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Messages - Parabellum

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River of Tears / Re: I’ll Say It First… We Miss The Khans.
« on: August 14, 2018, 03:47:49 pm »
There is honor among Khans. We just don't share it with the rest of the waste.
No. No, bud, NO. I am the one person here you can NOT fool;

And I DO speak with some authority on Khan mentality- I was a Khan. Oh yes, you accidently recruited MOI. I was in Hub one day in my Dick Tracy (mine bot/mine slave hunter build), when one of your “people” asked me about the confederate battle flag, someone said it was racist or something (I forget and it doesn’t matter)… And right there in front of God and everyone, I took a targeted shot to the eyes with an Old (shit-covered) Shovel.
I paid for that, and I paid DEARLY, but it was WORTH IT. (And it was only like 100 caps…)

(Seriously… that shovel had just been used to shovel brahmin shit.)
Lol, cringey roleplay shit. Reminds me of Anya the tranny

Ikr ?
It's probably Crowlings mother residing in his closet, rp'ing queen of the castle.

Anyway.. he or she said I'm sweet, so I'm turned on AF.

« on: August 14, 2018, 03:45:30 pm »
Actually, we abandoned that rotting corpse right after wipe, when full looting system was crapped. That's good you remember us, we are flattered.

Theres a diffrence between being flattered and being a buttergolem .

Good riddance.

And wth is the point of this kek.

« on: August 13, 2018, 09:53:28 pm »
W-Watashi wa Vertibird-Chan, D-Desu! G-Gimper-san... B-Baka!

Eww, Crowley is the fucking faggot behind that? I should of suspected such failed attempts at comedy were from the fucking incel cuck.

Haven't seen much of that awkward gay show he and gimper aka qausimodo pulled up on the radio.
But that whole weeb talk rite there is the most gayish cringe and least funny thing, I have yet seen in my history on the internet.

Pff.. roleplayer cucks.
One (Crowlinger) thinks hes king of some castle, imprisoning his own mother in his closet.
The other, Qausimodo, acts like some wannabe crip YOOOO.. cringe from hell o/ haha.

Toxic Caves / Khans are buncha gays.
« on: August 13, 2018, 09:39:32 pm »
Just wanted to say so, has been easily proven by me and Big Hat Logan, by driving them out of here with ease.
Childs play.

Lil internet bigots, who think too high of themselves, due to boosting their egos amongst each others in circle jerks (das how these nudes happen also by the way) and think they made history.
Reality is.
You pull the plug here and all of this will be and become irrelevant.

Yet Mantits writes 10m long texts to elaborate some shiz noone cares about and what not.

Man.. you ain't important.
Not you, nor your 3 faction mates.
Noone here.

Deal with it.
Now pull that giant pole outta ya arse and get off dat high horse you golem.
And do some cardio man, these manboobs are worse than hair loss.
Can they jiggle ?


And update that effin metal gear solid meme under your profile pic.. cringeworthy af.
Is like wearing the same pants for 2 weeks.

Toxic Caves / Re: Just wanted to say..
« on: August 13, 2018, 08:32:41 pm »
Well see man..

It's all the same with these little retards.

They asume me. Meeep. Gameover. *lil retards keeps jumping against a wall till his nose bleeds*

Couldn't care less who DF he holds on a line..
Is alil interesting but not that much that I would go and search out his disc adress and add a faggot to my friendslist.

If someone wants something FROM ME.. they can the fucc add ME on discord.. or pike the F off. Seriously.
Like I have time for these little games, these little low lifers play.

And sorry for all the cursing.. but seriously man.. when the hell does this bs stop ? When do all these asylum lunatics leave this project ?
When are there normal moms and dads and teenagers playing ? Why futunari furry hentai weebaoo boiyos who tattoo their faggish clans on their calfs and act like some MS13 ? Tattoo a tear below your eye if you wanna impress me the slightest or gtfo playing with your hentai pillows..

Am sorry.. really.. for these words, I would rather not write it but it's just.. bleh... and when I first came here, it seemed to be atleast somewhat structurized.
All these chimps been in a faction like rogue faggots khan offspring shit and MrCools fac. and so on and so forth, sticking to their fac's disc and at max to the reloaded one.
But now... holy hell man.
Like someone opened all doors in a zoo and only the most retarded animals broke out, wanting to mate with visitors.

And Crowling....

Go and shove that perveted and utterly retarded roleplay about that wannabe queen your holding in your possession up your wide sloppy bumhole.

Cuz neither me, nor anyone else digs your faggish roleplay.

Uhh oohhh and ahh.. just shut the F up kiddo and seek some help.

K... I'm done lol.
Or no.. I got more.. but I keep it to myself from here on.

Toxic Caves / Re: Just wanted to say..
« on: August 13, 2018, 07:56:40 pm »
Crowley is either Gimper's alt or a friend of him.
Might also be an alt of Anya.

Thing is...
I seen both, Anya and Crowley D/C at the same time and both logging in right back at the same time aswell.
Anya seemed alil nervous after and wrote something nonsensical.

Looked like playing 2 chars with sandboxie, wanting to log out on one and pressing ESC atad to fast, closing both sandboxie and the org. client seemingly instantly.
Can also happen when tapping in and out of the game very rarely.

Other than that.. no idea.
This Big Logan..
I asked him via PM who he is.
Dodged it like a pro.

Thing is, dodging shit obviously leaves it's impact.
I seen two people heavily doing it so far.
Gimper and Eve.

