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Messages - Phantazem

Pages: [1]
General Game Discussion / Epic
« on: October 24, 2014, 12:46:28 am »
I just want to say thanks for the help to those who explained how to acclimate to this game as it is different than any fallout ever created I still find myself learning more and more every day but I have no longer any issues with being unable to stand my ground and avoid people like the plague, via thieves ect, I have a long way to go but I think I have a firm grasp on how to move forward also I've managed to recruit two of my dayz fellows into joining the wasteland so we'll see you guys in the wastes.

General Game Discussion / Re: this game is broken
« on: October 19, 2014, 05:10:07 am »
indeed i'll be in ts tomorrow I figured out you can mine ore so I've actually stashed some wealth per all your recommendations thank you btw so got a little armor and couple weapons and have avoided everyone like ebola and now I think I can move on from being lvl2 rockage so henry I will definitely see you in the teamspeak tomorrow and anyone els in I will be happy to meet you

General Game Discussion / Re: this game is broken
« on: October 19, 2014, 12:12:04 am »
My name in game is -Phantazem- finally got through the beginning staying away from everyone till I got a tent setup the first mad max leather out of a grave boomstick sledge crafted a pole lol I hope I can keep the ball rolling stashed the nothing I have I made posts on my fb and several of my friends will be joining all of us work full time and I have 2 kiddos so I try as much as possible so i'll make it a point around noon every sunday to join the ts channel any of you who want to team up and help me understand the dynamics of this mmo I gladly welcome the help I live in phoenix az so when its 5 for me its 8 on the east and 7 central i'll keep my eyes out for you as i'll be playing for awhile tonight.

General Game Discussion / Re: this game is broken
« on: October 18, 2014, 12:36:12 am »
I appreciate your feedback you guys I'm all for the hard work and I'm trying to get more to join I will not give up on this and I must say I do appreciate the hard work the devs have put in to what I've seen so far I think its going to be a lot of trial and error in how to proceed I prefer not to lone wolf it I have a crew in dayz i'm a multi console owner and am a walking encyclopedia of the fallout multiverse I hope I can find a way to promote the game and its teamspeak feature to get more people interested and create a hero crew. This game is no pushover I just found it really frustrating you can rob people in the first 5 min but not defend it really is a matter of watching those around you I thought more people my age would be playing than the younger crowd given interplay and blackisle having took a dive past 99 I still have FO 1-2 torment diablo 1-2 phantasmagoria 1-2 7th guest 11th hour and all manner of the best of the old so this throwback is amazing for me I just need to research the stats in relation to what you fight early and what stats to upgrade accordingly.

General Game Discussion / Re: this game is broken
« on: October 17, 2014, 12:21:07 am »
at the very least some of you could join the teamspeak and make this a coop effort worth while for its op ai and ability to theif in traders you cant defend yourself from with no help

General Game Discussion / no longer broken but brutal indeed
« on: October 17, 2014, 12:19:25 am »
I found this game three days ago and having played every fallout since the beginning in 96 i'm struggling to enjoy this your ts has no people in it the people in it rob you while in trader at 5 min in the game and you cant attack them afterwards no one teams up and every enemy is overpowered and you are consistently out numbered now I love the fallout series and I still love to burn through fallout 1 and 2 and this concept is great but were beating a dead horse here why should it be allowed to steal but not attack in the first town and why is it so hard to kill with a shotgun people with spears at level nothing? no reason is acceptable I held to hope the promise that this would be worth the play but in the past 3 days I've had to start over and over because there is no balance between ai and restriction i'm at a loss because I really want to enjoy this game I asked for gm or admin help and get nothing I try to fight to survivre and the ai is overpowered what do I do?

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