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Topic: Ultimate Damage Sniper or Crippler build 2016?  (Read 3937 times)


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Ultimate Damage Sniper or Crippler build 2016?
« on: January 29, 2016, 11:59:05 am »
Hello folks, Ive been gathering info all over the forum since 2 days now and ive come up with this build, so im going to ask your opinion if this is a ultimate sniper char to go with, focused on PvP ONLY.

I have a couple of questions first, so bear with me.

Is the ultimate crippler character as of today's game mechanics (early 2016)?

Ive heard crippler isnt a good build for PvP on 1 vs 1, is that true?

Can i make a make both crippler and damage sniper build and have overall better results?

Also thanks to Seki, Henry, Beer, and other players for helping newbies and sharing their info and builds.

So this is what i came up with. (note that i have copied many from forum)

ST-1 (+1 implant = 2) (+ 1 jet + 1 psycho = 1) = 1
PE-10 (+ 2 psycho = 8) (+ 1 cigs + 1 implant = 10?) = 10? (can someone confirm if i can take 2 psychos and 1 implant helps despite having 10 PE on the start?)
CH-1 = 1
En-9 (+1 Implant = 10) = 10
IN-1 = 1
AG-8 (+1 implant= 9) (+1 Nuka Cola = 10) = 10
LK-9 (+1 Implant = 10) = 10


1. Finesse
2. Bonehead


TAG > Small Guns (300%)
TAG > Science (150%) or Energy Weapons do i even need to tag science for a particular reason?
TAG > Doctor (200%) better than First Aid since i can use Stimpak pr Super Stimpak instead

Rest is optional

Probably Outdoorsman (150%) for fast travel


1. More Critical (5% more likely to cause critical hits in combat than without it)
2. Even More Criticals (increases your critical hit chance by 10%)
3. Sharpshooter (expands your field of vision by 6 hexes, and increases your chance to hit by 8%)
4. Better Criticals (gain a 20% bonus on the critical hit)
5. Lifegiver (1/3) (gain 20 hitpoints)
6. Lifegiver (2/3) (gain 30 hitpoints)
7. Right Between the Eyes ? or Man of Steel ?
8. Bonus rate of fire (each ranged weapon attack costs 1 AP less to perform)

What do you guys think of this build?

Will i be able to stand against most mid/high level players and beat them, or do you recommend going full damage sniper build instead?

Can someone edit this build for ultimate damage sniper with details?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Re: Ultimate Damage Sniper or Crippler build 2016?
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2016, 12:20:14 pm »
crippler is still good, it sucks 1v1 if you take finesse but sniper sucks for 1v1 anyways, sniper is good mostly on TC and long range situation when hes with group crippling and knocking enemies and giving information to his team with his high FoV
crippler and damage sniper.. if you dont take finesse, yes

traits i would chose bonehead, smallframe .. finesse is nice for crippling but
even if you are crippling, you can still do alot of cripples without it while you lose about 50% of your damage so its not worth, its better to deal some extra damage too
you can take smallframe for +1 special point then
you cant use EW with finesse, EW has no -DR on ammo and target DR is with finesse too high then resulting in very low damage and often no damage at all

i see you count with your build on implants, are you sure you can get all SPECIAL implants ?
you cant use implant with 10 base PE anymore, that worked in previous season so you can have max 53 FoV on psycho, its optionable, some people prefer 56 FoV without it, others 53 with it, if you have sneaker in team for information you should be fine even with 53 but if not then 56 is needed
EN implant doesnt give you retroactive HP, only +2 so its better to pick 10 EN if you can
SPECIAL for implanted sniper i would pick this :
ST 1 + implant + psycho + buffout - jet = 3
PE 9 + implant + cigs - psycho = 9
EN 10
IN 1 + implant = 2
AG 9 + implant + nuka - buffout = 10
LK 9 + implant = 10
basically max PE on psycho, max AG, max LK, max EN and 3 ST even on jet allowing you to have enough hit chance with gauss rifle and laser rifle without weaponhandling or other things (1st 300% EW is not enough for laser and gauss rifles)

