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Messages - VVish

Pages: 1 [2] 3
News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 02/07/2015
« on: July 04, 2015, 01:45:18 pm »
Pistol, Rifle, Flamethrower, Uzi.
How2use - unfold, assign name of gun you want to get back to old state, then put in /data/art/items/guns folder. If there is no such folder in your game, create it. It will override the graphics in
Example - UZI.png should be renamed into hkp90.png, then placed in /data/art/items/guns.

Special delivery for dark angel.

Toxic Caves / Re: Changelog 02/07/2015
« on: July 03, 2015, 11:49:54 pm »
Solar will be fixed tomorrow. Still that dumb palette fooling me -_-.

Thanks for all replies.

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 02/07/2015
« on: July 03, 2015, 11:49:35 pm »
Solar will be fixed tomorrow. Still that dumb palette fooling me -_-.

Thanks for all replies..

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 02/07/2015
« on: July 03, 2015, 07:58:56 pm »
4.7mm fixed. LSW fixed. Pulse nade fixed. Solar Scorcher fixed. Combat Shotgun fixed.
Drugs, keys and blueprints activated.
Fake grenade & fake sledge added.

Use Updater.exe againg for new :D.

Sorry for all issues and ugly "?" marks on the floor, it's impossible to make tons of filepathings and picturenamings without bugs.
Please, keep reporting everything you find with blue background, ? symbol instead of normal picture and etc.

For those who hate new update I'll soon make a patch making every added unique graphic piece to it's old state.

About items positioning on ground - you can manually change them yourself by editing .fopro files via notepad. Inside you will find X and Y and some numbers. X=0 and Y=0 means middle of hex, you can experiment for yourself to change values untill they please you.

Toxic Caves / Re: Combat Difficulty Staircase
« on: June 08, 2015, 05:35:45 am »
When you master PvE, your next step is getting to PvP asap:

Hinkley. I suggest everyone to have at least 1 character there and pvp for about hour per day. First of all - it's fun if not playing too much, it can be nice relax from pve braindeath.
More important - it gives a lot of general combat experience needed to every player - how to hide from enemy fire, how to heal effectively, how to manage using of AP points in pvp, how to maintain your range. You can't become superpro with this, but average and even above average infantry - maybe. At least after it you'll know what to do and how to hold your gun, when some dirty bastards will try to rob your caps in Wasteland.

Toxic Caves / Re: Combat Difficulty Staircase
« on: June 08, 2015, 05:32:50 am »
When you master PvE, your next step is getting to PvP asap:

Hinkley. I suggest everyone to have at least 1 character there and pvp for about hour per day. First of all - it's fun if not playing too much, it can be nice relax from pve braindeath.
More important - it gives a lot of general combat experience needed to every player - how to hide from enemy fire, how to heal effectively, how to manage using of AP points in pvp, how to maintain your range. You can't become superpro with this, but average and even above average infantry - maybe.

Tools and Modifications / Re: "Pure Black Blue" Interface
« on: June 03, 2015, 03:22:11 am »
Updated to 1.04b, fixed font issue as promised.

Spoiler: Pickup 1.04b • show

Thanks to drot for help with finding the font.

Tools and Modifications / Re: "Pure Black Blue" Interface
« on: May 30, 2015, 06:04:36 am »
Quote from: Grizzan
According to what I see it is nothing else than Pure Evil with blue instead of green colour put somewhere.

Yeah, no efforts was put in at all.

Quote from: dark angel
I hope u will do update, its the best interface.
Sorry for delay, was lazy to do it in time since I'm rarely logging in Reloaded right now.

Update for pickup screen released.
Spoiler: Update screenshot • show

Note that font is temporary, it'll be fixed as soon as I find the orinigal font of Pure Evil.

Character builds / Re: Gatling Spec Build?
« on: May 27, 2015, 02:19:04 am »
Quote from: Henry
Personally, I tag Outdoorsman and get it maxed at 175 with fast-travel perks. Yes you need FA high, but that one can get higher over time while you use sstims. I want OD higher sooner but that's a judgment call. Its because when you fail in combat, having OD 175 + Explorer/Pathfinder helps a lot to get you back to the fight quickly.

