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Topics - Achas

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Are characters deleted due to inactivity?
« on: October 16, 2015, 05:51:12 pm »
Its been a while since I've played and I can't login because it says the user and pass aren't right. I know they are though because I had them saved in a file that I still have. I last played sometime in January I believe.

Game Help / Need some feedback on a stealth build for my friend. THX!
« on: January 10, 2015, 06:41:14 pm »
Will probably use a .223 pistol and a backup p90 or one of the burst assault rifles.!id=12402

and will use Nuka C, cigs, Jet, Buffout

Hopefully I'm learning  :D

I appreciate any and all feedback.

I'm a relatively new player... I've made a crafting character and managed to get full professions and a couple blueprints learned. Got a good feel for the basics. I decided I was ready to make a pvp build yada yada, you've heard it before lol.

I was going for a small guns burster type who can take a couple hits.

This is what I've been leveling:

ST 4
PE 7
EN 10
CH 1
IN 3
AG 9
LK 7

More Crits
Even More Crits
Even Tougher
Man of Steel
Bonus Rate of Fire

So far I use Nuka Cola and Cigs regularly.

In hindsight now that I know more I'm thinking that I definitely should have accounted for using the other drugs, maybe put more points in Luck.

Am I wasting my time? If so, what should I focus on next time?

Thanks  :D

I started to think about it because a friend and I have been shooting each other for fun when we're hanging around at our base lol

This is more of a novelty as anyone can see what kind of damage they do on a given target using the character planner or similar programs, but I thought it would be a fun thing to have.

Obviously if someone is ingame with their build at least around level 24 they may already have a lot of their equipment, they're beyond trialing their build, at least to the point that they committed to spend their time leveling, but for some people who haven't gotten their ideal equipment yet they could test out what kind of damage they'd be able to do to a maxed out player in pvp in the actual game.

Also... Shooting things is fun  ;D

Perhaps there would be a way to alter it's stats to different kinds of creatures and builds you encounter in the game?
Of course I have no idea how difficult any of this would be to implement.

If not player owned target dummies maybe Hinkley could have a shooting range added with target dummies and a computer terminal to change their stats.

I believe Fallout Tactics had a target dummy sprite that could be used.

P.S.: I just want to say I really appreciate that this exists, my friend and I recently got into the game and have been having tons of fun playing. Thank you.

Closed bugs / Some vendors wont buy anything from me. Major issue.
« on: December 25, 2014, 05:42:23 pm »
I should change the title to say "Most Vendors".

The other day I was in L.A. and the gun vendor to the right and the general store to the left wouldn't buy anything from me. When I placed any item besides cold hard cash onto the bartering table the money value at the bottom would stay at $0. They wouldn't take stuff even for free.
Since then I've been having this issue with other vendors too. Nobody in the Hub will buy anything from me. The vendor that seems to work the most for me is Jeremiah at Darkwaters general store in Junktown, but even then there is stuff that he won't give a value to or even take for free.  :'(

Has anyone else encountered this? Is there a fix?


Edit: Whoops lol. Said L.A., meant San Francisco.

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