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Messages - hotsauce

Pages: [1]
The Thunderdome / Re: Pvp Movies & Screens
« on: September 03, 2017, 03:24:21 am »

RIP Jish, free from his suffering

News and Announcements / Re: 3rd Session Info
« on: September 01, 2017, 07:20:25 pm »
"Players no longer drop carried items on death"  :o This just means items in inventory (caps, drugs, blow up doll..) but equipped armor and weapons still drop eh?

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 01/04/2016
« on: April 06, 2016, 04:34:04 pm »
I don't think looting should be enabled only in PVP areas - the good part of this update was that there was more people were willing to just hop in and fight!  I do agree there needs to be risk of losing something on dying and also there should be some kind of reward for killing in PVP in my opinion.  No loot makes PVM less thrilling yeah.  I'm fine with either full loot / no loot really but hope to see a bit more pvp action in general like in this update.

An idea I had was when ppl died in pvp they would spawn dog tags that could be looted and turned in for caps/gear, and if you die you take a bigger durability penalty or something. 

As for world map, maybe have difficult encounters in certain areas have a small chance to drop rare items to encourage ppl to go one area of the world map - and fighting other players for it.  Also hoping for more incentives to go to northern towns, maybe some lockers like in reno or slags w/ small chances of dropping nice items.

Just some ideas, overall nice to see more pvp, was a fun update of course knowing its not permanent, some good discussion happenin

General Game Discussion / Re: Fonline experience
« on: April 04, 2016, 06:35:08 am »
A good write up Zato - I agree.  I am all for a smaller difference between average joe and top players, as well as making the game easier to learn/understand and PVP more accessible.  To this effect I think first implant should be cheaper, the second/third more expensive.  I think in-game descriptions of perks/items should include specific details, like flat damage on fast shot.  Many weapons could be improved to be side-grades like HK CAWS is boring and flat out inferior to pancor - give it more damage less range, or more damage but requires more re-loads.  Same could be done for M60, assault rifle, FN FAL, 10mm SMG, etc.  Lots of ways to make them different but equally viable choices.

I don't play often but I am eager to see changes in the new update thx for all the work devs and fans!

Suggestions / Re: Reloading Reloaded - Addressing Problems and Suggestions
« on: November 03, 2015, 07:55:33 pm »
Great write up man, good suggestions, hopefully these will make it in!

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