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Messages - Slowhand

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General Game Discussion / Re: Journal of the Officer
« on: October 01, 2017, 05:59:56 pm »
Good writing Bella, you should write some quests :)

Suggestions / Re: Pipboy quests stats
« on: October 01, 2017, 01:04:19 pm »
NOTE: Just to avoid possible confusion, anything I say, does not represent the Reloaded dev team or this server. What I work on I share with them and everyone else in the FOnline community, usually on this forum as a suggestion and on

Quest tracking part lacks a lot. However I'm working on some UI updates, including a Quest Tracker. ETA this Christmas. Assuming that Reloaded decides to use it and they don't make one before that, you'll have it after that time. But generally I agree, that COROSIVE needs to fix his shit! I'm stuck at main quest as well because I lost track of what to do and where :( This made me realize, that the tools in this game is a big factor in new player retention, hence the let's improve the UI idea. Once I saw Fallout 1 again, downloading for free on steam, I realized this version is way ahead in functionality, but yet, so far away from any decent MMO. (Here I mean functionality and not the isometric view and other prehistoric tech.)

On this topic any suggestion is welcome for my little project, right now I am aiming for generic tools that can be configured, but let's say a static, first version would include:
- Active/Repeatable/Completed/Failed tabs, which blink when you receive a quest update. Clicking on these tabs would expand them, clicking again would contract them to header, and you can use a key to turn it off or on.
- Still thinking about resize, but it will definitely have a move and save location/state feature. By state I mean Off/Header/Expanded.
- All the quests would be sorted by location, think of it as a directory structure in windows, where if you click on the folder or '+' icon, it expands and shows the contents.
- I think at this point it's best to leave the pip boy mechanic and change to a better design code wise, but that means the more quests a server currently has, the more the writers have to work to update it for the tracker.
- I also think a more pop-up like feature is needed, like in Fallout 3, when you get the quest progress on the side of your screen for a few seconds.
- Draw elements will be used from interface folder and can be configured from ini, so people who use other skins, like that blue/black evil interface that I assume most people use, can merge the themes.

Current progress:

Other IU updates I think are needed for this game are:
- Party/Clan chat: (Say what you want about immersion, that radio thingy sucks.) Be able to private message/ add as friend / add as ignore players via a pop-up menu from chat tab, just like any decent MMO.
- Reputation/Karma tab, so you see when you gain or loose reputation, and how much.
- Replacing of most hard coded UI's, for example the inventory, so one is able to see more stuff in their inventory screen, be able to see both body and head armor stats same time, etc.

News and Announcements / Re: Fallout - free on Steam
« on: September 30, 2017, 08:04:38 am »
Play Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game
FREE until September 30th at 11:59PM Pacific Time

Don't miss it!

Suggestions / Re: Some thoughts
« on: September 29, 2017, 06:15:36 pm »
Read Nice_Boat's post that I quoted, you will understand.

Did, nothing explanatory there. OP and you use the phrase to express your frustration, nothing that would give valuable feedback, at least, not to me.

I play and level casually and got no problem with it at all. Know I do not, but reading this forum I think the vets complain most, since they are spoiled having hundreds of level on each of their characters and using only the best equipment.

If you read carefully, the nerf I suggested adds more spice than actual material or XP nerf to that particular quest, or any other where failure would have a consequence. Game needs variety, failures need to have some kind of consequences for PVE to be more enjoyable for those who like it, also performing better should have better results. There are a lot of other factors that need improvement or introduction, but don't want to write a short essay for you, this is not the place for it.

Suggestions / Re: Some thoughts
« on: September 29, 2017, 05:31:03 pm »
2238 Stockholm syndrome

I think that's what you have, Slowhand.
I have a better idea. Instead of nerfing more quests, buff the quests you nerfed to shit already.

Thank you for your consideration.

what is that syndrome and why do you think it's related to me?

Suggestions / Re: Some thoughts
« on: September 29, 2017, 12:37:50 pm »
Mutie quest op? wut its only worth time doing quest right now

Mutie quest is OP in rewards compared to other quest, but a nerf should not necessarily include rewards/loot nerf. It could be nerfed in the way it works and that would be an actual enhancement for PVE.

As I mentioned before, with full loot gone, PVE should be at least harsher now. The only way you can fail the mutie quest is loosing the package, which is almost impossible.

I suggest the following:
- Have the quest fail if you die, loosing all the stuff you invested, car/items you had on yourself as the location gets deleted.
- If you fail quest, you receive 3 days CD instead of 1 on success, and loose reputation with GR.
- Have a timer for quest, where you only get the option to choose the rewards if you finish in less than 30 minutes.

As you see all if these are nerf, but not the type where doing or trying to do the quest is not worth it.

If its possible to make transparency and no roof on start too ?

I do not know that. If it's part of the 'new' engine, then probably hard coded and not worth the trouble, if it's a reloaded feature, then most likely yes.

If you have ideas about QoL changes feel free to post them, maybe they are a quick and easy change, who knows.

Just in case someone didn't know how...

Find this in "Reloaded.cfg" file:


and add these:


Now you don't have to press F7 and F9 each time you start the game.

Would be a nice QoL improvement to put this into next client, or have it auto save. I did the code on ReloadedV2 it's 2x 4 lines.

