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Topic: The patch that made me sad  (Read 781 times)


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The patch that made me sad
« on: March 10, 2014, 07:36:40 am »
warehouse used to be fun, could go there solo sneaker, dodge death claws and other sneakers, was a fun game of hide n seek, obv every now n then a clan will roll in and flatten all sneakers but meh us bottom feeder sneakers did ok as things was, then came the slags

now its impossible to do solo while the bots are in some alerted state, sometimes you can walk right up to them NO SNEAK literally grab the box and run but they seem to see sneakers and its impossible to do without a team, i mean it was super hard before, but it was possible

thought TC was for huge teams and these kinds of places was for solo or small teams who want a taste of the nice gear? and what the fuck happened to vault 15? and why the hell does mega power fist have knockback? worst shit ever all updated been good then this happened

and yeah, im waiting for the sneaker hate, go on, i understand, have your fucking say, sneaker or not sneaker that locker at warehouse is impossible to solo, with deathclaws it could be done due to their lack of range but these new cunts are basically death claws with guns its fuckin retarded

add new content please, dont fix somthing if its not broken, you wanna toy with areas use that chem place near top of map or that marisopa base or some fuckin shit or crater nobody EVER goes to them places why ruin popular place like this

and if this was a fix to stop sneakers, its stopped nothing, im still there, sneaking away, getting the loots, its just annoyingly hard now and im sick of losing leather jackets its time consuming and irritating, the end result is the same but im having less fun, so much less fun i felt the need to post a fucking raged up rant

sort it out m8 fair enough u got drunk and decided to do some code blindfolded, but sober up and restore cuz this shit aint cool