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Messages - RadHead

Pages: [1] 2
Sell / Re: Energy Weapons for sale
« on: December 11, 2016, 11:55:46 am »
3 Gatling lasers 50k each
1 Advanced laser rifle 12k
unique plasma rifle 30k

You need to get a grip on your prices bud  :facepalm

Sell / Re: Ranger's shop Buy more get less
« on: December 11, 2016, 11:54:23 am »
60 junk 40 caps each
154 Electronic parts 25 caps each
2 motion sensors 15k each
Mark Two Metal Mask Blueprint 14k
Rockwell Bazooka Lancher Blueprint 27k
Stimpack Blueprint 6k
Mentats Blueprint  8k
Little Jesus 15k
Alien Blaster 16k

Your prices are far to high man, motion's are 10k ish. Alien blasters are 7k abouts. Little Jesus isn't worth squat.

And lastly, why even try sell junk blueprints this late in the game,???

Toxic Caves / Re: rads from fruit time
« on: December 11, 2016, 11:38:29 am »
could the rads from fruit be reduced from 120 minutes to 120 seconds? like whats the point in getting rads 2 hours after eating it?! i think its small but makes more sense.  :P
This is fucking fonline m8. Shooting a guy in the head with a 44. Magnum doesn't kill them and neither does a grenade. Don't pull the realism card on me.

It would take time for the radiated materials to be absorbed into the body.

So a delayed effect makes sense.

Auctions / Re: WTA 1000 Super Stims
« on: December 04, 2016, 11:21:46 pm »
285k ::)

Closed suggestions / Re: Enclave Base / Locker
« on: November 29, 2016, 12:03:04 am »
Yeah this idea can be easily abused by whomever has the strongest faction in the game at the time, leading to them to be even more powerful with how easily they will be able to get APA after their first one, or second one, or third one and so on.

I would like to see a dungeon near Navarro that incorporates the Enclave as critters to fight. It could be around the same difficulty as Ares, or it would be if the APA Enclave Patrolmen were not paper!  :-X :-X

As for reward, well perhaps a form of magic locker where the chance of T4 is 10% and not 1 or 2%.

Chance for tier 4 is 0.5 I think. And this seems a better idea, just a much harder dungeon with much better loot.

Closed suggestions / Re: Enclave Base / Locker
« on: November 27, 2016, 05:28:15 am »
Things like these benefit large strong teams who are able to finish the dungeon and over time you'll see the strongest team get even stronger with APAs and make the smaller teams cry about it.

Navarro would make a good dungeon but APA thats accessible to mostly the strongest team is problematic


This is what happened with UV and implants, since they were the only live faction for a long time this session.

Intorduce it afew months into session.

Closed suggestions / Re: Enclave Base / Locker
« on: November 27, 2016, 05:27:03 am »
I like this suggestion, we could see huge battles between factions if there were a server announcement. And if we had this then we might see some interesting gameplay.
Right now TC is the largest battle we see unless we have a good flare trap and have some vertis spawn in.

Hell, we could even use an enclave oil rig as a map, or an island. Only way to get there is verti which makes it quite difficult to assemble everyone.

Right now, we dont really have a event that we can use tier 4 against tier 4. Think of the potential for this, it could become an epic of all battles.

The timer idea would need to be sounded sooner, so people have more time to strike the offending team. This could be a huge PvP and PvE experience for the server, it could keep it alive and maybe bring the Time to every Twp weeks.

Just as sharpie said, we need a huge dungeon :D
Guess you don't come to the 15+v10s in Reno
No, but since when have to try so hard for this we would need to bring our best gear at a cost, I mean, the other team cannot have a set of APA!!

Closed suggestions / Re: Enclave Base / Locker
« on: November 26, 2016, 02:35:48 pm »
I like this suggestion, we could see huge battles between factions if there were a server announcement. And if we had this then we might see some interesting gameplay.
Right now TC is the largest battle we see unless we have a good flare trap and have some vertis spawn in.

Hell, we could even use an enclave oil rig as a map, or an island. Only way to get there is verti which makes it quite difficult to assemble everyone.

Right now, we dont really have a event that we can use tier 4 against tier 4. Think of the potential for this, it could become an epic of all battles.

The timer idea would need to be sounded sooner, so people have more time to strike the offending team. This could be a huge PvP and PvE experience for the server, it could keep it alive and maybe bring the Time to every Twp weeks.

Just as sharpie said, we need a huge dungeon :D

Barter / Re: Wtt caps/level books/drugs/t4 for
« on: November 12, 2016, 08:06:07 pm »
What book type?

General Game Discussion / Glowing items
« on: November 12, 2016, 07:58:32 pm »
Where do I acquire them?? How do they work and all, I know about shovels but I saw doc an's auction post from marcher where he was selling all sorts of glowing items. How could I get my hands on some?

Toxic Caves / Re: Earn Wiki Credits!
« on: November 12, 2016, 01:34:23 pm »
Kilgore still hasn't got back to me with the wiki editor details ect.

Sell / Re: WTS T3 /T4 and statted
« on: November 10, 2016, 11:39:03 pm »
Vindicator Minigun 94/100  with 330 ammo  250k SOLD
5x Enclave armor - 95/95 89/100 73/73 99/100 91/96
4x Enclave helmet -  97/97 100/100 100/100 95/95
2x brotherhood armor  62/92  74/74
1x Broterhood helmet - 100/100
Combat Armor MK 2 Unique   - lk + 1  fire dr +7%int +1 carry weight + 11 laser dr + 10% 100/100
Ca Mk2 unique - normal dt + 4 , fire dr 1% ap + 1 int + 1 89 /100
Gatling +1 ap max mg 11% accuracy 14%  crit chance 1 98/100
4 solar scorchers
about 11 gl launchers 6 of them with ap (unique)

You selling solars?

Sell / Re: WTS T3 /T4 and statted
« on: November 05, 2016, 09:18:20 pm »
You selling the solars still?

Sell / Re: t4 shop better prices just ask
« on: November 05, 2016, 03:41:32 pm »
50k for gausse pistols, I'll buy all

Faction Announcements / Re: The Ultra Violence
« on: October 24, 2016, 08:54:49 pm »
Sup I'm rad head, or know as chicken dinner to 'hot shot'.
I have a special build I call the 'the Sunday special' which my character chicken dinner uses lol

Its like a incin tank thing with ability to sneak which is so useful.this is my build after drugs:

My drugs are buf, beer, py, nuk,cigs.
I'm lvl 72 :o

I'll enjoy seeing you on the battle fields comrades.

Pages: [1] 2