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Topics - caper

Pages: [1]
General Game Discussion / rules need update
« on: June 18, 2015, 04:48:04 pm »
Caravan killings - seems logic not to do it or it will be all-out war with no room for nubs. BUT...where does it say it's bannable?
 It is - i asked Kilgore in PM - but we need the server rules updated if we're supposed to live by them!

I for one was surprised to be shot in the back by a hexer while his friend was shooting the others - half the server doesn't know caravan kills aren't allowed. Server wide messages just isn't enough, some of our players have gaps in their onlining.

WatchUrBack says he was not aware of the rule and has been killed in caravans too. He gave back the loot and asked where the rules update was. I believed him and told him's considered an exploit and stuff but it's not in the rules per se.......
Game rules:

Please make a post under game rules with stuff that is considered exploit? like
Killing in spawn area
Killing in caravan
Using the legally obtained rep to kill at gunrunners since guards don't give a fuck if victim has low/no rep
etc etc

Otherwise it's up to people to guess what's an exploit and what is good ol' killin fun....and then gettin banned without knowing they did wrong.

Sell / 2k each of junk - ele parts -
« on: April 11, 2015, 10:46:45 am »

Junk, 2000 units

Electronic parts, 2000 units

PM offer in caps. Min. sale 500 units at a time

Have a nice day

The Thunderdome / Hub is RETARDED
« on: April 18, 2014, 08:39:38 pm »

Bombers dont even get thief tag in Hub for blowing people up? And if they do they can still loot their victims? Either remove the Hub protection - that ONLY protects thieves and bombers from players revenge - or make it REAL safe

All this does is make sure noone can be in Hub if a thief has bombs

Thanks MisiaPysia and Saddam u bleeding cunts. Exploiting a safe zone.

Buy / WTB Enclave armors/helms/high-DR combat armors
« on: February 01, 2014, 03:50:56 am »
yeah well ^^ title kinda says it

I need some enclave armors (incl helms if possible) and/or some high DT/DR armors. Pop me a PM, be so kind as to include price if possible. I aim for fast trades but I work during weekdays.

Closed suggestions / Container pickup/carry limit
« on: December 26, 2013, 09:27:56 pm »
is it possible to increase the pickup limit from containers to 2x max carry like pickup from ground? would make item management far less time consuming, save some mouse clicks, save some carpal tunnel...basically make the whole thing more enjoyable. Or is that hardcoded into the core game? Seems odd that u can carry it fine if u pick it up from ground but not if u pick it from a container/npc...

Auctions / WTA Bozar 100/100 (ended)
« on: December 22, 2013, 06:29:04 pm »
Scrounged me a bozar but im not rich enough to keep it so here goes:

Bozar 100/100

Starting bid 250k

CA BP in this case can represent 85k value, for the rest i only need caps (too nub to not need my next mine and stuff...)

we'll keep min raise at 10k

ill let it run a couple days, xmas eve is final evening. I'll remember to post 1st/2nd/3rd/sold. Bid away :)

Best regards

edited for details

edit: dont need CA BP anymore, bought one..

Closed bugs / Merc barter bug?
« on: November 16, 2013, 04:21:14 pm »
I have hired Ada 'Foxy' Ferguson at 15k caps in NCR. She comes with an assault rifle (now empty) and a little 5mm JHP, but will not accept new ammo nor other weapons (tried putting a CAWS on her, tried combat shotgun, tried 5mm JHP and shotgun ammo, nothing). She >does< say in dialogue that shotguns and the like are her thing. Tried both direct barter option and 'i want to give you something'. Offer button just doesnt make it happen in barter screen...
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong..?

Buy / WTB books - science, repair
« on: November 11, 2013, 07:58:35 pm »
5-10 of each, post here or pm me ur price

Game Help / Private mining specifics please
« on: November 11, 2013, 01:18:12 pm »
Hi there

I gathered the 100k needed for a private mine. Took plenty work so I'd like to be sure what I'm doing. So:

1) Private mine costs 100k and lasts 1 week according to last changelog I read. Correct me if I am wrong.

2) I need a slaver toon with 4 (?) slaves and thus 2 mercs. I can make that.
4 slaves is the max number that can work at a mine? Correct me if I'm wrong
 - Does anyone have a great build for this specific purpose? (aka slave miner build, usable at like level 9-12ish, prolly need some combat ability to protect em on the runs or high outdoorsman, dunno. Suggestion please)

3) I go get a mine at (I'll figure that out), transport my slaves there, and what then?
 - tell the slaves to mine I suppose, do they need hammers?
 - do they need to be placed in a specific place for the auto mining to work?
 - DOES auto mining still work? (as in put the slaves wait a week harvest the goodness)

4) Will I still have access to the mine area after the week to get my slaves and their loot or is it necessary to keep tabs on time on the mines and get the slaves before it expires?

5) I read some posts on this, and according to one the slaves can carry infinite amounts of mined materials, so the best option after ended mining is to take them to nearest tent and kill them for their loot to drop?

6) Can I share the mine location with my other toons like the tents so I can bring in a better combat toon for the crucial runs a) with the money to the mine site seller and b) back home with the slaves after they're full?

there we go, quite the barrage, but ideally a post that can gather the info for nubs like myself to refer to :)

I hope for nice specific answers, and thank you in advance!

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