything better? would the super cattle prod be better?

my unique mega power fist has -1ap 25% min damage 25% max damage and 18% accuracy, which is by far the best ive seen

Game Help / HtH - perks stats
« on: October 29, 2013, 05:27:43 am »
id like to know what exactly are the bonuses of some perks, most of them just say "you will deal more damage" but how much?

Heavy handed : you deal more damage of how much and how dose it reduce your criticals

bruiser : you deal more melee much? or is it just talking about the +4 str??

is it possible to have less then 1 ap? EX: a power fist has 3AP per attack, assuming you have the following : fast shots (-1ap) more HtH attacks (-1 ap) and weapon perk -1ap will have need 0 AP to hit?

Hit the GAPS : dose hit the gaps stack with weapon perkpenetration, if yes whats the newly created value? 1/2?, 2/3?
hit the games : dose this stack with weapon perk knockback?
hit the gaps+knockback+knockdown: is it all possible in 1 hit?

theres one more question, but i need to remeber it, ill edit later :)

Pages: [1]