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Topics - Desert Mutt

Pages: [1]
Closed suggestions / Ages old topic: TB vs RT - disable TB, improve RT
« on: December 24, 2014, 01:36:43 am »
A very provocative.

The suggestion is:
#1 Disable TB mode.
#2 Allow exiting random encounters (and only random encounters) even if RT combat timer is on.

#3 Start improving RT:
jus few examples from the top of my head:
 1) add hotkey for Move. (currently we have only hotkey for attack - A, and you have to cycle the mouse state if you want to move)
 2) .. potentially movement speed could be updated to be according to agility or action points.
 3) change attack animation speeds to scale with AP cost per attack

Closed bugs / [Mechanic] One-hander
« on: September 26, 2013, 05:33:36 pm »
One of the latest updates has nerfed one-hander.
Expectation was to enable or move +5 dmg bonus to one-handed weapons, but currently what i observe is that +5 dmg got just removed, thus making one-hander almost useless (unless you are 1 ST heavy Jet user). :O

Closed bugs / 80's carry .223 ammo instead of .22
« on: September 11, 2013, 09:53:52 pm »
There are guys in 80's group that use hunting rifles, but they have wrong ammo in their inventory.

Closed suggestions / Make more NPCs drop cigarettes and nuka.
« on: September 10, 2013, 12:28:08 am »
We need more NPCs that have those items.
Currently no one is dropping cigs.
I suggest add cigarettes to Khan Raiders, Mobsters, Mercenaries and Highwaymen.
Currently only peasants carry nuka. Would be nice to add it to other NPCs as well, like Yakuza, Moonshiners, Bootleggers.

Closed suggestions / Double the rate of encounters.
« on: September 09, 2013, 01:44:42 am »
I'm getting tired a bit, was walking through previously dangerous areas of the map (mountain areas west, south west from Boneyard). I was able to slowly move through 9 squares on average with my 70% outdoorsman before I get asked or pulled into some encounter.

If you try hunt for something (geckos, slaves, various kinds of walking XP) that makes it very time consuming as you depend on encounter rate.

Closed suggestions / Merge Speech and BArter into Negotiation skill.
« on: September 07, 2013, 02:20:00 pm »
Melee and Unarmed have been merged into close combat.
I propose to do the same with two other semi-useful skills: Speech and Barter.
This will actually make tagging this skill somehow useful for certain types of characters.

Closed suggestions / Speech, Charisma and Party Points
« on: September 07, 2013, 02:16:02 pm »
I suggest:
- Limit Speech to 125%
- Give +1 party point for each 1% of speech.
This will free up some skill points for more useful skills like FA or OD.

This will make playing slaver type of a characters to be less pain in the butt, as for getting more than 2 slaves you require to have mercs or companions (waste of money and waste of skill points  on speech skill) and in order to transport all this party you need a lot of CH and/or drugs (mentats are not cheap). All this give a dilemma - you either gimp your character to the point where it can not really do stuff alone or you stick to 2 slaves per go. ...

If we could stick to CH having greater influence on determining your party size (let's say +30 PP instead of 10) - CH wouldn't be such a waste of stat.

If I kill player wearing any kind of armor and then I see no armor present in their inventory when I loot the body, however if I wait for corpse to disappear armor is dropped on the floor.

Is it feature of the server?

Game Help / How does science work on this server?
« on: September 04, 2013, 05:20:58 am »
I have 125% science and dismantler.

Crafted x14 10mm pistols. Resources invested: 70 parts, 14 wood , 14 alloys.
After dismantling all of them I got resources received: 13 parts, 1 wood, 4 alloy.

Science is sh**t not worth the investment.

Character has LK1 if that matters.

Items found in caves should have buffs (like crafted ones) as very often you kill everything and everyone to clean the cave only to find almost broken regular scoped hunting rifle or magnum revolver... I get better loot from NPCs living in cave...

This tiny change would make caving a bit more exciting and will give possibility to non-crafter builds to obtain buffed items.

Currently the only more or less good place to find brahmins is few squares around Modoc (makes it a place for PKing noobs trying to collect brahmin hides).
Getting something around NCR or Hub doesn't make sense as you most likely will spend alot of time trying to encounter brahmin there ... and when you have finally encountered some - there  are not that many of them there.

I propose:
+ add more squares on map where you can find brahmins (somewhere where you have non desert type of the terrain, mostly central, central north and north east parts of the map or whatever...)
+ add more brahmins per encounter (6 - 14)

Closed suggestions / Increase amount of resources you find on the map.
« on: September 03, 2013, 11:17:14 pm »
Getting tired of finding mostly 2 junks per encounter, this is a huge time waster.

I propose double or even triple or quadruple amount of resources you fing in the encounters.

This will also make life of the newbies much more easier (if it is easier to obtain basic stuff there will be less butthurt if you get PKed on lower levels).

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