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Topics - Heron Therapist

Pages: [1]
Sell / WTS/T Hummer
« on: July 27, 2014, 01:09:57 pm »
So, Id love to trade my humvee in for a car of lesser quality + Laser rifles ( extended capacity )

Ill even give it away with a full tank of gas. and you get a bottle of Rot Gut , to ease you into driving the bitch

anyway PM me

The Thunderdome / WTF moment
« on: July 26, 2014, 01:25:04 pm »
So, I got like 30 mins to play, so Ill walk around the Boneyard, click on the map and go find some cars ( i need a FCC )
EDIT : I did not stress enough, I only click on the green triangle, to go into map view or whatever ... I dont do "chest hunts" where I check maps with NPS to loot chests. I was stricktly getting wood, fruit, junk and most importantly CARS...
So I do that, for 10 minutes, and I click and Im like. w t f

"You encountered Followers of the Apocalypse and fuzzy"

so , fuck it, I yel: "im Necros friend, i did not click to be here, ill leave"
but , he, ofc opened fire, I ran for my life and barely escaped

i dont blame the guy, he opened fire, someone came to his gig ..
i blame the game, how can it throw me in a PvP map for no reason and with no intro. not even the annoying lightning bolt -.-

not cool IMO

Sell / WTS/T Items , list below
« on: July 26, 2014, 12:14:39 am »
Ok peeps, I want to sell/trade the following :

2x .223 pistols ( 98/100 both )
14 mm pistol 96/100
Superior Flamer 100/100
Improved power Fist 100/100
Improved combat Shotgun (2x) 100/100
Improved combat Shotgun 47/70
Advanced Combat Shotgun 64/100
Advanced Combat Shotgun 80/100
Advanced Combat Shotgun 82/100
Improved M60 100/100
Advanced M60 100/100
Improved Pancor 79/100
Improved Pancor 100/100 (2x)
Quality Pancor 100/100 (5x)
Quality Pancor 62/100
Quality Pancor 93/100
Quality Pancor 89/91

Unique Flamer 100/100
Unique Improved Flamer 100/100
quality Improved Flamer 100/100
Unique Rocket Launcher 100/100
Advanced Rocket launcher 100/100 (2x)
Unique Light Support Weapon 49/100
Unique Laser Rifle (ext. cap.)100/100
Quality Laser Rifle 100/100
Improved Laser Rifle 100/100 (2x)
Quality Plasma Rifle 100/100
Quality M60 100/100 (2x)
Superior M60 100/100 (4x)
Improved M60 100/100 (3x)
Improved Laser Pistol 100/100

BP's :
Stimpack , Cattle Prod

random junk :
Psy Nullifier, Rubber boots, Rubber doll ( I recommend getting those two together. Hell, maybe even spring for that Cattle prod as well. why not, its only human.... ), Ball gag ( this I give for the sake of love, if you get the triple combo option as mentioned before. Ask me about my offer and receive a free 2h presentation ) , COC Badge ( you perv, its just CoC ), fuzzy painting ( multiple articles ) , and a pair of goggles.

hmm now that I look at the list, it does look a bit silly, but, that IS all of the collectibles I have ,asside from the howitzer shell which is my prize possession >.<

I ask for a fair trade...
I need a Truck, Police Car, Corvega ( vehicles)
MF cells, rockets ( AP , regular ) ( Ammo )
Pulse rifle, Plasma Rifle, Laser rifle, Rocket Launcher ( armaments. I need em all regular )
Cigarettes, super stims, stims ( drugs/items)
howitzer shells, condoms ( collectables)

Post here if you have Q's, I dont like that silent buyer BS :P

Game Help / Mercing / I need some peeps to acompany me
« on: July 25, 2014, 04:42:56 pm »
Yo people, Im looking for a small group of people to do the "tougher" stuff around FOnline. im lvl 30, and am kind of noobish. I would love to "merc" with someone in the glow or ares military base. basically i want some peeps to hang with , and do some "quests" and shit

im funny, at times, and I wont take much loot, im in it for the fun

I cannot join a faction, being the sole survivor of my old squad. I have 4 empty bases, 3 cars ( I can provide the wheels for our expedition ) and a lot of ammo to supply the group. Heck ill even take on noobs as myself and outfitt them with sg or bg. armors too, screw it :)

just lets see if this gets anyones attention lol

also, a Q

i found a psychic nullifier. anyone wants it ?

The Thunderdome / amor
« on: February 23, 2014, 10:35:18 pm »
this douchebag made a char, named it Heron BG or something, and used it to get into our base/tents of a player in our  faction

bastard killed my mate, and took it uppon himself to clean us out

at this time , I MUST commend each and every one of you on IRC that offered to help ( you know who you are ) , and I hope I get to skin the bastard alive myself !

atm im at work and can only irc and forum, not play
if i could id find the little punk and melt his face off

i sent a pm to gm, to bann the char, cause his name is , well , stolen. there are 160 people in this game, i kind of like it if Heron or any variation of the name, be mine -.- cause the little bitch will rouin my rep ( and any and ALL noobs that know my name, know i gave em chests/footlockers, I healed them ,gave em caps, weapons whatever..... amor will tent rape em and i dont want that associated with MY nick -.- )

at this point I call for a BAN
and i also declare eWar on the bastard
he will wish he was never dumb enough to register


also, another guy claimed he was approached by "seki"
same dialogue they had , same as me and seki. after my chat with "seki" my pal viral killer found Heron BG and took him to bases where all this shit happened. so , not just ingame character name theft, but IRC LITTERAL name theft -.-

Sell / Selling my body... for mercing, you dirty bastards !
« on: February 23, 2014, 04:50:42 pm »
K, so, I will accompany any player tonight, 23rd, on 24th, from 2am to 3 am ( my time , Im a Croat ) for a fixed fee of 50 or 70k caps

All loot we get is yours

Ill be your meat shield

I will wear CA mki or CA mkII
plasma rifle
rocket launcher if needed
laser rifle ext mag

i can die 10 times, and 10 times I can replenish my gear !
but i doubt ill die that many times

anyway im lvl 25
i really need the caps, so i came up with this idea LOL

Toxic Caves / Random junk for sale :D
« on: February 22, 2014, 09:36:14 pm »
So Im selling random shit, I need the money, plus some commradery will not hurt :D

so Im selling random shit, like rubber boots, condoms, blow up dolls, motion sensors, geiger counters, basically anything I have and dont need, which is a lot....

ask for stuff, if I got it we can trade/sell

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