perks are kinda okay.. you should decide if you want to be crippler or not
if yes, dont use jet (10 ap is enough for 2 arm shots in a row), dont take right between the eyes, dont use EW then
if no then you want to aim eyes and take right between the eyes and use jet, you can also use EW then
for crippler i would pick mc, emc, sharpshooter, lg, better crit, brof, even tougher +1 perk (lifegiver or man of steel)
for normal sniper without dermal and nemean implants mc, emc, sharpshooter, lg, lg, better crit, brof, rbte
for fully implanted sniper same as above but i would switch one LG to even tougher because you will have enough HP from nemeans and because of how stacking DR works, more you have = more another is worth (implanted sniper has more special so psycho +15 DR, dermals +8 DR more)
right between the eyes is wasted perk if you aim arms

edit : dont tag science, its cap is only 125 you can get that easily, tag EW
same with doctor, its good to have 200 but 100 is enough for pvp because your cooldown will probably not refresh during one fight even if you have 200, i would rather tag outdoorsman for faster regear

i will throw here 3 great sniper builds from my build list :
SNIPER 1 - classic SG or EW sniper
HP : 231-261, normal res in camk2 : 6/25
ST 1
PE 9 + cigs = 10
EN 10
IN 1
AG 9 + nuka = 10
LK 9
traits : smallframe, bonehead
perks : more crit/weapon handling, even more crit, sharpshooter, lifegiver, better criticals, bonus rate of fire, right between the eyes + 1 perk (second lifegiver or even tougher or action boy, up to you)
drugs : nuka cola, cigarettes, jet
weapons : sniper rifle, .223 pistol (gauss rifle, gauss pistol)  or  laser rifle, plasma rifle (pulse rifle, turbo plasma rifle)
tags : SG, FA and EW or something else
this build is SG or EW, if you want to use SG pick more criticals at level 3 - then you may not have enough hit chance at max range to eyes with laser rifle so its only SG
if you want EW then pick weapon handling for more hit chance (300 ew is not enough with 1 st) but then you miss 5 crit chance when using SG so its mostly EW build then
most common sniper build created by me focusing on 10pe10en10ag10lk with bonehead, look for buying LK implant to get last point in luck, get marshal quest and read SG books to be able to get perks with 1 int, get 200% SG to be able to pick all perks even if you go for EW
can use psycho at close range, if you get PE implant (53 FoV) then even on open space but i recommend more FoV
this build requires 300% small guns or 300% energy weapons and should aim eyes (or if you use EW and enemy wearing tesla helmet then obviously switch to groin or arms)
for gauss rifle you should use (+st +ag) or (+st +ap) armor and buffout to get more ST for hit chance (2 ST or 3 with ST implant) and maintain 12 ap for 2 eye shots in a row   or just use PA

SNIPER 2 - tanky crippler
HP : 248, normal res in camk2 : 9/65
ST 1 + psycho = 2
PE 10 - psycho + cigs = 9
EN 9
IN 1
AG 9 + nuka = 10
LK 9
traits : smallframe, bonehead
perks : more crit, even more crit, sharpshooter, lifegiver, better crit, bonus rate of fire, even tougher, lifegiver+
drugs : nuka cola, cigarettes, psycho
weapons : sniper rifle, .223 pistol
tags : SG, FA, ??
very unique build, idea is from player known as Le Troll and little bit modified by me, basically tanky crippler without finesse
finesse is not worth taking, it gives +12,5% crit chance which would result in more cripples but it removes almost all your damage and you can rather get 1 special point from small frame
it has decent hp and high normal damage resistance so its surviving against sneakers really well and it counters enemy low ST chars by crippling very easily, 10 ap without jet is enough to do 2 arm shots in a row, you should aim mostly at arms
this build requires only about 250% small guns
you should look mostly for LK implant to get last point in LK and also PE to be able to reroll into 1 less PE and 1 more EN

with special implants this build should use also buffout and look like this :
ST 1 + psycho + buffout + implant = 5
PE 9 + implant - psycho + cigs = 9
EN 10
IN 1
AG 9 + implant - buffout + nuka = 10
LK 9 + implant = 10

