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Topics - mkhammer

Pages: [1]
Toxic Caves / Re: Szukam Frakcji :D
« on: March 14, 2016, 07:29:12 am »

Toxic Caves / Re: Kolejne zwłoki do przewalania
« on: January 27, 2016, 07:45:24 pm »
Może nie wyraziłem się zbyt jasno. Nie zauważyłem żadnego polskiego gangu, który byłby nastawiony nie tylko na same pvp. Chodzi mi o coś typu ala NCR czy Junktown Scouts z fo2. W sumie autor nie określił się, jaki tryb rozgrywki preferuje.

UV nie polecam, w większości podludzie z zaburzeniami psychicznymi i rażącą nieznajomością języka angielskiego i polskiego.

Events & Competitions / Reno Gangs Event
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:45:30 pm »
So, while playing Mafia and getting chilled of out FOnline I've had an idea, but this may need help of GM to copy the location of New Reno.
The idea is pretty simple, we go back in time to those which fallout took the origin, tune it a little down - make a Player vs Player event which would include "ganster weaponary", such as:
- Spiked Knuckless/ Louisville slugger
- Molotovs
- Tommy guns/Grease Guns
- Sawn off Shotguns
- We don't have Colt's here so we take Revolver/Deset Eagle
- Leather Jackets/CLJ
I could provide the stuff & ammo, random quality would be given.
Characters would be 1st level with eaten the books for SG/FA for more accuracy (this may be discussed).
Is anyone interested in such thing?

Bugs / Door unlocker abuse.
« on: September 29, 2015, 05:14:01 pm »
Pretty simple to reproduce - get closed/locked doors, order follower to get inside the room, he'll open the doors, it worked on special encounter, gotta check on the other doors.

Off-topic discussions / Topic about islamic immigrants
« on: September 10, 2015, 11:42:37 am »
I would ask some people from other countries like France, Germany etc, how it works in Your region.

For example people in Poland don't like that idea to save islamic immigrants from Syria, beacuse we got so many problems with Polish people on Ukraine. In addition to that people are scared of them and dont believe that they will work normaly like other citizens.

Toxic Caves / Re: Interfejs
« on: September 04, 2015, 11:34:15 am »
Kradzież to słaby skill do gry mmo. Wiesz czemu? Był tylko wykorzystywany do abusowania, bądź wkurzania innych graczy. Nie wiem co to za dawanie frajdy skoro 9/10 się wkurwi, a jeden będzie się dobrze bawił.

Następna rzecz, powracasz do altów. Nie wiem czy zauważyłeś, ale twórcy serwerów starają się odejść od tej idei, gdyż to to już było i też wkurwiało.

Wydaje mi się, że powinien pojawić się podwieszony temat na polskim subforum z problemami 2238. Niech ludzie sobie poczytają i nie duplikują poronionych pomysłów.


Toxic Caves / Re: Riot Team
« on: August 14, 2015, 01:17:38 pm »

Czego oczekujemy od zgłaszających się?
- mikrofonu + TS,
- własnego stuffu,
- dojrzałości,
- doświadczenia w PVP,
- gotowe alty do zrellowania (Najlepiej 2, jednak na sam początek może być jeden +40 poziom),
- zaangażowania i komunikatywnośći,
- mile widziani gracze, którzy nie grają obecnie na Reloaded, jednak posiadają doświadczenie z poprzednich sesji/2238.

Czysta hipokryzja, jak można wymagać od kogoś dojrzałości, jeżeli samemu jest się płaczkiem, który wyzywa wszystkich wokół.

Wszystkim grającym polakom odradzam współpracę z tym osobnikiem.

Toxic Caves / Re: Changelog 02/07/2015
« on: July 02, 2015, 09:17:26 pm »
Jet, psycho, buffout and super stim <- no graphics

Use Updater to download file.

Important use brain.

Closed suggestions / Introduce apa
« on: June 27, 2015, 03:22:21 pm »
Introduce apa set into game with same stats like pa or hpa, also in special encounter(maybe new special encounter if there is already good map made).

Game Help / armor detoriation
« on: June 21, 2015, 09:45:30 pm »
How armor detoriation works?

I noticed when my armor is below 50 % i receive more dmg. Is that true?

Closed suggestions / New drugs
« on: June 14, 2015, 10:17:23 pm »
How about introducing rare drugs like Vodoo or red nuca cola for rambo fights?

I mean those drugs could give -7 pe,-30% chance to hit and +5% movement speed and some resist maybe +5 % to all or faster ap regen? Duration time 5 minutes.

Lets disscuss about it.

Closed suggestions / Ability to heal ko without medic perk
« on: June 09, 2015, 05:48:42 pm »
Nobody takes medic perk, people are just lying on ground sometimes for 20 seconds. Maybe 50 % chance to heal ko with at least 100% doc skill.

It would provide more teamplay.

 Whats Your opinion in that point?

Suggestions / Add Random bosses
« on: June 05, 2015, 08:51:57 pm »
My suggestion is to add rare bosses into dungeons like sierra, ares, warehouse, glow.

I mean those npcs would have better RANDOM resists, so one day it will be almost immune to flamer or energy, another day to normal etc.

Respawn would be very rare like special encounters are now.

Killing that boss would provide getting achievement, something like +1 extra healing rate, +1 hp, +3 flat dmg vs deathclaws, enclave patrols<-- just something symbolic, not breaking balance in pvp. Bonus would be given only once.

Those npcs would have large variety of loot like weapons, drugs, armors maybe ammo or caps, not t4. Simple harder bosses (enclave general or BoS paladin or even Frank Hooligan) would give better loot, easier(ghoul Harold, Kaga ) worse loot.

Boss would stay in location for maximum hmm 30 minutes?

Lets talk about that idea.

Suggestions / Daily Tasks
« on: June 04, 2015, 02:50:30 pm »
Implement daily tasks for :

-collecting items
-use something item/repair/science on something in different location.
-add Your idea for task

Restrictions :
lvl ?

Where task can be taken?

In north Cities.

Reward for it should be unique, maybe reputation points. If you got xxx points you can obtain unique item(idk which yet), maybe new achievement,ability to buy somthing epic.

This feature is good and already implemented in many games.

Game Help / Help plx
« on: May 30, 2015, 01:06:43 pm »
I got one question, i would like to see 100 % correct answer.

How does crit work with burst damage?

It is same like on fo2? I mean if for example 1 from 38 bullets  from avenger(hexing dmg) is critical then i will get extra bonus compared to that bullet?

I heard many versions like if half of bullets that reached target are critical then whole burst is critical or when first bullet that reached target is critcal then we got critical hit in log.

I would like to see which is correct one.

Also second one how anti crit in armor works?

Is that correct when attacker received critical shoot to his target and target got ca mk2 so he got 10 % chance to turn that critical into non crit?

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