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Messages - Fickibumbum

Pages: [1]
Toxic Caves / ׅ
« on: November 06, 2018, 01:25:28 pm »
I really hate when people do not respect each other for no given reason.

Toxic Caves / Re: Lmfao wait what ?
« on: September 14, 2018, 02:09:48 pm »
Wichura has a point.
He's right, I could edit, rather than post another. However, I got a point aswell, after finishing one topic, I tend to make a new post, because it helps closing one door and opening another, I know some people have massive problems with mental flexibility and I do not blame cuz I was born with it and lack of focus.

But SPAM ?? .. I feel like some staff member who dislikes me done this due to personal dislike, thus am alil disturbed, whilst at the same time thinking "okay.. whatever".
The Vivi thread was spam.

The Vivi thread did not even count towards our post counter, it was in a subforum, of a subforum, of a subforum.
No warning given, no complains, nothing, some people told me ingame, they enjoyed reading it due to it's idioticy mixed with facts. The read numbers speak for themself period.

Other than that... I never "spammed".
I never written 100% off topic, 100% unpersonal non contected contents or whatever.
I have not always been nice yeah.
But SPAM ??

You see where I'm going at... lack of reasoning and a paranoid gut feel which I obtained here.
I played the clown and gasoline for an entire server at times, just to crack myself and the audience up and the thank you for it is being accused of spam lmfao. Just... blah....

Let the ship sink without me, oh the loss kappa.

And btw.

Some of these users who never speak out openly, due to impotency mixed with a shattered character/personality and lack of a backbone are the most cringeworthy losers I ever seen in my entire life lmao.

Stop crawling, start walking. Or stay below these people you are pointing at all the time to cover up your own flaws. Pathetic.

Toxic Caves / Re: Lmfao wait what ?
« on: September 14, 2018, 02:05:07 am »
But hey... GG.. well played with that ban on me.

Not like the player numbers have only dropped since I left, even since the khans left for good and it's no secret I hate them but it's factual.

It will come very much in this places favour, to have a hyperactive mofo who's cracking up people all day and enteraining them even at the cost of his own reputation for the luls banned and gone. *slowclap*
Loot drop.. player numbers still half of what they were 4 months ago ROFLMAO.. and as a small reminder.. yes.. I have been playing BDO for pretty much 4 months straight.

Dat good game tho.
It must be learned, how to crash a car against a wall effectively.

And oh boii.. the harsh truth. Looking forward to see this in the toxic caves due to impotency and the inabillity to respond to this properly with the right tools aka words and arguements (trying to arguement against reality is like justifying pedophelia anyways... NOT possible).

Blah why even bother.. back to crafting beer in Heidel while lifting kek.

EDIT2 Just for you bitch XD
I can, but I have 4 good points and putting them all into a single textwall, would merely confuse the audience.
Who's this Bayer Moronato anyway, the hell do I even answer such random forum alt. Haven't even seen/read him ever before pffft.

Toxic Caves / Re: Lmfao wait what ?
« on: September 14, 2018, 01:33:54 am »
Embarrasing, desolate shitshow.

3 words to describe things here.

And I lost my will to support this sad show any further.  :P

And Bayer Faggotismo lmfao.. let's take a short peak at "YOUR" social skills you little degenerated pile of human biomass.

River of Tears / Re: Re: 3rd Session Info
« on: September 04, 2017, 12:23:02 pm »
powerpuff has always proven his autism on these forums and we won't miss him "

Just one example.
That toxic post about Coros puppets was also very much deluxe autism. But hey... if you cannot achieve anything else in live.. you behave the way you did here with that post. ; ) Impotent inbreed *shakes head* this place reeks of your kind, am fkin feed up with this level of autism anyways, you give me brain cancer.
This games community is pretty much the biggest pile of cancer, I have ever engaged during my 14 years of online gaming lmfao. And the impotency is even worse than the amount of cancer, though, both come hand in hand, one is the sad cause of the other.

Toxic Caves / Re: Lmfao wait what ?
« on: September 14, 2018, 01:30:23 am »
Oh and remember..

That ban is entirely useless against me.. So don't get your hopes too high boii. ; )

Or what do you think it could do against me ? Theres nothing stopping me from making an alter ego and dwell around here further.
Jeez, the ignorance though.  :facepalm

This 30 days ban is merely a sign, nothing more, nothing less. And it pretty much describes the terrible coniditon this place is in. Everyone is fleeing.. including myself lmfao.

Toxic Caves / Re: Lmfao wait what ?
« on: September 14, 2018, 01:26:17 am »
I was hoping this would happen. This user demonstrated an inability to engage in communication. His posts could be described as troubling and creepy, leaving readers confused and concerned. Devs aren't here to babysit you, please work on your social skills.

Not suprised you were hoping this would happen.

You are one of these players I have driven of this server.

If you think my posts are creepy... than seek some help.
Regarding my social skills, I'm kind of sure, mine are far superior than yours. ; )

    32 (0.060 per day) Talk about social skills, nuff said.

Toxic Caves / Re: Lmfao wait what ?
« on: September 13, 2018, 07:59:45 pm »
Bans happen, making accounts to cry about it


piss Kilgore off more and knowing him, it could lead to in-game punishments as well.

Do I look like I care ?

Your lack of intellect results in false asumpations.
I'm here to state my confusion and say farewell, since I have less than 1 post per day, I fail to see the spam part in my actions.
Aside from that.

Be glad when someone keeps your daed gaem alive, no ? You see, intelligence is quite a handy tool to posses.

And one more thing lmfao...
Your post about Henry fighting for the riddance of the Khans.
I throve them off here single handedly, while Henry logged ingame twice in 6 months.
Get your facts straight before talking bullshit simpleton. : D Henry did literally nothing for this place whatsoever.

Oh and feel free to add me if you wanna play something modern Parabellum#8618
Gonna check this "Scum" out I guess lol and Fallout 76 in 2 months.

Toxic Caves / Lmfao wait what ?
« on: September 13, 2018, 05:10:01 pm »
Sorry Parabellum, you are banned from posting and sending personal messages on this forum.
30 days ban for spaming
This ban is set to expire October 13, 2018, 03:00:46 pm.

Fallout 76, when ?

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