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Messages - DesertHero

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News and Announcements / Re: SERVER WIPE ANNOUNCED
« on: May 01, 2015, 02:46:24 pm »
So the only way to obtain an Implant as a single person is the Bomb Shelter (unless trading). The Military is hard to solo I guess. At least for not pros ?

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 01/04/2015
« on: March 31, 2015, 10:43:09 pm »
April Fools. Hope tomorrow is a re-roll than... But let's fuckin loot =)

Err did I say anything from removing pvp ? I said for that area no-pvp and no-steal . Just for the "Champions-Area" Otherwise only factions could kill those monster and not all players could participate (They would basically just kill each other). So we have the same old thing as we have it in town control. Which is not for everyone. Basically this shows the problem of the game. There are not enough player or factions. Just about 3 that do this kind of things.

So this is an additional feature. I suggested to improve the team-play not only based on factions. More on creating a party, which is a common thing in every mmorpg but basically doesn't happen here often. Leveling together against monsters or hard enemies. It's only faction based, and than basically pvp and not pve.

So I would like to see more flexible parties who fight harder mobs friendly together. Or at least get a better chance to do so.


yeah there needs more things to be done especially for new players. At the beginning when I tried out the game, just a few weeks ago I thought it's very hard.

- Didn't talk to the first NPC because he was not right were I spawned.  The game should start with him next to you automatically speaking to him to get some basic stuff.
- Lost all my stuff in the arena because of a bug that never got changed as it seems
- Hit a Brahmin in the Hub and got killed, thought I could do this because another player did it but he was just "pushing" it.
- Than I tried some quests to get some exp
- Died often randomly in fights
- Got pvped as a bluesuit while trying to get fibers

Than I read more about guarded towns, crafting and stuff. And almost all the things felt so hard and seemed so clear and easy.

- Leveling was fast and almost safe.
- Quest seemed useless
- PvP seemed the only thing to do if you want good stuff
- But it's very unattractive the same way cos you lose all your stuff while learning. So you need many sets of armors and try out many things. Than I lost the interest even thou I had some stuff but missed the goal of going on.
- Heard about that you can buy implants now and at the moment I have a new goal again.

Matter Fact. The game has no goals which keep me entertained enough. I'm not a pure pvper nor pure miner or crafter. I want to do more things which can give me good stuff or something more addictive.

- "Small" Level Cap 24 Limits the fun of leveling. Since than no HP, No Perks, Only Skill %
- Unique Stuff mostly in TC or New Reno, Warehouse (go PvP or die, "litterly")

So what to do. Cave running. Basically rush in and try to find stuff. Next.
I know it's not easy to create big quests. And I don't have so many ideas but here is a small one I would find cool:

- Spawn a cool Enemy like Frank Horrigan in an "non-Pvp and non-steal zone" so players need to play together and kill this imba creature with 50000 hp or so. If he dies he drops some nice stuff but not just where he stands more spreaded around the area so everyone can catch something. Some unique gatlings and other cool stuff.
The aggro of him should be controlled a bit but I think you can balance it. About his weapon I don't know yet. Needs testing. Maybe strong HtH with K.O or Rocket launcher. Maybe have different builds.

I would like such feature. If he spawns there could be a server message that he is there and player should kill it.  :)

MY 2 Cents. Otherwise it's not only about luring them it's about keeping them playing. If Kilgore has some statistics he will see that many people who register stop very soon I guess. That's a real problem. I know many games will have such a problem but this one is very unfriendly for new users. Of course, it's a wasteland but it could be friendlier to new gamers.

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 28/03/2015
« on: March 28, 2015, 08:25:15 pm »
So Skill is only what you call it to be ?
If one can gather 750k + 100k for surgery and get save to san francisco i guess it's fair than. I find it good so player who don't want to camp in new reno all day or join factions can have something valuable for their time they spend in crafting mining or whatever...

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 28/03/2015
« on: March 28, 2015, 04:51:47 pm »
Thats a good choice. Now as a crafter you get a reward when doing much runs to get caps and can invest it in something useful

Almost as Le Troll said. But I would like to see it more precise.
Like you can find an +1 Luck Crafting Item for Armor or anywhere else which can be added to it.

And than you can apply it to armors like that:
Maybe we can cap that amount like just 2 Specials for 1 Armor or just 2x Damage Resistance or just 2 x AP

1 - Quality (25% chance) (1 Buff can be added)
2 - Improved (12% chance) (2 Buffs can be added)
3 - Superior (7% chance) (3 Buffs can be added)
4 - Advanced (3% chance)  (4 Buffs can be added)
5 - Unique (1% chance)  (5 Buffs can be added)

This would be at least some fun for players and crafters and not just purely luck of what it becomes.

Best Regards


I'm pretty new to the game but I would like to suggest some things. I ever wondered about the economy. Some say it's too much gauss rifles and "unique" stuff around. I personally thing that 90% of the stuff is just lying around in tents and is maybe dead in many accounts. So the first thing which should be really implemented is a shop.

- A player should be able to open his own shop in a safe zone and set prices for items he found or wants to sell. Like you would barter with an npc. He could leave it open overnight so player can come around and spend their caps. I think this would be an advantage for the economy.

Getting good items is very messy. You basically have to craft about 50-100 items if not more to get some good stats you would like. On the other side you go around with it encounter something and maybe get pvped or other. Than you are pissed and doesn't feel like going on for a while.

- Don't let the crafting be based on luck. Give out "materials" which can be used to upgrade your items with things you like. And let every people have a chance to gather that materials and not only the TC-Locker gangs which horde all the good stuff.

That are just 2 suggestions that came in my mind.

Deutscher Sprachraum / Re: Deutsche Faction ?
« on: March 19, 2015, 07:54:24 pm »
Bin auch deutscher. Triqua hab mir ein paar Videos von dir reingezogen :-)

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