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Topics - MO-RON!

Pages: [1]
So I was just wandering if administrator could just change my default skin like "*poof* there it is" if I asked.
If yes, could one please change my default skin?

Game Help / Armor Class cap
« on: April 21, 2014, 10:48:43 am »
So I wanted to make Armor Class/ Jinxed build, so I need to raise my AC as high as I can. The wiki says that maximum cap is 140, but from my experience I can say that the wiki isn't always a trusty source of info, so I want to make sure what is the max. cap for AC?

Game Help / About Pashtshuurs.
« on: March 09, 2014, 01:17:56 pm »
So...what are these things, anyway? I don't recall them from Fallout 1 or 2 and I couldn't find a game with similiar monster to them. The only thing I know about Pashtshuurs is that they are rather tough (killing 3 of them was quite a struggle) and appear near the Glow. But what are they and why are they there?

Game Help / Getting rid of a Companion
« on: March 02, 2014, 12:27:46 pm »
So a friend of mine is making a Charisma and Speech character and wants to have plenty of companions and mercenaries. Since he's quite an idiot, he took some worthless companion and has no idea how to get rid of her. Since I never use companions and have no idea how to do this, I ask here.

Game Help / Dynamite or Plastic Explosives as throwing weapons.
« on: February 27, 2014, 08:12:40 pm »
So I was just curious. Since Dynamite and Plastic Explosives deal more damage than Dynacord Stick if you have high skill and right perks, would it be viable option to set the timer and then throw them at enemies, using the "~" button? Or is this not possible? It's still quite some time until I manage to test it out myself.

Game Help / "Epic" bursts.
« on: February 24, 2014, 11:58:52 am »
So I'm using the Avenger Minigun. Two bursts per round, sometimes up to 1800 damage on nomal enemies. However, when I was fightng a player sometime ago, my burst was dealing him about 25 damage...I was using the normal JHP ammo then. Yesterday I was using the armor piercing (AP) ammo and was shooting a guy from about x hexes (10 < x < 20) and my bursts delivered about 60 damage. Is my build that horrible, or do they have some epic armor? (both were wearing Combat Armor, but dunno about perks and drugs)

Game Help / Why join the Enclave or BoS?
« on: February 22, 2014, 07:40:51 pm »
So I was wondering: what's the real point of joining one of these factions? Getting Proffesions doesn't seem to be that great, since you can easily just go to some other guy and learn them, and they're all relatively won't get Power Armor/ Advanced Power Armor from them, as they only spawn in TC lockers. So what's the real point of joining them? Am I missing something?

Game Help / Strength
« on: February 12, 2014, 06:27:03 pm »
So I was just wondering :
If a weapon requires 7 strength, what penalty will my character suffer, if his Strength is <7?
Also, does the perk Weapon Handling (+2 to Strength when calculating chance to hit) works for this purpose? So, say, I use Avenger Minigun (min. Str : 7) and I have 5 Strength and Weapon Handling. Would it negate eventual penalties?

Game Help / Doctor Lab Coat
« on: February 07, 2014, 03:13:28 pm »
Yet another newbie question. How to obtain plain non-armor clothing like "Elegant dress" or, as said above, "The Doctor's Lab Coat"? I've seen several players wearing basic clothing other than the Vault Jumpsuit and I'm pretty sure there is a Labcoat too, isn't there?

Game Help / Intelligence and charisma?
« on: February 05, 2014, 07:20:07 pm »
Since it's my first post here it would be nice of me to say "Hello", so ye, hi.
I just noticed FOnline and I'm really interested about it. Just downloaded the client and I'm gonna make my first character.
So that's it : is it worth having high CHA and/or INT? I always loved playing as intelligent diplomat in FO2, but people on forum say that 1 CHA is enough for trade and stuff, and having 2 INT is enough SP/level.
So if I make character with, dunno, 4-6 CHA and 6-9 INT will my character a be poor fighter?
I'm interessted in being Sniper/ Heavy gunner, eventually Scientist with some light plasma weapon.

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