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Topics - Crak

Pages: [1]
General Game Discussion / Brotherhood Tyranny in NCR
« on: December 01, 2013, 05:12:21 am »
So there I was minding my own business in NCR, coming down off of the 30 billion gigarads I had accumulated from sexing up ghoul hookers in the Glow, whereupon I spy a metal-clad gentlemen near the entrance with an interesting name: Paladin Hendrickson.

I figured resembling a walking glowstick would be a good icebreaker for some idle smalltalk while I killed some time, so I headed on over to strike up a conversation. But apparently, I resembled some other, more sinister character, because he immediately mistook me for a spy and cut me in half with his high-powered laser pistol.

Naturally I was intrigued...

Oh yeah, there was also a Brotherhood quartermaster there, too.

Several other players were quite upset at being melted by these stuck up technofucks, and I quickly devised a solution.

One that involved dynamite.


Using my cunning intellect, I hypothesized that a different method of delivering the bomb might work better. deliver things...caravans too... course! BRAHMIN BOMB!

So ingenious...

Come on!!

Finally I decided enough was enough. I was going to ice these fuckbags once and for all. I strapped on some combat armor mk2, loaded up my m60, shot up some psycho and downed an ice-cold brewski to steel my nerves for a suicide mission rambo-style in NCR.

When I got there, I stared down the quartermaster for a while. You can tell how intimidated he his, because he can't even look me in the eye.

Well for some reason, the NCR guards opened up on me as soon as I splattered them all over the ground, but that's fine. I took out both of them and took those sniper rounds to the temple in strides. Until it became a lead hailstorm against my brain bucket, that is. After I fell, a crowd quickly swarmed over to congratulate me on my unbelievable bravery, freeing them from the tyranny of the Brotherhood of Steel.

All was good. Thery were gone forever...


Well, on my way out I saw this and I think this pretty much sums up NCR.

Sell / Combat Armor MKII for Broc Flowers!
« on: November 24, 2013, 09:40:02 pm »
I'm selling combat armor mk2 and combat helmet mk2's of various quality for various amounts of broc flowers!
You get both the fashionable suit and the stylish helmet! What a steal!

80% for x125 ----- (1 left)
70+% for x100 ----- (8 left)
60+% for x75 ----- (11 left)
50+% for x50 ----- (10 left)
40+% for x25 ----- (11 left)
30+% for x25 ----- (1 left)

PM or post offers, and I'll meet you in Barter Ground to conclude the deal!

« on: November 14, 2013, 08:35:00 pm »
Due to the recent surge in new players, there has likewise been a large increase in suicide bombings within NCR.

All new players are advised to avoid large crowds, suspicious characters, and, as always, to store valuables in their anal cavaties.

This has been an emergency broadcast message.

Closed suggestions / Waterpipe(s) for Barter Ground!
« on: October 22, 2013, 03:30:05 pm »
It would make it convenient for traders with brahmin caravans to refuel, maybe increase traffic and make it seem more lively. :)

General Game Discussion / Seki, Robot Lord of the Dance
« on: October 17, 2013, 02:49:49 pm »
So there I was, minding my own business in the NCR busting huge 40 ton boulders using only with my pectoral muscles, when I come across one my many nefarious archnemisi, Seki!

Or rather, a robot lookalike of him that he built out of tin cans and Christmas lights to do all of the heavy-lifting for him! You see, Seki was born with a crippling birth defect, one that left him with pitiful noodly arms, rendering unable to do real men's work of breaking large rocks and collecting smaller rocks from the aforesaid large rocks. Either that or he's a lazy cunt.

Instead of his usual means of acquiring ores, namely stealing from helpless miners and storing the illgotten gains in the recesses of his massive vagina, he put a robot with the simple task of beating on one rock over and over again in mindnumbing repetition. That night I was feeling rather mischievous, so I set about to disable the infernal device with gusto. Sadly it was not too intellectually challenging, as simply stepping in front of the machine and denying it access to its sole task proved too much for it to process, causing it to go haywire and spin about in a circle.

Unfortunately, a fellow miner tried to get at the ore it had mined and got his hand caught in the robot's machinery, breaking it and stopping its mad spinning.
Having enough of the distracting robot, I and two other comrades, tony_crft and Tryglaw,
stripped it of what little ore it had managed to mine and pushed the malfunctioning android out of the mine where it could finish breaking down in peace.

It's unfortunate that Seki will be denied the all of the fruits of his robot's labor, but you know what they say:

If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. :)

And now, the music video!

General Game Discussion / Harold, you lucky bastard
« on: September 29, 2013, 03:24:30 am »
So there I was, minding my own business in NCR, dressed up in my finest blue suit, doing my best to look all innocent and helpless for all those naughty thieves to grope on. An lo and behold, the infamous rogue Harold decides to drop by, looking for a fresh virgin to exploit.

He darts off to hide behind a tent but I don't move, I know he'll be back. He can't resist this naked blue booty, all vulnerable and ready for the taking. Sure enough after a minute or two my patience paid off, he comes back around.

He started walking around aimlessly, trying hopelessly to make me think I don't know he want it. Honey, please, don't play coy with me. He takes a few steps towards me, then away, trying to get a response from me, to see if I'll run, but I'm not budging.

All of a sudden, he lunges forward for my exposed body. Little did he know, I was packing a fully automatic M3A1 "Grease Gun", chambered in .45 caliber high-powered baby-killing bullets with the fuck-you switch flipped to full mouth and asshole penetration mode. As soon as I feel his talon-like fingers plunge into my vulnerable pockets, I wait for the signal. The NCR guard gives the go-ahead and I'm about to spray hot hate-metal into his awaiting visage. I quickly pried the uncomfortable piece of metal lodged in the crack of my ass and brought it up square in the face of my offender.

A spring shoots out of my gun and the magazine drops and tumbles to the ground. Critical failure. No ammo. I futilely pull the trigger with a *click click*. It's too late. He turns and sprints down the dusty path out of NCR. I watch him


Harold, if you're reading this, I'm not even mad. Just impressed. You earned those 236 caps tonight. Earned them.

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