Suggestions / Re: Some thoughts
« on: September 28, 2017, 01:28:15 pm »
PVE death and usage deterioration is good imo. I never run out of stuff basically, even with LK 1, having weapons blow up in my face sometimes. Note: I use Fast Shot spammer, that I believe is more cost efficient than most builds, at least on amo and weap deterioration.

Leveling to 30 is not that hard nor slow, unless you gimp yourself in every way possible, like Jinx, only melee, etc. Don't know about further, but you can have a decent character by 30 that can both craft and fight. What's the aim here, level 150 in 3 weeks after wipe? If you chose a 1 IN build, well, live with the strain, your choice.

Bullet repartition is strange, sometimes I miss target and hit another one instead, like 45 degrees to the right or left of original target.

+ Gun runners Mutie quest is too OP in rewards/loot, do that every day, it's quite fast, and your wealth is ensured.

Character builds / Re: Sniper Build
« on: September 28, 2017, 12:54:11 pm »
i dont think that better criticals is worth it for fastshot spammer on this server

Better Criticals makes all the difference for Fastshot spammer. And this with low LK and without high end weapons, like Plasma Rifle.

I made a leveling/PVE build, as always:

6 ST, 8 PE, 8EN, 1CH, 6 IN, 10 AGI, 1LK
Fast shoot/Fast metabolism
Energy Weapons/Big Guns/First Aid

Took: (if I remember correctly)
3. More criticals
6. Even more criticals
9. Sharpshooter
12. Better Criticals
15. More Ranged Damage
18. Bonus rate of attack
21. More Ranged damage
24. Even tougher.

I can say that Better Criticals with Sharpshooter made all the difference in PVE. With Fast shot perk, every second shot was a crit, and after these 2 perks, I got to one shot 1 centaur each encounter, using Laser/MagnetoLaser pistols. In case of high laser resistance I use M60 or LSW.

Before Bonus Rate of Attack Laser Riffle was best, unfortunately I got one too late, Plasma pistol with 5 shots per turn rocks, you usually do around 300 dmg per turn only with normal crits (no max roll 200 dmg ones).

LSW is to expensive, I can't craft it + I choose CA from mutie quests, but LSW would be best dps on 2 burst per turn.

I play TB for old times sake.

I think crit chance is added to fast shot, when it randomly does aimed shot, but also the aim penalty, hence the misses at start. LK 1 makes you loose weapon a few times, but for a first character, I wouldn't ditch ST or IN.

At level 28 with max books, I got 125 lockpick, 100 repair, 100 science, 180 EW 150 BG, 100 outdoor, 100 FA, 25 doctor (use paramedics bag since no drop lol)

Hp is low, but I don't PvP at all, for PVE is good enough: 169

Note: If you have access to plasma or other damage type weapon, don't think BG tag is required.

Bugs / Re: loner perk and my follower
« on: September 23, 2017, 09:02:03 am »
epic thread title though  ;D

General Game Discussion / Re: How honest is hit chance marker?
« on: September 23, 2017, 07:20:16 am »
What about changing fastshot hit chance to always count as unaimed even when it rolls aim to avoid confusion ?

I think fastshot is OP already. At least for me.

I did also have noticed that sometimes I miss for 3 times in a row at 95%, while getting the skill to higher level solved these issues.

News and Announcements / Re: 3rd Session Info
« on: September 14, 2017, 11:42:36 am »
No drop feature serves great purpose to loners, small groups, casual players and madmax wannabes, struggling to gather some decent gear, and these support it.
No drop feature bothers organized groups with loads of spare gear everywhere, participating in massive (20-30+ people at once) fights, including TC, and these are against it.

So bearing in mind technical problems that may occur and necessary testing, to keep as much people as possible happy no drop could be removed while TC fight is going on in town and/or in certain locations, purely designed for big organized groups. Removing it completely from unguarded towns will result in same old story again - deserted locations barely anyone visits.

It's the opposite.

I'm a loner and a casual, yet no drop does not serve me. No drop serves those who don't like full loot, but I do like it, even if I loose more than gain, if I gain at all. The suspense has been integrated out of the game for me.

No drop should serve organized groups with lots of spare gear everywhere much more, as they get more fights and less gear, but since they got lots of gear, that's not an issue.

Regardless, this full loot change is only a switch if I am correct, the real changes were the content added, and that, due to the nature of the game and the players who plays this, cannot be upheld, like it takes 2 years to generate content for 1 week ~ 1 month, only for people to cry about a switch: No drop.

Closed bugs / Re: Reno sewers Npc dont give Xp
« on: September 13, 2017, 03:56:53 pm »
If you mean these guys, I checked the code of Reloaded S2 and they should give 550 or 650 XP per kill. Their XP is set in "\server\proto\critter\docan_critters" -> 854, 857, 858

Maybe it's a new issue?

News and Announcements / Re: Server rollback & maintenance mode
« on: September 12, 2017, 02:54:48 pm »
Quote from: DEV
It's impossible to say when exactly, because it needs to be triggered by one of you...or certain special circumstances.

Quote from: PLAYER
Just don't play until it's resolved to avoid more annoyance.

Game dead.

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