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Messages - Seppsky

Pages: [1] 2
Suggestions / Re: New weapon: Tazer/Stun Gun
« on: November 13, 2013, 01:35:27 pm »
Manero, yeah, maybe. But still it's just a suggestion. 3.14, 1 second stun in PvP is kind of a big deal in close combat + criticals might do the trick with this weapon.

Suggestions / Re: New weapon: Tazer/Stun Gun
« on: November 13, 2013, 01:19:00 pm »
Oh, I forgot to add. The stun effect wouldn't stack. Once you are stunned, you cannot get stunned until it passes. Well, it would be useless in turn-based, but I'd rather see it in real time PvP. And don't forget that you have to reload after every single shot, so no 7 shots per turn.

Suggestions / Re: New weapon: Tazer/Stun Gun
« on: November 13, 2013, 01:12:11 pm »
My knowledge of computers equals 0, so there will be none, unless someone finds it.

Toxic Caves / Re: New weapon: Tazer/Stun Gun
« on: November 13, 2013, 12:59:51 pm »
How about some new weapon, huh? I just thought of it, no idea if it's been considered here or other servers.
First of all I don't know shit about statistics in this game and I could use some suggestions regarding this weapon.
So, let's get to it.

Tazer (no idea how to post images, so here's a link: )

I see this weapon as a support for energy weapons users in close combat. As it's name says, in my eyes, it would taze the opponent, make damage similar to, let's say, cattle prod but on a distance. Damage would be of course electrical. Also the idea is that it would stun enemy for a short period. 1 second seems like a good idea, 2 seconds would be a little too much.
Effects of stun: Player/mob stunned cannot perform actions of shooting or walking.
Damage: 12-20
Range: 15 hexes
Type: One - handed
ST Requirement: 3 

2x junk
3x electronic part
1x good metal part
1x HQ alloy
1x Cattle Prod/Super Cattle Prod

Suggestions / New weapon: Tazer/Stun Gun
« on: November 13, 2013, 12:58:47 pm »
How about some new weapon, huh? I just thought of it, no idea if it's been considered here or other servers.
First of all I don't know shit about statistics in this game and I could use some suggestions regarding this weapon.
So, let's get to it.

Tazer (no idea how to post images, so here's a link: )

I see this weapon as a support for energy weapons users in close combat. As it's name says, in my eyes, it would taze the opponent, make damage similar to, let's say, cattle prod but on a distance. Damage would be of course electrical. Also the idea is that it would stun enemy for a short period. 1 second seems like a good idea, 2 seconds would be a little too much.
Effects of stun: Player/mob stunned cannot perform actions of shooting and walking.
Damage: 12-20
Range: 15 hexes
Type: One - handed
ST Requirement: 3 
Clip size: 1
Single shot: 5/6 action points
Reload: 2 action points

2x junk
3x electronic part
1x good metal part
1x HQ alloy
1x Cattle Prod/Super Cattle Prod

Edit: Added clip size and ap cost.

Polskie Pustkowia / Re: Pytania i odpowiedzi
« on: November 12, 2013, 06:03:12 pm »
Dzięki wielkie za odpowiedzi a teraz mała seria odnośnie pojazdów.
1. Z tego co czytałem Lockpick'iem można ukraść samochód, to prawda?
2. Jak zatrzyma mnie jakiś Random Encounter i mobki mnie zabiją będę mógł wrócić i odzyskać wszystko?
3. Czy będzie pozycja samochodu zaznaczona na mapie? (czy podobnie jest jak skończy mi się paliwo albo wyjdę z lokacji nie klikając na samochodzie?)
4. Czy moby tam dalej będą?
5. Czy uciec z takiego Random Encounter'a można klikając na samochód jak moby jeszcze są?
6. Gdzie najlepiej szukać Special Encounter'a z Vertibird?
7. Co się stanie jak dojadę do jakiejś lokacji i wybuduje tam namiot lub bazę? Pojazd zniknie czy zostanie przeniesiony? (to samo będzie przy wznoszeniu bazy za pomocą konstruktora?)
Pytanie dodatkowe
8. Jak wyjdę z Special Encounter'a będę mógł do niego wrócić?