This Big Meister Logan could be anyone really.
Personally I don't give a flyin' who is who, I judge people based on their behaviour and much more so on their intentions and that Crowling acts like a complete faggot.
That Big Logan defends me, thats bae af, so obviously I can't say the same about him or her, or it. Ughhh.. imagine .. lel.. no

You see..
That Crowley said something about someone black mailing.. and holding someone on the line for it.
And what not.. but rather than spitting out what the actual fuck the lil inbreed fuck wants, he keept going on like uhh ooh and ahh uhh.. contact me para if you wanna know more, add disc.. this and that.

Bleh.. just gay.
No, gays are sometimes cooler than that.

Wasteland News / Re: The Daily Khan (Issue 46)
« on: August 13, 2018, 07:39:56 pm »
EDIT: I misread that.

Wasteland News / Re: The Daily Khan (Issue 46)
« on: August 13, 2018, 10:09:10 am »
Omfg I didnt miss that reloaded toxic crap you guys trying to throw xD untermensch pidarasy in purest form, BUT this is not why we left Reloaded, there is tons much more pvp at fo2, devs are pleasant and helpful, pretty much even the biggest salt bags on fo2 are nothing compared to you guys xD we also miss reloaded, but we miss fighting our enemies, which we called names laughed when they loose, make videos on them but we fokken respected them, youre clearly not one of those people, well trained and devoted, youre just irrelevant forum warriors on a dead server. Hope you guys finally swallow that hatred directed at us without any reason, its just pointless and pathetic, if you got your base raped with a swastika from ammo on the ground, it was me :) and its your fault cos you were stupid enough to trust random guys joining your faction. Thats all, we're not that bad, we just used all the oppurtunities you gave us with your lazynes and stupidity. Good luck and have fun
What's that? Irrelevant? Pointless? Pathetic? Those are the words used to describe your existence.

Lmfao ikr ?
It's so ironically funny that it cracked me up abit when I read it last night.

I'm spending more time writting PMs to you, than I waste with these little salt miners.
Yo nigs.. guess what ? I still got some free slots in fine german salt mine for you.
Wouldn't be the first nor the last who lose themselves in zhe dark stollens :^D

Guess what Mantits pulled ? *lafin arse off af*
He came to Hub with a bunch of mates (I ignored that pitty low lifer, so he called some cucks to initate a conversation with me and give him fire support) and asked me about some war going on with them (not sure what else, as other than Bruce, I did not pay him attention like everyone else standing there)..
And I was like.. "what war" ? LMFAOOO
One dude just spammed random insults into his keyboard... and I was like..

« on: August 13, 2018, 08:47:38 am »
W-Watashi wa Vertibird-Chan, D-Desu! G-Gay-san... B-Baka!


Moshi moshi ? Faggot desu ?

Ah ! Aligator, ich möchte nur sagen das es schnapp macht wenn der Fleischgolem fachsen macht.

Toxic Caves / Re: Retryement
« on: August 13, 2018, 08:42:42 am »
Give me your Bozar if you're really retiring, I have Three Oil Cans ready to stroke that thing... Mmmh.

Who said retire ??


And no man.. the gecko boiis gifted it to me.
I don't gift presents, I would rather bring it to Markus than that.
I'm a fine gentleman.

Toxic Caves / Re: Just wanted to say..
« on: August 13, 2018, 08:29:27 am »
Talking 'bout thots, you mind helping me down here? I'm becoming a thot magnet somehow, and my friend in benefit- you know who, are getting quite jealous.

I don't want to get my steam account hijacked by her, How do I stop thots?

EDIT : This is Crowley, btw.

WHO IS  V E R O N I K A    ?!??1??1??!?!??!??1?!??ßßßßßßßßßß



And no.. I don't know your friend in benefit.. tell her to get outta my pc and phone

All that fucked up porn I watch every now and than... all these creampie compilations...

Barter / Re: Wanted - CA MKII with stats
« on: August 12, 2018, 05:27:49 pm »
Anything above 70% and for stats, pretty much anything as long as its useful.

Not very picky, just like his sister.

River of Tears / Re: I’ll Say It First… We Miss The Khans.
« on: August 11, 2018, 10:41:21 pm »

Looks a little bit like the miscarriage of your sister after you impregnated her.

And albeit it's been joyful to make your entire kindergarden of a faction, wich you have (cringe) tatted on your arm for the rest of your life ramble and getting triggered af., I will let you jump against this wall futher nose first, whilst enjoying a bae nap, have fun. : )

River of Tears / Re: I’ll Say It First… We Miss The Khans.
« on: August 11, 2018, 10:11:03 pm »
I'm glad you have succumbed after being totally rediculed with facts. Wipe the drool from your mouth and stop trolling this thread beta cuck.

Facts ?


Cringeworthy tat.
Alpha cuck.

The funny part, is your unawareness, still.

You'll get shit from me in the stead of information, a local legend, until I accept your persona atleast remotely.
I do not entertain affairs with human filth and trash and if I ever do, I regret, cuz shit rubs off.
The meaning of Parabellum ? Search it up.



Also cringe.

Your fuck boy virgin profile picture

Cringing the most

You have no right to talk about whats cringy and whats not. No wonder Hauti never allowed you in JDC. Not all germans are gold i guess

Lets sum it up.

U mom.

River of Tears / Re: I’ll Say It First… We Miss The Khans.
« on: August 11, 2018, 09:22:31 pm »
I'm glad you have succumbed after being totally rediculed with facts. Wipe the drool from your mouth and stop trolling this thread beta cuck.

Facts ?


Cringeworthy tat.
Alpha cuck.

The funny part, is your unawareness, still.

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