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Messages - caper

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News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 07/04/2016
« on: April 08, 2016, 01:33:01 pm »
Sure hope the massive drop in onliners will not be permanent...this little experiment has cost the server players I'm afraid. It was a terrible idea to let it go on this long. I say this not to point fingers but because I have been here loyally for years and I am not happy when it declines. Maybe consider being public about planned experiments and set the time frame in public before just rolling it out and strongarming it. As much as we love Reloaded we should be informed of radical experiments like this instead of rumors causing people to seek other avenues of entertainment. You should be way more public with your thoughts and especially in this case. I wonder if you decided on a whim after seeing online numbers dropping to stop the experiment or it was planned?

The reroll process:

1. u put 10k caps in hand of character set for deletion
2. u type ~deleteself password in a safe location, preferably not a tent that will delete when ur char does
3. u log out of game, as per instruction received
4. a Book of Achievement spawns where ur character deletes if done right. This book is how u get the levels of the old character, and the book ofc. matches the amount of levels the deleted char had. Thus, a level X book.

Happy gaming

General Game Discussion / Re: Strange things after rollback
« on: July 25, 2015, 07:06:58 am »
Had gear on me i never seen before after a relog - some unknown (to me) crafter's  leather jacket. Havent seen glitches since it was reset after. Sure hope bases n tents r safe now?

General Game Discussion / Re: rules need update
« on: June 20, 2015, 04:53:53 am »
Awesome, thanks :)

General Game Discussion / rules need update
« on: June 18, 2015, 04:48:04 pm »
Caravan killings - seems logic not to do it or it will be all-out war with no room for nubs. BUT...where does it say it's bannable?
 It is - i asked Kilgore in PM - but we need the server rules updated if we're supposed to live by them!

I for one was surprised to be shot in the back by a hexer while his friend was shooting the others - half the server doesn't know caravan kills aren't allowed. Server wide messages just isn't enough, some of our players have gaps in their onlining.

WatchUrBack says he was not aware of the rule and has been killed in caravans too. He gave back the loot and asked where the rules update was. I believed him and told him's considered an exploit and stuff but it's not in the rules per se.......
Game rules:

Please make a post under game rules with stuff that is considered exploit? like
Killing in spawn area
Killing in caravan
Using the legally obtained rep to kill at gunrunners since guards don't give a fuck if victim has low/no rep
etc etc

Otherwise it's up to people to guess what's an exploit and what is good ol' killin fun....and then gettin banned without knowing they did wrong.

General Game Discussion / Re: Client not loading my dat files
« on: June 12, 2015, 03:57:26 pm »
Server is usually highly stable.

Sell / 2k each of junk - ele parts -
« on: April 11, 2015, 10:46:45 am »

Junk, 2000 units

Electronic parts, 2000 units

PM offer in caps. Min. sale 500 units at a time

Have a nice day

General Game Discussion / Re: All My Gear gone.......
« on: April 19, 2014, 07:14:08 am »
Yeh well wasteland has to be harsh. On the other hand, oldtimers with a small dick get a looot of kicks out of baseraping and hunting nubs. Harsh wasteland is a gr8 idea and I love the game. I do not love the nub exploitation that some nutless whimps in overgear seem to like. It's part of the game, but the system favors them too much at the moment.

1) From world map, you should not be able to see how many players are in an encounter bfore you enter - perhaps even name concealed - as in "you encounter floaters and player(s)". This will force player hunters to think twice instead of only entering when they feel safe they can rape a nub they just saw in town.

2) Based on outdoorsman, players in an encounter should have a decent chance of getting a warning when another enters the encounter. Also, whats with the lack of random encounters when you are out hunting lately? Seems no matter your outdoorsman you get the dialogue to avoid encounters now. That certainly makes player hunting easier. Possibly, when solo and with enough outdoorsman, one could get a 5 sec-lasting yes/no option to simply leave the encounter on new player entering. That way outdoorsman actually does good stuff.

3) Oldtimers should consider our regular player numbers and the FACT that so many new people are around all the time (meaning lots of the new ones don't stay and become stronger - regular player numbers aren't rising much) - wouldn't it be nice if more of those stayed and became part of our permanent player base?

4) consider making a nub trainer NPC that tells players in dialogue about being followed, about thieving, about the tent function and quest etc.

5) Jax you're welcome to forum PM me and I'll try and run you through the basics next I'm ingame

The Thunderdome / Re: Hub is RETARDED
« on: April 19, 2014, 06:50:34 am »
Try and read the first post.