1. Tak.
2. Nie. Chyba, że zostawisz na encounterze samochód.
3. Tak.
4. Tak.
5. Tak, pod warunkiem, że twoja postać nie jest w trybie walki.
6. Wszędzie.
7. Nie wiem.
8. Nie wiem.

Dzięki. Dalej o TC:
Czy istnieje jedna skrzynka w której odradza się co godzinę ta stała liczba pieniędzy, czy jest ich powiedzmy 3 albo jest jedna na każdego członka gangu? Czy każdy członek gangu może otworzyć skrzynkę?

A propos kompanionow:
Jak sie pozbyc kompaniona, zeby moc go wymienic na nowego?

Skrzynka jest jedna dla całego gangu. Przedmioty pojawiają się co pół godziny. Na ogół obowiązuje zasada "kto pierwszy, ten lepszy". Każdy członek gangu może otworzyć skrzynkę.

Auctions / Re: Game Master Auction - Implants and more !
« on: November 08, 2013, 11:02:28 am »
Dermal Impact Armor - 300k

The Thunderdome / Re: Forum Pv
« on: November 06, 2013, 01:50:30 pm »
Someone is jealous.  ::)

Assault to moja postać. Osiedl się w okolicach NCR, mlotek do reki i do kopalni :) wyprodukuj pierwszą broń, pierwszy armor i jakoś to pojdzie.

PS. Jovanka, przede wszystkim zgol w końcu te wąsy i przestań trolować, bo jesteś w tym cienka jak dupa węża.

Closed suggestions / Re: Instanced dungeons
« on: November 05, 2013, 11:04:36 am »
Imagine a situation: I'm on irc, someone comes there and says, he was lucky and looted implant from such dungeon. What everone else thinks? "Well, fuck this game for another 12 hours".
I'd rather see them as a special encounter in addition to normal dungeons. With no limit of implants per server, but just 15% chance of spawning random implant after defeating the boss.

Closed suggestions / Re: Grenade Launchers and 40mm Grenades
« on: October 31, 2013, 10:29:13 pm »
Yeah it's been a while since I'm thinking about adding grenade launcher, but there is a problem: with lesser range and damage than bazooka, it would need something else to be actually used, like >1 mag capacity - not very realistic, but maybe it would solve the problem. Any other ideas?

How about 1 less action point for it + 1 mag capacity (2 after costly upgrade) + instant damage from explosion and damage similar to poison, dealt by fire, but more frequent and a bit stronger. I'm thinking of something like 20 damage every 4 seconds for 12 seconds/every 5 secs for 10 secs.
Edit: Damage would not stack with other grenades which would cause you to catch on fire. Once you are on fire, you burn for 10 seconds, take 40 damage. That would finally make fire resistance useful.
Edit2: Just realized 2 mag capacity would be an overkill, forget it.

Auctions / Re: Game Master Auction - Implants and more !
« on: October 31, 2013, 10:20:24 am »
Nemean Armor - 400k

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 30/10/2013
« on: October 31, 2013, 08:43:24 am »
Awesome update.
Great upgrade for LSW.
Regarding Ivic... Seriously, when they nerf Pancor even more, e.g. 15 hex range, you will still cry about it, because you cannot enter any building.

Auctions / Re: Game Master Auction - Implants and more !
« on: October 31, 2013, 08:03:22 am »
Nemean Armor - 300k

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 28/10/2013
« on: October 30, 2013, 06:27:32 pm »
But Jacky for pancor build u also need skill, u have to click many times per second, so its not so easy. See how BBS with their pro skills took all the towns? ;)

:) Yeah, we took the towns. And what are you gonna do about it, huh? :)

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