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Messages - Blarney

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General Game Discussion / New session
« on: March 25, 2018, 04:48:26 am »
I know nobody cares and there's not much to any reason for even posting, but just thought i'd share my experience;

Most of the changes I actually like personally, was never a fan of the silly 1hex best ping wins dance for example, but clearly the result is a lack of players. I saw in another post someone mentioned that the player total only looks less because the multilogging PVP abusers are gone, but I saw at least 9 multilogged and/or fast relogging alts at shops around the place in my most recent run while there was only some 25 players online for example so I guess that goes both ways?

Being one who doesn't multilog (I don't even have an alt character let alone sandboxie), and who enjoyed pvp for pvps sake (everyone mostly being there for the same reason, drama is shit, teamfights are interesting), I really hope this changes, as for now it is seriously depressing to walk around the wastes/towns and mostly encounter nothing or some afk/disco alts who don't give half a fuck about disconnecting in dangerous towns etc, knowing that 95% or more of players are farming in an instanced quest like GR muties or raiders and that is all they will ever be doing.

Is this really what we wanted?

Character builds / Re: Tank Build
« on: October 08, 2016, 10:19:50 pm »
With an 8 luck tank you are blind. 4-5 luck with no mos is decent, with mos it does the same as your 8 luck. You'll get picked apart by the snipers with 56 view range.

Not with 8 PE you aren't. Well, in some cases, but that's a snipers job, you can't really do much about that with 40 range, except rely on your team, or run through the gap.

I know the argument you are making I have heard it a million times, but MOS doesnt protect you at all vs bypasses really, they may occur slightly less, but they can still occur, pretty frequently.

If you have 4 luck, and you get seriously bypassed at a luck roll -2 you stand almost no chance of stopping it (nothing except a higher luck will). If that is an avenger crit bypassing your armor, you will take 200+ damage at range easily. I just don't see the point in putting 3 perks into a tank build that will be bypassed a decent percentage of the time, you might as well make ad rush, toughness and even tougher, dps perks.

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: October 05, 2016, 01:16:04 am »
Even if they were, what does it change? SW will ally whoever they want when they feel they need it, that's all.

It doesn't really matter, it LOOKED like a very well coordinated attack, and I was watching from behind (lol awg almost spotted me ;) ).

And the end result was the same, so much of a muchness, we got sandwiched very well after my smak talking the OPness of the reactor lol, it was funny and a great battle (we did a good job, you did a good job), good win for you guys.

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: October 04, 2016, 10:52:24 pm »
Then that was the most amazing timing I have ever seen ;)

Also all that looting it looked like you were doing together, and there was the after fight shouts.

It really seemed like it was a combined attack, if this isn't the case then that battle itself was just incredible timing and an amazing fight in general.

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: October 04, 2016, 10:40:20 pm »
Ok so gecko reactor isn't completely invulnerable, you just need to swarm it with 2 factions in a combined attack lol.

But its honestly GGs guys, win or lose, the battles are always glorious

Sorry this is forum pvp, wait lemme think....

Preba is shit! lol ;)

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: October 04, 2016, 07:34:34 pm »
Hey did anyone else notice, when khans outnumbered social, and we stormed the gecko reactor, we all died, then very shortly after, social outnumbered khans, and when social stormed the gecko reactor, khans destroyed them...

I think gecko reactor needs a rebalancing, as whoever is in there seems to win a lot more than lose.

Character builds / Re: Tank Build
« on: October 04, 2016, 07:18:57 pm »
Yeah, doc over first aid any day of the week, relying on first aid in TC or PVP will get you killed because it can and does critically fail.

Also I agree with seki's assessment of MOS, and would add stonewall and a decent luck are a must have (stonewall for obvious reasons, but also luck, because armor bypass rolls are usually based off luck, your dr and dt will completely go to waste if you dump luck and get crit bursted for example.

If you don't have at least an average luck, MOS, Stonewall, 2x LG, Adren rush and even tougher you aren't really a proper tank.

Most will say 4 or 5 luck is more than enough, but if you think about it most "rolls" against luck are like a d10 that has to roll under your luck score, some of these rolls have -2 to your luck as well. My tank for example has 8 luck, you heard me 8, as even an extreme bypass crit only has a 40% chance to actually bypass my armor. Dump luck and you will be shredded by crits, you might as well not have tough, even tough and ad rush.

Tools and Modifications / Re: namecolorizing whole body
« on: October 04, 2016, 12:29:46 am »

to change amount of transparency you have to change number which is highlighted by red color on screen in spoiler below, simply open that file in notepad and change it
Spoiler: show

Thanks a million seki, makes it nice and easy.

And thanks again Hungry Hungry Shark, as a guy who spends most of his time zoomed all the way out this has become a must have mod for me.

There's no way I could go back lol.

Game Help / Re: How to handle losing everything
« on: October 02, 2016, 11:59:00 am »


Yeah shit happens, lesson learned I hope, having separate tents for players isn't a mark of distrust its a measure of self preservation.

Tools and Modifications / Re: namecolorizing whole body
« on: October 01, 2016, 02:35:31 pm »
Hey! Loving this mod man 100% quality, could you possibly make a version that is more opaque (less transparent)? The colors for me can be hard to distinguish at times.

Faction Announcements / Re: List of faction names
« on: October 01, 2016, 06:40:46 am »
Please add; some kind of pre requisite for making a faction or assigning a faction name, I think half of these are just jokes, and many are people who probably never intend to use them.

But kil has to evaluate each one and add it to the list, making the list of factions ever so ridiculous and unmanageable. Meanwhile only about 12 factions actually exist and play continuously.

Maybe if you worked a cap price in there for adding a faction name people might not spam them out so hard.

Game Help / Re: General Questions / Answers
« on: September 29, 2016, 05:02:38 pm »
Is there a line I can add to the namecolorizer to change the name color and contour of random neutral, unaffiliated people? between goodboy and badboy?

Game Help / Re: Avenger VS Gatling laser
« on: September 28, 2016, 09:55:57 am »
Avenger is one of the stock standard pvp builds, it can deal decent ranged damage vs non tanks and it is the best at one hexing with brds. It is probably the most common pvp because it is so effective in so many different situations, and it makes a great pve farming build, if you want a build that can pretty much do everything, avenger is the way to go.

Gat laser has benefits though, while not as powerful in 1hex generally, it can still do serious damage, and its damage type means that even the tankiest of tanks can only defend against it so much, it has pretty average ranged damage though, but can do surprising amounts of ranged damage on crits and generally chops sneakers in half in a single volley. It doesn't end up as good for pve though, as a lot of creatures have a very high energy resist. And it can be hard countered with something as simple as Metal mk 2 or tesla armor.

End of the day though avenger seems to win most times, even vs a tank with all of the normal dr/dt buffs up, avenger can still deal damage and kill on 1hex, so yeah. Just go avenger.

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: September 27, 2016, 12:15:01 am »
Yeah those 3 team fights always get hectic :D

We need a fourth team to backstab the team holding out for a backstab >.<

GGs as usual all.

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum PvP
« on: September 26, 2016, 10:04:45 am »

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