For that, all you need is a tent on respawn with the driver waiting for you. Yes, it's a second window taxi, but it's hellalot faster than any OD usage.

OD is only useful for pve with occasional pvp activity. Even level 10 support char helps a lot, because in this build intelligence will be low, thus making that 175 OD skill looking like a dream.

Character builds / Re: Gatling Spec Build?
« on: May 27, 2015, 12:44:44 am »
Name role of character.
There is like 4 types of gatling characters possible to create, with great dispersion of levels needed.

Bonehead is a must in pvp. Since all snipers (you will see snipers for sure) can KO\KD\eye cripple at ease even tanks, bonnie is a musthave trait. Strange that BB. didn't mention this.
Fastshot is pretty fine since you're focusing not on aimed shots, but on heavy blows from gatling bursts or rockets.

Weapon handling seems crazy perk, you don't need it that much. I'd recommend to take Adrenaline Rush for further tankyness, it saves asses and works fine, especially for range combat.
You can also swap one ab for stonewall. Believe me, when shit starts to fly around, it's the thing you will pray to have.

Again, if it's a pvp-based build, you need all that luck in perception. Simply because of FoV = life, plus you'll be able to use psycho without limiting your sight that great.

Skill tags.
You can hybrid yourself pretty much with everything, there is rocket launcher\lsw from BG which you can use or XL\grenade launcher from SG. Choose youself.
Don't forget to make 100 doc and at least 175 FA. Start level bg only after getting dis.

That should be all, for tanky gatling - that's it.

Suggestions / Re: New weapon perk [Stopping Power]
« on: May 26, 2015, 12:15:31 am »
Toying with -DR mods of ammo, armor resistances and other stuff is not the thing really needed. Look here carefully:

Code: [Select]
14:30:24 • Motoko was hit for 64 hit points by you.
14:30:29 • Motoko was hit for 33 hit points by you.
14:31:45 • Motoko was hit for 68 hit points by you.
14:32:04 • Motoko was hit for 65 hit points by you.
14:32:08 • Motoko was hit for 49 hit points by you.
14:32:38 • Motoko was hit for 59 hit points by you.

Out of 15 bursts in total, 6(!) of them were unreliable. Stopping Power won't fix anything with this, just increase alpha (maximum) strike to characters with DR above 65.
I found that annoying on XL rifle and P90 too, especially in hexing.

Conclusion at comments above:
Perks that counters other perks in this way is not good in my opinion, because they neglect the primal role of tank - to tank damage. Basically right now it's easier to tank normal damage than to deal normal damage, no doubt, but. Remember what avenger does with paper characters\jet users\snipers and always keep that in mind when thinking about this weapon.

What I suggest as perk for bursters:
Level 24+ one that will increase burst hitchances from 95% to 100%, so you'll not miss bullets with guarantee (unless target has high AC, here you should counter it with high weapon skill). Low requirements, so it'll be universally available to other guns also.

Suggestions / Re: New weapon perk [Stopping Power]
« on: May 25, 2015, 01:44:31 am »
Basically situation is the following, done in comparison:

Gatling Laser.
Gatling doesn't need any damage dealing perk.
It does 80-100 damage on range to any kind of build, since 90% of all armors is camk2 and there is no perk that can decrease it's damage. All builds equal in front of it.
Spoiler: Proof • show

Has range of 40.  3 shots per clip.
Can be used by EW snipers as self-defense on hexing range, also with critbuild gatling shots are deadly blows for 180-200 damage.
Instakills \ nearly kills target in onehex blow.
Really big range for damage dealer.
Can do splash damage in small cone.
Very stable in DPS, because of only few bullets need to hit the target.

