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Messages - juniorkm7

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Tools and Modifications / Re: Pure Evil Interface v14 by Doctor Eex
« on: November 12, 2013, 05:16:10 pm »
I am trying PEI v16, but also tried other and I can't run the game using it... Have instant crash with window saying to send crash dump...

Any ideas how to solve the problem? I would like to try PEI.

Game Help / Re: BoS faction terminal
« on: November 07, 2013, 06:44:03 pm »
Go to San Francisco to BoS building and resign there.

Polskie Pustkowia / Crippler - czy ten build da radę?
« on: November 07, 2013, 12:54:26 pm »
Myślę nad stworzeniem cripplera o następujących parametrach
SPECIAL 4/10/4/1/2/10/10
Traits: Small Frame/Finesse
Tags: SG/FA/Outdoor

3 More Critical
6 Even More Critical
9 Weapon Handling
12 Sharpshooter
15 Better criticals (wzięty na 16lvl bo brakowalo SG)
18 Bonus Rate of Fire
21 Quick Pockets
24 Right between eyes

Czy taka postać ze względu na duży zasięg 56 hex i bycie cripplerem ma jakiekolwiek szanse w PVP na TC i nie tylko? Minusem jest 113HP na 24lvlu co czyni postać słabiutką.

Ewentualnie myślałem o innym trochę profilu SPECIAL: 3/10/10/1/2/10/5 Reszta buildu byłaby bez zmian. Czy crippler mający 5Luck nie straci swoich cennych właściwości? W tym wypadku ten kompromis dałby 190HP na 24lvl.

Proszę o opinie czy ktoś grał takiego typu buildem oraz wskazówki bądź gotowe buildy cripplera które doskonale sprawdzają się na TC :)

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 30/10/2013
« on: October 31, 2013, 08:31:37 am »
Will you add in future color combat armors and fixboy with better functionality?
Sooner or later Desert CA (and new encounter type) will be added. Animations are already included in game client.

Fixboy is still waiting for someone who'll make it.

Isn't FOnline open source? Can't we simply copy fixboy from FOnline2?
What about blue, red, yellow combat armor? Will you add them in future?

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 30/10/2013
« on: October 30, 2013, 10:16:59 pm »
Will you add in future color combat armors and fixboy with better functionality?

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 28/10/2013
« on: October 29, 2013, 09:21:27 pm »
Although I don't post a lot on the forum, after this update I have to write some words because I think it goes not the way as it should...

First thing about weapons - great job! The LSW is now more balanced weapon. Better types of shotguns now are usable.

Secondly about BPs - it is great to be able to buy needed BP. I would recommend also to add CA MKII and Turbo-Plasma BPs. Those items are not so far better than MKI and P94 and it is pointless to not be able to craft them. Instead of them in TC lockers we could find more PA/BoS CA/Enclave Armor and simply craft the stuff mentioned above but with higher ingredients requirements...

I have also suggestion or two before I go to the main point of this post.
As far as I know FOnline is open source. There is a game - fonline2. It is worse than Reloaded imho, but it has 2 things which you could copy Kilgore. First is their fixboy (more ergonomic and with types of items to craft) - link:
Second thing, which you could copy from FOnline2 are colourful CA like this one: (it is blue), there is also desert color etc. It would be nice to add more colours (maybe as unique in TC/lockers or simply to craft) It would make the game more interesting when in PvP we could see many colors of fighting fractions.

The main point of this post is ECONOMY
The clue is that we have huge inflation in the game and prices are rising very fast. It is caused by some elements:
- money appears in shops and people take it selling crap/ammo/sources. This fact causes them to have lots of money and other players know about it also. This leads to lowering the value of money in the game... (Typical inflation - look for good examples from history what happened when money was printed to cover the demand). I think that it should be changed in some way of BitCoin philosophy where ammount of money is specified and is in move. There should be also other instruments like giving from 3 to even 10% interest rate for blocking money for longer period in FLC.
However this idea can be useless considering the size of community and lack of such area like Investment, Labour etc... We can discuss it on PM/chat but there is another, much easier idea:

1. The problem of very high prices of rare items can be repaired with limited economy, making them a bit more available to get or simply to be able to buy them from vendors for high price (e.g PA for 200 000 caps will block the price on this level.)
2. Each item should have calculated price to value - eg. metal parts, ammo should be cheaper. When you think about some prices there should be balance - ammo is easy to produce so to get PA from shop you should work 5h of real time to trade ammo on it.
3. Other type of supplying economy with caps - they shouldn't appear from time to time in shops. There should be system known from Fallout Tactics BoS quartermaster. You give items you want to sell and get those you want to buy. If you are selling items with higher value than you want to buy - you get the rest in caps.

I don't know anything about writing scripts, but if you want me to help with calculating value I will do it. PM me for details :)

I hope that by sharing opinions and involving as a community in developing this game we will make it better and giving even more fun :D

Polskie Pustkowia / Re: Pytania i odpowiedzi
« on: October 20, 2013, 08:07:14 pm »
Dlaczego została usunięta możliwość craftowania Combat Armor Mk2 czy na przykład turbo plasma rifle?

Closed bugs / Gunrunners courier job cooldown bug
« on: October 19, 2013, 02:02:09 pm »
As I talked with BlackRock the courier job cooldown after missing package should be 1h.

I wanted to take courier quest yesterday about 15:00. I got message that they don't want to give the quest. About 20:00 I reported the problem that I still can't get the quest. Today I still can't take the quest. BlackRock asked me to publish the problem here.

I hope that I helped :)

Polskie Pustkowia / Re: Jaką postać na początek
« on: October 07, 2013, 11:08:06 am »
Ja mam pytanie odnośnie siły
Dlaczego ludzie często jako postać do SG proponują ST 3? Jak widać w rozpisce broni na wiki to większość SG wymaga 5 lub 6.

Czy opyla się dla postaci będącej slaverem poinwestować w inne staty a dać tylko 3 siły typowo tylko pod Magneto-Laser Pistol jeżeli mam rację co do siły i jest minimum 5-6 do SG?

Closed bugs / Re: FO2238Config won't open
« on: October 01, 2013, 07:17:57 pm »
It shouldn't open. It is remain after old FOnline 2238. You have to use FOConfig.

Game Help / Re: A slavery guide for newbies by newbie by Palid
« on: September 30, 2013, 08:56:13 am »
I don't know why option to dig minerals in public mine doesn't work for me...

I bought 2 slaves in NCR (1000 caps each) and lead them to NCR mine. In dialogue there is no option to dig...

Any ideas how to solve this problem?

Could anybody from staff can confirm if the books about first aid and doctor skills will be fixed? It is very important for my build and I don't know if I have to wait for them or to use skill points...

Polskie Pustkowia / Re: Pytania i odpowiedzi
« on: September 22, 2013, 12:09:06 pm »
W co lepiej inwestować traity?
Jako 1 biorę Small Guns, 2 Outdoorsman no właśnie a co wziąć jako 3?
Myślę nad: BG, EW, Sneaking, Traps

Polskie Pustkowia / Re: Jak wielka jest rola Charyzmy?
« on: September 22, 2013, 11:20:51 am »
Czyli nie opłaca mi się dawać cokolwiek w charyzmę? Czy questy da się brać na CH podniesionej dopalaczami?
Wspomniano też o implantach. Gdzie, jakie i za ile da się kupić?

Polskie Pustkowia / Re: Bardziej zaawansowane pytania
« on: September 22, 2013, 09:33:48 am »
Opłaca się założyć postać specjalizującą się w Small Guns i Big Guns jednocześnie?

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