My issue is not with thieves in Hub. I think it would be nice with no stealing/no bombing there, but that is for a different thread.

My issue is with the fact that the way Hub is protected atm means thieves and bombers can do as they please and we can't eradicate them on sight. This is not what I imagine the idea was, thus I call it an exploit. I saw Misia bomb 3 people in a row there and guards did nothing. Could I shoot her? Nop, guards hadn't seen her stealing, so 1) she wont die from my bullets, and 2) ill be shot and lose karma for no reason. I got bombed by Saddam the other day who got caught stealing but still wasn't guard killed - he took the stuff off the toon and left by grid. I find that retarded.

My 2nd point was that having bombers go wild in Hub is not a good idea since it's the nub town - and that was, I believe, the reason it was protected in the first place? We need more players. We don't need more entertainment venues for bored oldtimers to ruin the game of new players. That is about as smart as eating your arm coz you're hungry. If the issue is lack of entertainment for oldtimers, that is a different issue entirely.

If you want thieving and bombing in Hub, so be it, but don't protect the offenders from the victims...

So what i say is - again - either or. Has nothing to do with my little pony, it's all about exploits and revenge.

The Thunderdome / Re: Hub is RETARDED
« on: April 18, 2014, 08:52:50 pm »


would be nice to have a place where players can socialize - without overgeared cunts bored spend their time rippin em a new one with c4




the way it is now it only protects the cunts from the bullets we have for em on sight

....its not a secret we need more players. Is allowing exploits like this the way?

The Thunderdome / Hub is RETARDED
« on: April 18, 2014, 08:39:38 pm »

Bombers dont even get thief tag in Hub for blowing people up? And if they do they can still loot their victims? Either remove the Hub protection - that ONLY protects thieves and bombers from players revenge - or make it REAL safe

All this does is make sure noone can be in Hub if a thief has bombs

Thanks MisiaPysia and Saddam u bleeding cunts. Exploiting a safe zone.

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 09/02/2014
« on: February 14, 2014, 06:21:56 pm »
I still use pancor, stop whinning about things you dont know. And turbo plasma rifle.... Have u ever seen some using it in pvp (real time, not that shitty tb) ? Ive just seen a couple of guys using turbo plasma rifle, if it were OP more people would use it. Noobs are paranoid about implants, btw. There arent so many implants, and they are not so good, make proper build and you will have chances of beating 1 implanted character.

so u using pancor makes all my arguments void? heh...also, there are plenty implants around, the chests spit em out way too much -  they're just hoarded by certain factions. The core of my post deals with newbers and access to pvp. Hard enough to get people in there.

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 09/02/2014
« on: February 14, 2014, 06:03:22 pm »
I remember a thread where oldtime pvp'ers whined about newer players not pvping enough. Pancor was the poor man's entrance ticket - not as good as the megaweapons, but it could hold it's own. And it's possible to replenish after death  even without a huuge stash. Looks like it's all owned by the implant-loaded top tier gun users 100% again? Imho, nerfing pancor adds another advantage to oldtimers with plenty ubergear reserves and fucks up pvp entrance for newer players in yet another area. Unless the purpose is to have oldtimers always win, this might not be the best choice of nerf.
You >do< want players to have a chance more or less when battling the oldtimers right? Or is the 'skill' factor not enough, they're supposed to own it all - all the time?

Just wondering why this nerf was accompanied by a +10 to crit table on the already quite powerful TP rifle? And why no nerf to gatling laser? The oldtimer whiners got through?

Heck I'll go try it out see what happens, maybe pay for a reroll on one of my other toons. This all does seem to cater to the the rich hoarders more than it opens pvp for the newer players - these kinds of changes would be fun after a wipe tho ^

Auctions / Re: Optics Enhancer implant
« on: February 04, 2014, 11:11:25 pm »
bla bla bla

bla bla

bla bla bla

fact is u put up an auction with buyout and then canceled it AFTER buyout.

no manner of bla bla from ivic or you can alter that.

i hereby cancel my bid on any other auctions of yours I may have posted in, not gonna bother look for them. Will never trade with you. In the future, don't post auctions. Pistolero? Ur supposed to NOT BE A FUCKING NOOB THEN!

Auctions / Re: 2 Gauss Rifles
« on: February 04, 2014, 11:06:01 pm »
350 of: HQ and regular alloys, 350 metal parts. Ill put junk to match requirement too, but are we supposed to raise all parts or what's the plan here? Please specify. Junk included in bid as required (is that 175?) but I am somewhat confused, borderline flabbergasted here ^

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