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Messages - mkhammer

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The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: December 18, 2016, 05:21:04 pm »
Well I think sooner or later Kilgore will ban you also on that server. Maybe you re helping a lot with some stuff on reloaded, but You bend the rules so much.

And  its so sad that we got in small, fonline community so much cheaters, jerks and people who you cannot trust.

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: December 18, 2016, 04:30:12 pm »

Merry Khristmess everyone  ;D

Can anyone post whole background story? I mean just info without any insults etc

General Game Discussion / Re: To PvP or not to PvP?
« on: December 07, 2016, 11:00:39 am »
Top pk doesn't care about getting t4.

General Game Discussion / Re: To PvP or not to PvP?
« on: December 05, 2016, 11:42:19 pm »
We are the ones who will stay here until the end.
I think if this were the case Bang Bang Smash would still be a faction.  I came back once and remember PVP factions fleeing like roaches from a light when something else opened up leaving only The Iron Hand in control of Wasteland with 5 faction members and no one to fight. I came back again and saw the new gang "The Khans"  doing TB traps around Hub. The only PVP player I remember being online with solid continuity is Seki, but he's on every server. I imagine him as either a computer science engineer, a lottery winner or a guy who lost everything except his mouse clicking finger in the war. Fact is people come in and out due to real life, babies, work, school etc. and it is the easier option of having a group of pvp players fast level you so that they can PVP successfully.

fonline engineer, top kek.

Just dont be jerk and you can play in every team, even if your buddies stopped playin, you can get into the new group. Personally I would never join any top pk team only in case of winning every skirmish.

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: December 04, 2016, 11:04:53 pm »
Is SWAArm over? ;)

That's just a technicality, two different teams with different goals and loyalties where playing together, the tags doesn't matter. Your signature says Social Warriors  ;)

We are one team, with one purpose. That was made evidently clear when people like myself, Troll, and Awgan dropped SW tags and picked up AA ones. We are all loyal to PVP.

But if we are too many for you to fight, maybe you should consider allying with UV?

Np, they actualy did it. The golden rule of "no more allywith Khans" is broke.

GG you won 2 last battles 20 vs 12

Its a lie. We were 23, not 20.

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: December 02, 2016, 03:18:22 am »
People talk about baserape as if it's some kind of taboo... it's part of the wasteland babies! If you don't want your stuff stolen, don't put yourself in the situation where your stuff can be stolen. Idk what kind of pussy admins are on Fonline:2 but here on reloaded, baseraping is allowed. If you get baseraped here, too bad boo hoo.

Stealing characters and deleting them is not so cool. Ye, maybe its not forbidden by the rules, but it's so jerky movement. 

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: December 02, 2016, 02:55:12 am »
Ye Rogues baseraped many players...
on reloaded you play with khans, not rogues

My conscience is clean, I didnt baserape anybody ever.

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: December 02, 2016, 02:20:28 am »
:O Seki still playing after baseraping people on 2 servers?
said guy which is playing with faction which baseraped half of server   :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

Ye Rogues baseraped many players...

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: December 02, 2016, 12:38:05 am »

:O Seki still playing after baseraping people on 2 servers?

Faction Announcements / Re: Looking for faction
« on: December 01, 2016, 04:59:20 pm »

I search faction. My nickname in game is Farmer alt2. I played that game in 2015 after wipe.

Polskie Pustkowia / Re: SZUKAM CZŁOWIEKA!!! WAŻNE
« on: April 21, 2016, 12:05:23 pm »
Będziesz go długo szukał
To jak szukanie szarych komórek w głowach naszych polityków no niby gdzieś są ale dowodów nie ma

Chwalcie słońce!!!

Wysłane z mojego LG-H440n przy użyciu Tapatalka

Co się tak tych polityków uczepiłeś. Mój wujek jest w Pisie, kiedyś był w młodzieżówce pzpr i dobrze się nam żyje. Narzekać to każdy potrafi, a robić to nie ma komu.

Closed suggestions / Re: Open Battleground Location?
« on: April 14, 2016, 06:04:29 pm »
Sierra/ Navarro control? Controlling= fighting with npcs? loot and global message?

