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Topics - cubik2k

Pages: [1]
News and Announcements / Changelog 09/03/2014
« on: March 09, 2014, 09:48:20 am »
Changelog 09/03/2014

- 4.7mm Caseless Ammo - DR mod changed from -20 to -15,
- HK G11 damage increased from 10-20 to 21-34, burst increased from 5 to 9 bullets,
- HK G11E damage increased from 13-23 to 27-41, burst increased from 7 to 9 bullets,
- changed HK G11/HK G11E mag capacity from 50 to 45,
- Phazer damage changed to EMP, ammo changed from SEC to MFC
- Plasma Rifle has +5 critical roll bonus now,
- Swing and thrust modes for melee weapons are now different; Thrust costs +1 AP but works as armor piercing attack; Swing is not changed.
- Knockback perk for melee weapons fixed,
- Some doors have now HP and require multiple explosives to be destroyed (currently only one inside Ruined Bunker, more in the future);
- Slags enemies added, replaced deathclaws in warehouse and enemies inside V15,
- Changed loot inside Warehouse basement and Vault 15 to weapons/armors with bonuses,
- Changed behaviour of Desert Hunters to a bit less aggressive,
- Renegades carry Super Stimpaks and Combat Armor Mk2 now,
- Lowered stats of some Clothes to LA/LAmk2 stats,
- Added NCR Combat Helmet, replaced Mirrored Shades with it wherever it spawned with NCR COmbat Armor,
- Added a possibility to equip companion with Desert Combat Armor/Helmet and NCR Combat Helmet,
- Added new faction names proposed by players.
- minimum level required to find new encounter (3+ players) changed from 12 to 9 (same as with caravan quest),

Changes to Ruined Military Base:
- added new Sentry Bots, changed weapons and stats of other bots,
- boss added,
- many changes with doors and lockers,
- extended the area where the location can spawn (also added info where it spawned),
- bug with TB and elevators fixed,
- some keys will disappear after use.
- fixed a bug with dead body's location in case it was entered with a vehicle,
- added some music.

Changes to Stranded Ship quest:
- added a special Mr Handy enemy (boss) on level 3,
- changed loot in some boxes (random items with bonuses possible).

Changes to Gunrunner Quest:
- mutants improved, added a special Super Mutant (boss),
- changed loot in some lockers (random items with bonuses possible),
- experience reward increased to 4000xp.

Run updater to get new graphics file (updated file).

News and Announcements / Changelog 16/02/2014
« on: February 16, 2014, 09:55:00 pm »
Changelog 16/02/2014

- Added new dungeon appearing in Special Encounter. Location will be removed after 24 real hours, some challenges and good loot inside (including random implant module),
- Decreased Hit Points of new (those harsh from previous update) encounter groups by 35% and few other minor changes,
- Improved stats of Caravan Leader (Hit Points and resists, also he cannot drop weapon)
- Changed weapons carried by Caravan Guards from Assault Rifle to 14mm Pistol and Combat Shotgun to .223 Pistol,
- Robots and turrets are now vulnerable to EMP ammunition and grenades,
- Increased damage of Pulse Grenade to 150-300,
- Changed shotgun EMP ammo dmg mod from 2/1 to 3/2,
- Changed 4.7mm Caseless ammo: DR from -10 to -20,
- Changed Pulse Rifle perk from Penetrate to Long Range,
- Changed various stats of robots,
- Added encounters with Desert Hunters group,
- Added Desert Combat Armor and Helmet with stats similar to CA but better vs explode,
- Updated description of green shotgun ammunition,
- Changed Bridgekeeper's Robe to red colour,
- Some clothes have improved stats now,
- Fixed a bug where Modoc Raiders would drop V13 suit,
- Changed default ammo type from JHP to AP for some weapons,
- Bank interest disabled,
- Fixed a bug with New Reno Arms basement spawn,
- Changed basement with boxing ring in New Reno for an upcoming event,
- NoPvP mode for Hub Downtown enabled,
- Bug with Fiber Plant, Fruit Plant and Meat Table regeneration hopefully fixed,
- Militia disabled in all TC towns,
- New faction names added:

Use updater to get new file (

Game Help / Explanation of mysterious origin of STATs of some players.
« on: October 17, 2013, 06:44:10 pm »
Explanation of mysterious origin of STATs such as Hit Points, Action Points, etc. with different players.

1 Perfectly player character is built.
2 Earned implants, such as during events as a reward.
3 Bonuses of rare items (do not ask, do not remember of what).
4 Stuffed with drugs.
5 Perhaps some other things, but I do not remember at the moment.

It is not possible that a player could have a non-routine of STATs by an illegal route, in addition to hacking. Personally, I do not know of such a case to have someone hack the game.

So please:
1 Do not create sensational topics of players with strange stats.
2 Unnecessarily do not report such cases.
3 Do not bother, just try to build your own character and take care of playing.

Thank you!

Game Help / Current Critical Table
« on: October 17, 2013, 06:17:23 pm »
Here is current critical table (16/09/2013) for each player (men/women):

For women body type messages can be a little different. Critical effects and are the same.

Critical Table is a little complicated element of large combat system byt I try to explain in several words how it works.

1. There are six levels (ROLL) of critical effect, higher is more destructive to target, but the requirements are greater for the attacker (for example perk Better Criticals provides highest 6th level of the table, but trait Heavy Handed truncate table to 3 levels of table (with perk BC gives max 4th level)).

2. Critcal effect (ROLL) is conditioned on aimed part of body, on attacker STATs: Critical Chance, perks, used weapon bonus, on targets perks, stats, armors/helmet critical modifiers (too much to explain this in details).

Code: [Select]
ROLL = Random(0, 100) + bonusbonus - it is a sum of perks, armor, weapon bonuses etc.

3. "Damage modifier",  "Effects", "Message" always occurs when critical damage is determined.

And this is end of table in basic mode ;)

Time for incomprehensible extra effects, Stat modifiers, Failure messages etc:

1. Extra effect, failure message is applied to target!

2. "Tested stat", "Test modifier", "Extra effects", "Failure message" are always determined after basic critical and are additive to basic effect and message.
This is condition for extra critical failure applied to target:
Code: [Select]
if(Random(1, 10) > target.Stat[stat] + statMod) then (ExtraEffect, Failure message)
Thats all.

Chance for critical is calculated in this way (in short, it is more complicated):
toHit - chance to Hit target you see in game (max 95%)
Code: [Select]
margin = toHit - Random(1, 100);
Code: [Select]
isCritical = (((-margin) / 10) + (20 * Weapon.Condition) >= Random(1, 100));

Polskie Pustkowia / REQUESTHELP - pomoc admina w grze
« on: September 06, 2013, 10:49:02 pm »
Zgłoszenia problemów podczas gry, czyli +requesthelp, proszę pisać po polsku.

Polskojęzyczne sprawy dotyczące gry, kierować głównie do mnie (czyli cubik2k), na forum, na irc, za pomocą PM, czy też właśnie +requesthelp.

W miarę, ograniczonych, możliwości czasowych będę starał się pomóc.


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