SNIPER 3 - implanted SG/EW classic sniper
HP : 231-261, normal res in camk2 : 6/40
ST 1 + implant + psycho + buffout - jet = 3
PE 9 + implant + cigs - psycho = 9
EN 10
IN 1 + implant = 2
AG 9 + implant + nuka - buffout = 10
LK 9 + implant = 10
traits : smallframe, bonehead
perks : more crit, even more crit, sharpshooter, lifegiver, beter crit, bonus rate of fire, right between the eyes + 1 perk (second lifegiver or even tougher or man of steel or action boy, up to you)
drugs : nuka cola, cigarettes, psycho, buffout, jet
weapons : .223 pistol, sniper rifle, plasma rifle, laser rifle (gauss rifle, pulse rifle, turbo plasma rifle, gauss pistol)
tags : SG, EW, FA
probably best sniper build possible, 53 fov on psycho, perfect stats including 3 ST which allows you to use gauss rifle or EW anytime
get marshal quest and read SG books to be able to get perks with 1 int, get 200% SG to be able to pick all perks
this build requires 300% small guns or 300% energy weapons and should aim eyes
if you count on dermal and nemean implants then pick even tougher as last perk for sure, more hp from nemeans will make 2nd LG value much less and dermals will increase value of even tougher because of how stacking DR works, more DR you have = more is another DR worth.. for sniper normal damage is only problem anyways

edit#2 : first rank of LG gives 40 hp, second 30, last 20
not 40.30.20, you got outdated info probably
also you cant take 2 psychos, only one and it takes -2 PE
« Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 01:01:38 pm by Seki »


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Re: Ultimate Damage Sniper or Crippler build 2016?
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2016, 01:42:51 pm »
Seki has an interesting point of view, very accurate.
I have to say implants are changing the game balance, but at session start, with no one having implants, finesse is great. I explain myself:
Finesse gives +12,5% crit chance in body shots (groin, legs, arms and chest) and +15% in head (eyes aswell). Finesse is a +10% crit chance base and an additional 1/4 of crit mod from armor removed (10/4=2,5 for body and 20/4=5 for head on regular CAmk2).
But Seki is right about the lowered damage output: when using a sniper rifle, you loose all the armor penetration you have on the .223 ammo (ammo has -30 DR and finesse adds +30 DR to target).
What you need to do in order to compensate that malus VS other snipers is to get more DR yourself:
If you have even tougher and enough perception to use psycho (skip the jet) you have 65 DR.
Most damage snipers have no toughness (no implants, not true anymore) and use jet. With a base DR at 40 fro CA you have:
-Damage sniper at 25 DR, shot from finesse sniper for an effective 25 DR (no penetration)
-Tough anti-sniper/crippler at 65 DR, 35 effective DR (-30 from .223 ammo)

At the end, in a sniper vs crippler fight, you have 12,5% more crit chance in arms, 5% in the head (if he took RBTE and you didn't) and 10 DR difference. You also have more ST points, especially if you have a buffout build, you end up at 4 ST, 5 with implant, he only has one. The consequence is a much greater chance of making enemy snipers flee with no weapons at the end of TC. Also a much better chance of surviving a sneaker backstab with LSW. With only one lifegiver you will be able to survive 2 bursts, without that DR you would die in 2 even if you have the time to eat a SS inbetween.
Such build should be played as a support only, it's not very usefull to follow the focus orders, you want to slow down the enemy team by scoring weapon drops on snipers and crit bursters and blindings on tanks. You forget about the damage, you will still be able to deal some on low DR builds, but not on frontlines.

If you have a set of implants ready, I suggest this:
Finesse - Bonehead
S 1 P 9 E 10 C 1 I 1 A 8 L 9

You will have to use cigs, nuka and psycho, with implants your special will be:
S 3 P 9 E 10 C 1 I 2 A 10 L 10

Perks: more crit, even more crit, sharpshooter, better crit, even tougher, lifegiver, Man of steel, Bonus rate of fire
One lifegiver is enough, you have the DR to compensate, and third lifegiver or not, 3 gatling hits will kill you.
MOS will help you in sniper fights, you have the highest possible crit resist in eyes, you will be very hard to blind, almost impossible to knockout (only with a statted weapon, crit power bonus, or a plasma rifle) or bypass, and decent ST to resist arm shots.
Tag small guns, doctor and first aid, that's all you need.

