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W cholerę z tym. Naczytałem się pierwszej strony, nie wiem po co. Jedyne co przyszło mi do głowy to żeby zamienić lockery na encach na grzebanie w szafkach, skrzynkach, czy coś takiego. Ale moby tam niczego nie pilnują, po prostu szukasz gratów w ruinach, trzy ence ze szczurami i pustka, na czwartym enco ze szczurem jest locker. Gdzie tu "pilnowanie"?
Moim zdaniem, to co wciąga do gry, to autoeventy (kampanie) walka o dodatkowe punkty trafień i perki (I know, I know...) choćby questowe. Małpy są głupie, bez urazy, małpy nie skillują, mają alty, dać małpie mapę z koniecznością użycia wielu skilli, a od razu zmieni priorytety. Albo oleje i pójdzie na TC.
Fakt, faktem, lonerzy mają często nierealne pomysły, ale lubią skillować postacie, uczyć się wielu cech naraz. Imho, gra mogłaby iść w taką stronę, bez szkody dla pvp.

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 09/02/2014
« on: February 09, 2014, 10:47:31 pm »
Nah I killed like two of them with Unique. Then I sold these awesome pieces of sg craftsmanship for like 4k caps each. Sorry guys. Have blupeprits somwhere, and mine, can make them. Anyway, actually I fall on the ground ones, but, you know, they kind of runaway (one PJ and one LSW).
Btw. Never shoot at BG tank on Tanker, you will hurt yourselfs.

Off-topic discussions / Re: Apocolypse music
« on: February 09, 2014, 04:38:30 pm »

The Thunderdome / Re: some random forum pvp
« on: February 09, 2014, 04:05:54 pm »
lol... you are that heztzer. or smething like that, you go reno with broken metal armos, YOU ARE A NOOB, ive just killed you, you were using a flamer... yes, a flamer.... and no armor, gtfo, and make proper build, stop crying.

Yeah, sure, whatever.

Stop crying, I also go alone (yes, just me) and I dont get killed so often. And the best thing is you want to make those who kill you more powerful with suggestions like this one:

Actually, I just wanted free hp, and perks for everyone. Some random +1hp, with very rare chance and at 666lvl you gonna end up with +30 - 40 hp top.
And new, really big set of much less powerful perks for a different character building. And maybe some additional bonuses when you reach limit of your skill.
Everything easy to play, and easy to achive, no drowback for anyone. So, no point to discuss that any further. Or searching for some floads. For me its like eating a cake and having a cake. If someone don't wanna participate in that kind of play, then... seriuosly.
Not what I mean.

The Thunderdome / Re: some random forum pvp
« on: February 09, 2014, 01:48:30 pm »
I play this game from First Open Betatest., No, i'm not a noob.

The Thunderdome / Re: some random forum pvp
« on: February 09, 2014, 01:32:03 pm »
You can call this guarding or pvp, but, to be honest, that smells like camping from a mile. Maybe factions could just have those footlockers in their bases :p Will be easier to all of us..

Oh no! Getting best stuff in the game actually takes some effort!
This sucks! Kilgore, spawn us loot in tents! Nao!

Define "camping".

This is a Faction Mod and you are faction. Rest of people its just some blueshirts. As i said - you guys have no idea what are you talking about.

PS. Footlockers that spawn stuff.

The Thunderdome / Re: some random forum pvp
« on: February 09, 2014, 12:48:24 am »
Yeah, I have crappy build. Its called - loner. You guys really have no idea what are you talking about. Not my problem,  have fun.

The Thunderdome / some random forum pvp
« on: February 08, 2014, 10:57:07 pm »
Well, it seems there is a difference between having or not having hp/dr implants. You can call this guarding or pvp, but, to be honest, that smells like camping from a mile. Maybe factions could just have those footlockers in their bases :p Will be easier to all of us..

Off-topic discussions / Re: Apocolypse music
« on: February 08, 2014, 11:46:14 am »

Off-topic discussions / Re: Apocolypse music
« on: February 07, 2014, 03:55:58 pm »
Love it.

The Order of Death - Public Image Ltd

Game Help / Re: Doctor Lab Coat
« on: February 07, 2014, 03:17:16 pm »
Search in caves. I found bazillion of them.

Closed suggestions / Re: No hp/perk lvl cap
« on: February 07, 2014, 09:38:50 am »
It's not like I expecting something...

Closed suggestions / Re: No hp/perk lvl cap
« on: February 05, 2014, 03:56:31 pm »
For start...

Closed suggestions / Re: No hp/perk lvl cap
« on: February 05, 2014, 01:41:30 pm »
Yes, and occasionally I heal myself with my alts. I'm doing this all the time, dude. And this is complete natural way of things.

MMORG's always ends with grinding. You don't need crackpipe for knowing that. :D Some ideas.. wtf.

Go with your Supporter angers someare else, ok? There were just ideas. No better then different ones.

Right now, a good build at level 24-30 can compete with a level 300+ but with the changes you suggest, we would have to grind for weeks to keep up.

Or, we just make build, that compete that... XD Can i make laser tank with instant 20% chance to crit, please?

And i wanna try bg and small guns too. With instant 20% chance to crit. Can i ?

Same thing, man.

I'm gonna ask different - How you wanna compete with guy at 300 lvl? And what for? Go and play, achive something. Sometimes is just way of nature, and figts always end up with someones death. I just want it more chance to make critical damage when you train yourself really hard. No Slayer perk, just more chance.
You just dint't understandme. I wasn't writing about 24 lvl crpllers whitout reason.
You can actually do build with 95% crit chance and be happy. So... not what i mean.

Toxic Caves / Re: No hp/perk lvl cap
« on: February 05, 2014, 01:23:25 pm »
Yes, and occasionally I heal myself with my alts. I'm doing this all the time, dude. And this is complete natural way of things.

MMORG's always ends with grinding. You don't need crackpipe for knowing that. :D Some ideas.. wtf.

Go with your Supporter angers someare else, ok? There were just ideas. No better then different ones.

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