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Messages - MO-RON!

Pages: [1] 2 3
News and Announcements / Re: To Reload the Reloaded
« on: May 26, 2014, 02:52:39 pm »
What about exact Wipe date? Is it known already?

Game Help / Re: WIKI Editing
« on: May 09, 2014, 08:43:54 pm »
I'd do that. But laziness is above that will.

Game Help / Re: WIKI Editing
« on: May 09, 2014, 02:25:20 pm »
Oh, and two minor things

It says that you can't use Doctor and First Aid in Turn Based, while you can. It takes 3 Action Points

And it also says that Jet just requires Second level of Proffesion: Doctor, but I couldn't craft it without blueprint.

Game Help / Re: WIKI Editing
« on: May 09, 2014, 01:51:05 pm »
Wiki says that "Snakeater" support perk requires 75 Outdoorsman.
I have 36 Outdoorsman and still got the perk after completing the quest.
The screen shows the snakeater picture and my 36 Outdoorsman skill. I wanted to post full character screen, but this freaking forum can't support images over 128kb...

And I hope I get the damn cooky this time.

Well, I wouldn't call asking "skin-begging" myself, unless someone just keeps nagging and nagging adminis-traitors (God, such old joke) for one goddamn skin.

There's still some time until wipe, so askind an admin would be more convenient for me, I suppose. But thanks for reply.

So I was just wandering if administrator could just change my default skin like "*poof* there it is" if I asked.
If yes, could one please change my default skin?

Game Help / Re: WIKI Editing
« on: May 02, 2014, 07:03:31 pm »

The wiki says that crafting 100 units of MFC gives 500 exp, but it actually gives 350 exp for now.
I've added a screen. It shows that I have 1000 MCF and I gain 385 exp (Swift Learner). It's not THAT much of proof, but I found it out accidentally and couldn't give some hard evidence, so you can check it out yourselves, if that's not enough.

Game Help / Armor Class cap
« on: April 21, 2014, 10:48:43 am »
So I wanted to make Armor Class/ Jinxed build, so I need to raise my AC as high as I can. The wiki says that maximum cap is 140, but from my experience I can say that the wiki isn't always a trusty source of info, so I want to make sure what is the max. cap for AC?

Suggestions / Re: Prison(s)
« on: March 13, 2014, 07:53:28 pm »
Really cool idea, I actually like it. However it would be a nice idea to be able to get your friend the sneaky way. Not too easy of course...
Max Lockpick skill for now is 150% and +50% for Exp. lockpick set. That's 200%. Soo...a prison cells would be locked with 190% lock (so you need 140% and Expanded Lockpick Set, which is impossible to get as a prisoner, since, well, you have no items). A guy sneaks in, opens the cell with lockpicks, and they both get away safely.

Game Help / Re: About Pashtshuurs.
« on: March 10, 2014, 08:55:59 pm »
They spawn near SF?!
Fuck, those caravans to SF already are one big bullshit (are they even possible?!), but now, when I know that those Pashts-somethings may appear, it's going to be even more frustrating for me. And my first time I met them was few squares from The Glow. My friend was so scared that he ran right away. In Turn Based 1vs1 they aren't really that tough if you have Avenger, but in Real Time...gotta be impossible.

Game Help / About Pashtshuurs.
« on: March 09, 2014, 01:17:56 pm »
So...what are these things, anyway? I don't recall them from Fallout 1 or 2 and I couldn't find a game with similiar monster to them. The only thing I know about Pashtshuurs is that they are rather tough (killing 3 of them was quite a struggle) and appear near the Glow. But what are they and why are they there?

Polskie Pustkowia / Re: Przywitaj się !!!
« on: March 03, 2014, 06:26:59 pm »
Wita was tutaj morderca, pedofil, dzieckobójca i skromny producent amunicji, działek obrotowych i papierosów, z jakże wdzięcznym nickiem, MO-RON! (w realu Mirek, lat 17)
O ile z serią Fallout jestem wyjątkowo nowy (dopiero w tamtym roku zagrałem w Fallout 2 i co prawda go nie ukończyłem, ale RPG wybitne) to z RPG'ami jestem za pan brat. Wszystkie TESy (poza Areną, bo niezbyt mi pasowała) przeczesane, Gothic 1 i 2NK nie mają przede mną tajemnic, Wiedźmin 1 i 2 wychędożone na każdy sposób, Disciples II dumnie ukończone. I wiele innych.

W FOnline Reloaded zajmuję się w sumie wszystkim po trochu. Czasem wytwarzam amunicję, czasem wydobywam uran na granaty plazmowe, czasem pakuję zadające 2000 obrażeń serie z Avengera (głównie, gdy spotykam na pustkowiach kogoś, kto stanowi zagrożenie i nie mogę mu ufać), a *czasem* wysadzam ludzi w mieście. Obecnego nicku nie powiem, by się nie zdradzić ;)

Game Help / Re: Getting rid of a Companion
« on: March 02, 2014, 12:51:35 pm »
I'll make sure to inform him about that, thanks.

Game Help / Re: Getting rid of a Companion
« on: March 02, 2014, 12:35:57 pm »
Thanks for fast help.

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