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Messages - Henry

Pages: 1 ... 75 76 [77] 78 79 80
Faction Announcements / Re: List of faction names
« on: November 23, 2013, 05:21:41 pm »
TAA - The Arsenic Accumulators
OVO - Old Vault Overthrowers
LDM - The Little Doses of Mercury
VBM - Vault Bunker Maniacs
BNW - Bullies of the New World
THP - The Hidden Pistols
WRA - The Wasteland Radio Announcers
TSS - The Sky Shadows
WGU - The Welding Goggles Union
TDE - The Demolitions Experts
TVT - The TV Tubes
KOO - The Knights of Oblivion
TPC - The Punctuation Crushers
SUCK - The Standup Comedian Killers  :o
DSE - The Dark Side Explorers
NIM - The New Iron Mongers
CFM - The Cyclones from Mexico
FBC - The Fresh Blood Clots
TBC - The Bobblehead Collectors
TSC - The Stronghold Crusaders
GON - The Guns of Navarone
CCM - Claw Company Mercs
TPW - The Pro-Wipers
TBP - The Bullet Points
LNF - The Lexums Not Found
MSG - The Monosodium Glutamates
NSC - The New Sand Confederates
ATR - The Are Taking Reddings  ::)
BCK - The Breakfast Cereal Killers
AFK - The Away From Keyboards
VBP - The Verti-Birds of Prey

General Game Discussion / Re: Unethical ethics?
« on: November 21, 2013, 02:56:11 am »
I agree with Wind_Drift. He entered your encounter, so he should mind his manners lol. What you do about it is totally up to you, and anyone knows that could range from nothing up to killing the guy. I suppose tag-following him is included.

I will expand on this though if you don't mind, since it's related. I was mining on Junktown quarry. I was bluesuit with only a hammer, going back-n-forth between two rock clusters that were close together. I parked my mining cow in between them. So I would hammer here, hammer there, stop at cow and repeat. Along comes some girl who runs up between the rocks, right along side my cow and she starts hammering one of my two rock clusters. "Well", I say to myself, "it's a public place so she can mine here too", and I don't have exclusive claim to these rocks so whatever. I say hi and she says hi. Then she realizes that I am not going to stop my process just because she's there, and we find ourselves hammering the same rock pile. She then calls me rude. LOL! I stop to explain and we became friends, fell in love, got married and now have 3 kids.

Game Help / Re: Is 180% Enough For Fighting Skills? (PvP)
« on: November 20, 2013, 03:49:06 am »
A Laser Rifle "Energy Sniper" with ST 7, PE 10, LK 10 Sharpshooter who targets eyes:

With EW 180, he has 76% chance to hit eyes at 45 hexes
With EW 190, he had 86% chance to hit eyes at 45 hexes
With EW 200, he has 95% chance to hit eyes at 45 hexes

Now if other factors reduce chance to hit, you can see how you'd want your elite snipers to have well above 200. Without Sharpshooter perk, deduct 8% from above numbers.

Closed suggestions / Re: Unique drug
« on: November 20, 2013, 03:20:06 am »
This is a crazy idea! (It just might work)


Game Help / Re: Quests that aren't listed on the wiki yet?
« on: November 20, 2013, 03:12:59 am »
Okay sounds good. I dunno when you're online but you can find me in Reloaded IRC when i'm on.

Game Help / Re: Lvl 24 perk choice (can I keep it around?)
« on: November 20, 2013, 03:10:03 am »
I have a character now at level 27 and i did not pick his last perk at level 24 yet and i keep getting prompted to do so whenever i open his profile screen, so yes you have some levels over 24 to choose. I believe i read level 30 is the cutoff so pick it before level 30.

Game Help / Re: Quests that aren't listed on the wiki yet?
« on: November 19, 2013, 04:34:43 am »
Water the Farmers is a "job" in Hub, already on wiki on jobs page. But i do not see it listed in Pip-Boy when i do it, nor is there any reference to the Water Merchants when i do this job, so i think you found something else that needs to be figured out and added to wiki. Good job!

Give Nuka-Cola to Metzger is also already on wiki but it was not showing up in the Quests list linked in the left vertical menu bar - fixed now. Thanks.

As for fixing the pump in Westin Ranch, good find!

And the quest Strike found in Redding...very interesting - good find! It sounds a lot like this but maybe not.

General Game Discussion / Re: Can I get some help with crafting?
« on: November 19, 2013, 04:04:16 am »
I think there is a forth way to get blueprints: sometimes in certain lockers in places like Glow and maybe Ares.

Game Help / Re: Is 180% Enough For Fighting Skills? (PvP)
« on: November 19, 2013, 03:59:50 am »
For PvP, no 180 is not usually enough. 180 is only a thing because you need 180 to get BRoF perks, which is very important for PvP. But beyond that you need more like 220+ for the longest ranged shots from various snipers. So how much gun skill you need depends a lot on what kind of PvP fighter you are planning. For snipers, try to go over 220. Use the calculator in the planner to see what i mean.

Closed suggestions / TC Awards
« on: November 18, 2013, 02:15:16 am »
Idea is to add more value to Town Control than just the locker loot. Add tab to character profile called "Awards" similar to this:

Green = Number of times this character has been part of a successful TC op.
Purple = Number of times this character died during part of a successful TC op.
Red = Number of kills during successful TC ops for this character.
Gold = Number of times this character has received a special recognition award given by his faction.

Game Help / Re: Cooperative PVE quests
« on: November 18, 2013, 01:36:18 am »

Closed suggestions / Re: Remove 3d critters
« on: November 16, 2013, 02:39:43 pm »
Try looking in the Cathedral Basement (cave level) at the gigantic 3D surprises!

I have not had any problems with 3D critters but I don't see very many of them.

Survival Guides / Re: Blond guide to Fonline
« on: November 10, 2013, 05:53:25 pm »
It is going to be hard for me to win this contest with guides this good ;)

Pictures help, i agree, but it's a lot of work to do a good guide. Mine is taking way too long.

Closed suggestions / Pugilism Illustrated
« on: November 10, 2013, 05:26:27 pm »
The Boneyard Guard "pseudo-perk" gives a one-time boost to Small Guns skill.

My suggestion is to add a similar way to get a starting boost to Close Combat, either via a skill book called Pugilism Illustrated, or a simple dialogue quest like Boneyard Guard. Think like Fallout 2 in Arroyo where that one tribal guy teaches you some tricks about how to fight with hands and feet before you leave town, and then there's that guy in Klamath (i think?) who gives another boost to that skill.

Closed suggestions / Re: Able to give drugs to companions
« on: November 10, 2013, 05:16:15 pm »
I am in favor of all drugs for Companions. If you have any concerns about PvE/PvP balance, then do it, spice up the game a bit, and we'll see. I bet we'd see some chaos and that sounds fun.

But first can we get Rot Gut added to food options? And tv dinner, and cheezy poofs, etc all food items should be delicious to a companion.

Additionally, I'd like to see some perk options for Companions too. Maybe you cannot choose any perks until comp is level 24. Then you pick them all. Whatever, but comps are too weak now as it is.

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