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 01/04/2016
« on: April 05, 2016, 06:34:58 pm »
Awgy, I play now roughly almost 3 months - 5-10 hours a day, doing a lot of content, including top pvp. I never seen ANY T4 in pvp action so far. In last 4 days I saw this like OMG, like it would be a common loot. Thats saying something, isn't it?

About playerbase: looking at my guild playerbase dropped from 14 players to 1 (me), rest went to TLA MkII and FOnline2. FOnline:Reloaded statistics clearly show drop in playerbase. There are about 65-70 bots all time* - so, last four mondays and tuesday there were average 105 players, with top 152, and yesterday it was 95 average and 124 top, and today it is 86 average and 117. Which is drop around 40%.

*- which I cant be sure off, but pretty much tested server in almost all hours and when there are 65-70 players online in middle of night, I never meet any player in any location I could think of, and I did it like 10-15 nights).

Typical polish guy. Play all day long and complain about the game.

@@about t4

It tells only that people were hamsters, even those who play this game like You. There is enough t4 on server to fit Your eyes with pvp action, but problem is that those guys who got that stuff are hoarding it to next winter. Shame on them.

Toxic Caves / Re: Szukam Frakcji :D
« on: March 15, 2016, 07:02:21 pm »
Nie no, szacuneczek ludzi ulicy, Sebiksie wyklęty.

Toxic Caves / Re: Szukam Frakcji :D
« on: March 15, 2016, 03:11:40 pm »
Trywializm i prymitywizm wypowiedzi to forma zartu majaca na celu obrazic idiotow wszelkiej masci ktorzy inaczej nie potrafia rozmawiac ja potrafie odnosic sie z kultura ale to nikogo nie bawi a ludzie uznaja mnie najpewniej za elegancika albo ciote wiec gdy w poblizu jest banda idiotow gadaj jak oni a nie bedziesz sie wyrozniac
Jak pisalem lepiej z kims byc i farmic z nim i expic aby ten nauczyl sie samodzielnosci gdy ciebie w poblizu nie bedzie jak kolo bedzie przez 2h zbieral syf z encow to oleje to z miejsca bo stwierdzi "oni mnie jebia i za czarnucha im tu robie"
A co do poprawnosci politycznej to gowno wymyslone po to by moc pozwolic mniejszoscia przejac cudze panstwo lub zeby zdominowac kraj idiotyzmami typu "bialy uderza czarnego rasizm!!! - czarny uderza bialego... Milczenie"
Prawda jest jedna i taka mamy wlasny kraj jestes tu gosciem i sie tak zachowuj albo wynocha
Chciaz generalnie przemoc werbalna wobec pewnych grup spolecznych jest zbedna i buduje okrutne stereotypy
Jednak bez nich zalalo by nas cyganskie i islamskie scierwo gwalcac nasze dziedzictwo mam dosc kretynow ktorzy mysla ze ci ludzie sa ofiarami w wiekszosci to oprawcy w czewie mozna dostac wpierdol od 2 jebitnych nicponi jak niezabulisz malemu cyganowi na pks
Moja wiedza pozwala mi na stwierdzenie ze poprawnosc polityczna to debilizm jak "rownouprawnienie dla kobiet ale wciaz udezenie jej jest zle"
No kurwa zlazisz z piedestalu to masz w pysk takie jest zycie
Watpie zeby wiele osob zrozumialo ten wyklad na temat degradacji intelektualnej spoleczenstwa i coraz blizszego upadku inteligencji (kiedys inteligentnych sie szanowalo dzis sie szykanuje slowami nerd frajer kujon z czego idioci ktorzy ich urzywaja nawet nie znaja ich znaczenia)
Przepraszam za ten przydlugi post z ktorym malo kto sie zgodzi
A i tak pisze BB's wiec nie mysl do przodu mister wiem do czego pijesz a to czy sie czyta przez "s" czy "k" ma zaleznosci jezykowe (idz na kurs czy cus to sie nauczysz):D

Chwalcie slonce i krzyczcie slawa!!!

Wysłane z mojego LG-H440n przy użyciu Tapatalka

Widzę przygotowania do matury idą pełną parą. Zasób słów, interpunkcję i sposób budowania zdań masz już opanowane dostatecznie dobrze biorąc pod uwagę poziom intelektualny ogółu podobnych osobników, więc uzyskanie 30% z egzaminu z języka polskiego nie będzie stanowiło dla Ciebie problemu.

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