Needs 7(6 with brof) ap to shoot, so it needs jet\actionboys to be used. However due to overall perk cheapness, you can allow yourself 1\2 actionboys without much suffering.
Weapon needs relatively more time to farm it + ammo (but if really they drop from Enclave like shit, with MFC rain from same place, so don't know what's the problem for EW users with getting enough amount of this weapon), no bonuses, no weapon perk like "accurate" demands more skillpoints into Energy Weapon to use.
Splash damage hits teammates hard.

Avenger minigun.
It needs minimum 2x damage dealing perks to execute, to deal damage on range equal to gatling - 3.
It does very unstable damage on range to any kind of build, since there is a lot of bullets in bursts, so chance to miss is higher, it decreases stability of damage, making range bursts unreliable. Thus critbuilds working bad, because of bullets missing instead of hitting target and rolling crit.
Has range of 35. 3 shots per clip.
Can deal devastating damage if all bullets hit to paper characters - jet users, 1x toughness, snipers.
It's good in hex range, can do oneshots\nearlykills for jet users\other damage dealing characters, but with that bullets misses it can sometimes do ridiculously low damage (to be honest this can be applied to any weapon, hexing is suffering without being sure it'll deal full damage instead of half bullets disappearing, avenger just suffer most cuz most bullets per barrage).
Critbuilds, however, can score incredible damage (more than 200) if got lucky, bet that luck is rare.
Can do splash damage in moderate cone, very good benefit in some cases.
Can use bonuses, also has "Accuracy" perk, that somehow decreases amount of BG skill needed to operate the gun (it doesn't help much, from what I heard avenger user still needs it's bg skill around 270).

7(6 with brof) requires either jet or ca+1ap\+1ap weapon or action boys to shoot twice. If used with jet as solution, it becomes very paper, so price is too high.
Range of getting pizduley - 35 firerange is a range where only tank builds can feel somehow safely, with good chances of survival, making non-tank avenger users good frag meat, but bad damage dealers.
Builds with high DR pretty much ignore avenger in ground, especially with DT\DR armors.
Splash damage hits teammates, requires precious positioning, that decreases time before damage is dealt.

2x unreliable bursts is not worth investing brds and actionboys\crits.
It's much easier to counter damage from avenger (and also some other weapons), then to counter damage from gatling.
Tanks dealing more stable and reliable damage, than bursters. Gatling-tank users just dealing more damage.
For range fight LSW is better than avenger, even if all damage dealing perks applied.

Gatling damage from 64-84 to 63-79.
To do something with avenger - best option is to make damage stable, so damage dealing perks will be worth it, but to lower crazy crits from it. Imo it's not good to see snipers dying from 1(!) blow sometimes.
That's why Stopping Power as perk for build or as perk for weapon can find it's place.

Game Help / Re: Can DR be negative?
« on: May 23, 2015, 10:28:02 pm »
If enemy resistances are 0% and you're using 1\1 dmg -35% dr mod ammo, resistances will still 0%, they're not going below 0.

If enemy resistances are 15% and you're using 1\1 dmg -35% dr mod ammo, resistances will be 0%.

If enemy resistances are 15% and you're using 2\1 +20% dr mod ammo, resistances will be 35%, but damage will be doubled.

So, basically, JHP (the one that multiplies damage) is good to use against low- or un-armored targets, AP - against armored.

Closed suggestions / Re: Super sledge
« on: May 22, 2015, 02:16:14 pm »
Weapon perk "Penetration", small energy cells as charges.
Possibly animation time between blows also decreased tiny bit.

High KD chance, relatively low damage (30-40 to tank), increased critroll on aimed blows.

high damage blow, higher ap cost, chance for cripple, overall critroll decreased, so for critbuild there will be no oneshots.

Suggestions / Re: New weapon perk [Stopping Power]
« on: May 22, 2015, 02:12:32 pm »
I think overall idea is good, however this can be lethal with long-range burster with LSW or XL, they'll simply do quite a lot of damage on range, which is already high imo.

Still, I'd like to see this perk with high stats demands, so it'll be very hard to make it 2x brd + crits + stoppingpower. More stable damage, but no crits - that's fine.

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