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Messages - Struan

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So you are saying that you enjoy all that clicking? This community could use a wipe or two from time to time i think. It's stuck in prewipe madness mode 24/7. Drop some of the uneeded sarcasm and act your age son.

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 04/11/2013
« on: November 05, 2013, 08:53:41 am »
I have both ranks in pyromaniac.

A few more questions.
Will I lose the unspent perk for being beyond the cut off limit for perks?
Will damage be boosted at all, nerfed, or about the same as it was?

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 04/11/2013
« on: November 05, 2013, 03:02:47 am »
Note: Pyromaniac perk will be reworked later.

What do you mean by this?

Fan Art / Re: Blast from the past[gallery].
« on: November 04, 2013, 01:46:29 pm »
Nice pics Serath. I'm even in a few of them.

Rusty was always good for a laugh. Carpet bombing NCR with shit or teleporting you to some random location and forgetting about you.

Folks around here love the little niche they fit into. Truthfully though he has a point, this game is unbalanced and it most likely always will be. People here prefer to have it this way but they only account for a minority of gamers in reality.They will curse you for criticizing and then complain when there is nobody to kill due to low server population. Well, what do you expect the population to look like when everyone is so quick to spit on anyone with a point of view.

 We bounce from server to server but nothing really changes if you think about it except maybe some small features here and there. Change the perks a little or add some features that should have always been there in the first place but nothing major has really happened since the creation of TLA and the beginning of fonline. TLAMK2 seemed to be heading in the right direction with all the group activities but sadly falls flat when it REQUIRES a large force just to reach end game equipment and be competitive.

No big deal really. Move on and forget about fonline for a while. I'm enjoying Guild Wars 2 right now and having loads of fun. Hoping one day to see some of the different dev teams come together and create something truly wonderful instead of all these slightly different variations of the same unbalanced game.

P.S. I mean no offense to any devs on any any server as I'm aware that your teams are small and do this purely as a hobby and for love of the genre. I appreciate everything that has been done over the years to provide all these servers for all the ungrateful fans out there.

The veiws expressed in the above post are my opinion and should be taken as such. If you dont like them then too bad, nobody forced you to read it and it wasnt meant to insult anyone.

I usually dont provoke a fight unless I'm in an active pvp location. The exception being whether or not I've already been killed for that day for trying to be nice.

Game Help / Re: "Hidden" Mechanics Thread
« on: September 30, 2013, 03:30:29 am »
No, everyone does not know this already. Anyone new to the game or not interested in combing through codes wouldnt have such a clear picture of this. Nice idea and thanks for simplifying it for the rest of us.

Game Help / Re: M60 or Aveng. Minigun or other?
« on: September 26, 2013, 02:23:47 am »
Sure he can but he wont be able to move so someone will have to drop him off in the wastes. It will be like a scavenger hunt. Like killing the gold goblin in diablo 3.

General Game Discussion / Re: Rarest item out there?
« on: September 26, 2013, 02:20:51 am »
I also have an elegeant suit and rocks can be found in caves so I guess they are not that rare either. I've never found a hypo so maybe thats rare.

General Game Discussion / Re: hackers
« on: September 24, 2013, 02:39:03 am »
So testing an admin ability which results in a player losing quest items is all good here? Good job Cubik.

Game Help / Re: BG build - tank/lockpick + bonehead + man of steel
« on: September 18, 2013, 07:34:10 am »
I have Pyro with maxed lockpick

St7 Pe1 En10 Ch1 In7 Ag10 Lk5
Small Frame, Chem Reliant

Adrenaline Rush, Quick Recovery, PyroX2, BROF, Life GiverX2, Even Tougher

12 AP with Jet

Game Help / Re: Tatoo
« on: September 15, 2013, 01:05:27 pm »
Is it possible to get some sort of tattoo representing your faction?

Closed suggestions / Re: improved flamer mk3
« on: September 12, 2013, 02:46:10 am »
Yes I have used the flamers on Reloaded. I have 2 builds here and both are pyro's with improved flamer and mk2 fuel. It's a first for me to even make a dedicated build for them rather than a cheap way of lvling a BG'er. In fact I just registered an even better one last night after seeing how well they preform in small scale battles, and I have no interest in TC  but so what? My only point is that if a better version is added then I would like to see it be made available to everyone.

Closed suggestions / Re: improved flamer mk3
« on: September 11, 2013, 01:49:52 pm »
I prefer everyone being on the same lvl. If my lvl 29 met your lvl 29 in a 1on 1 encounter why should I be at a disadvantage just because you happen to be in a faction? I'll never understand this logic that I should be excluded from any gear just because it comes from a tc box. Give everyone the same gear and let skill decide the outcome.

Closed suggestions / Re: improved flamer mk3
« on: September 11, 2013, 12:51:08 pm »
And why should anyone not in a gang be excluded from this aswome weapon? I dont get it, dont you guys already have enough of an advantage over loners and smaller groups? I would love to use one of these beastly machines so I hope its available to everyone if ever its implemented.

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