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Messages - Perq

Pages: [1]
Toxic Caves / Re: So a "dev" wanted me to give him all the stuff I have
« on: January 30, 2016, 08:11:49 pm »
Well, a little late to do that now... And I doubt admins themselves will give us chat logs from the server. So you have no reason to believe me. There were few witnesses to what happened, but I doubt they read/post on the forums, so there's that.

Neither I have any to lie, since I'm here for 4 days now. Just do whatever you want with it, I don't really care since I'm out of here anyways. Just a information for others that might want to consider investing their time here. :)

Actually, I'm pretty happy it happened that soon - would be a giant waste of time if I stayed here for longer.

Toxic Caves / Re: So a "dev" wanted me to give him all the stuff I have
« on: January 30, 2016, 08:04:36 pm »
Where are the chat logs saved, if they are at all? Anyways, all of that is in Polish, so I doubt you'll understand it.

Toxic Caves / So a "dev" wanted me to give him all the stuff I have
« on: January 30, 2016, 07:59:13 pm »
Namely cubik2k. He reached me, wanted my stuff, and when I told him I won't give him a shit, he called Kilgore (the "admin") and he teleported me to Redding to "punish me". Then I told them how childish they act, so he kicked me for 720 minutes.

No need to kick me for 720 minutes bro. I'm leaving anyways. :=) I don't want to have to do anything with bunch of jackasses, thinking they can do whatever they want.

So yeah, games great, these two are are not.
Had fun with this game while it lasted (4 days), but I guess thats it.

Cheers! (This will be deleted anyways, but lets make sure some people see what is really going on around here)

Polskie Pustkowia / Kolejne zwłoki do przewalania
« on: January 27, 2016, 03:23:14 pm »
Witam, jestem tutaj nowy. :P

Strasznie tu surowo... i muszę przyznać że to lubię. :D
Jednak fajnie by było nie umierać cały czas, albo przynajmniej nie umierać samemu. Innymi słowy, szukam jakiejś grupy.
Jestem ogarnięty, w Fallouty grałem sporo, potrafię sam znaleźć sobie informację. Generalnie, sam sobie poradzę. Być może jakaś grupa szuka właśnie mnie. :D

Tak czy inaczej, witam. :P

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