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Topics - Psonix

Pages: [1]
Polskie Pustkowia / Vertibird i wymuszone spotkania na mapie świata
« on: September 20, 2013, 08:22:40 pm »
Czy to normalne że jak latam Vertibird-em po mapie świata to nie moge uniknąć konfrontacji z mobkami ? Sądziłem że jak latam śmigłowcem to moge ominąć grupe szczurów .... ale widać nie  :o. Może to jakoś przybliży wam moje odczucia z całego wydarzenia:

Game Help / Energy Wepons - is it worth it ?
« on: September 02, 2013, 04:00:54 pm »

I was thinking about creating a character using energy weapons and i was wondering if there is a good way to farm electronic parts (EP) ? I noticed that u can't farm them in a secure location like for Small Guns or Big Guns. Even in low level place like V 15 there are mobs and raiders and they are trying to kill you once they spot you. Not to mention other players who will most likely try to kill to collect your electronic parts, that u gathered for some time >:(. And there are only 2 computers from where u can get EP which makes faming it both RISKY and SLOW :-\.

In short, I'm asking for some hints how to start playing a char using EW ;).

Thanks  :)

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