This build would be an improved, implanted version of the build I use since session start. It works, I have more failed assassination attemps on me than succeded (from sneaks I mean) and I have the RNG in my favor in sniper fights, I get wrecked when focused by 3 snipers like everyone else, but in 1 vs 1 my chances are better. Even now that most players are implanted and I'm not, it still works.

We explained you everything you needed to know about snow, now you have to choose between ski and snowboard.


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Re: Ultimate Damage Sniper or Crippler build 2016?
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2016, 03:03:21 pm »
Thank you for your detailed explanation, but i'll be honest, this turned out to be more complicated than i ever thought.

I dont have any implants right now, but i am fine using nuka cola, jet, cigarettes, etc.

Le Troll's and Seki's  2nd build (tanky crippler) seems like a balanced build between damage sniper and crippler (correct me if im wrong), but is it going to be effective with no implants?

Also can a sniper class kill a BG/Tank class in 1 vs 1 fights, or is it useless?


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Re: Ultimate Damage Sniper or Crippler build 2016?
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2016, 03:33:58 pm »
Thank you for your detailed explanation, but i'll be honest, this turned out to be more complicated than i ever thought.

I dont have any implants right now, but i am fine using nuka cola, jet, cigarettes, etc.

Le Troll's and Seki's  2nd build (tanky crippler) seems like a balanced build between damage sniper and crippler (correct me if im wrong), but is it going to be effective with no implants?

Also can a sniper class kill a BG/Tank class in 1 vs 1 fights, or is it useless?
not every build needs implants, however sniper needs pretty high level to be fully developed i'm correct, since you need 300 SG / EW
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Re: Ultimate Damage Sniper or Crippler build 2016?
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2016, 06:39:22 pm »
Thank you for your detailed explanation, but i'll be honest, this turned out to be more complicated than i ever thought.

I dont have any implants right now, but i am fine using nuka cola, jet, cigarettes, etc.

Le Troll's and Seki's  2nd build (tanky crippler) seems like a balanced build between damage sniper and crippler (correct me if im wrong), but is it going to be effective with no implants?

Also can a sniper class kill a BG/Tank class in 1 vs 1 fights, or is it useless?
not every build needs implants, however sniper needs pretty high level to be fully developed i'm correct, since you need 300 SG / EW

its called most autism build ever beside sneaker ones. and snipe builds can be very deadly even in 1vs1 or 1vs2 , never underestimate the power of weapondrops and cripplings etc. i believe alienblaster is a nasty thing , i killed guys often with it in 1 vs 1 or even 1 vs 2 ... i remember season beginning , some bbs nigga was in broken hills with a m60 and tried to run for me , well i crippled his poor eyes his bursts did 0 dmg and next second shots he was dead so yeah good game.


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Re: Ultimate Damage Sniper or Crippler build 2016?
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2016, 08:34:25 pm »
Alright, i decided to go with Seki's classic SG sniper build since it only relies to nuka cola, cigarettes and jet, and have good results overall.

Final result:

SNIPER 1 - classic Small Guns
HP : 231-261, normal res in camk2 : 6/25
ST 1
PE 9 + cigs = 10
EN 10
IN 1
AG 9 + nuka = 10
LK 9

Traits : smallframe, bonehead

Tags : SG, FA, OD.

Perks : more critical, even more critical, sharpshooter, lifegiver, better criticals, bonus rate of fire, right between the eyes + 1 perk (second lifegiver or even tougher or action boy, up to you)

Drugs : nuka cola, cigarettes, jet

Weapons : sniper rifle, .223 pistol

300% SG is a must have for this built as far as i understand.

I'm still not sure if i should go with Even Tougher, Action Boy, Lifegiver or Man of Steel perk for 8th perk.

Again, thank you all for your help!  :)


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Re: Ultimate Damage Sniper or Crippler build 2016?
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2016, 11:06:26 pm »
take lifegiver