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Messages - Big Hat Logan

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Toxic Caves / Re: Retryement
« on: August 10, 2018, 09:57:00 pm »
I got banned for posting one little picture about Kilgore wanting donations, and all this spam shit is OK? How the fuck does this have anything to do with the game? This cringe reminds me of Lash, wtf...
You died long ago, with the Eve nudes. Begone, fiend.

Suggestions / Re: Vindicate Vic.
« on: August 10, 2018, 09:54:45 pm »
Why do you call him tranny ? Is Chosen One Anya ?
for the same reason you called me a boy just now;
Now, if no one has a LEGITIMATE comment about the suggestion, which none of you have, then can we move on? (BTW- Kilgore HAS seen my tits. You want to see them? PAY ASSHOLE. Just like the other assholes... Who aren't cheap faggots.)

What is thread about? Random videos and talking a shit?
Sorry but this is a joke, not reward.
Rewards; 10¤, Vic's appreciation, +10 karma in Klamath, and maybe a random t1 item (tool or hatchet or some thing?
No Kilgore has not seen your tits, in order to see something it has to have form or exist. Your tits do not exist, because you are a tranny. I am the grandmaster of shitposting! Do you earnestly think you can outperform me? Kilgore can ban as many of my accounts and IPs he wants, he cannot defeat me.

Suggestions / Re: Vindicate Vic.
« on: August 10, 2018, 09:52:26 pm »
Dramaqueen is back at it.  :facepalm
Still more relevant than you ever were. Lmfao.

Barter / Re: Wanted - CA MKII with stats
« on: August 10, 2018, 09:51:11 pm »
Why are you here again ?


So is this Eve's brother or some shit???

Bugs / Re: Red Dot bug.
« on: August 10, 2018, 09:48:24 pm »
Flattery will get you nowhere.
There's nothing to flatter, degenerate thot. The thot patrol will end you some day, you're even worse than the thots. A tranny thot, the worst breed of degeneracy.

River of Tears / Re: I’ll Say It First… We Miss The Khans.
« on: August 10, 2018, 09:45:23 pm »
Good to know your political orientation in FOnline Reloaded.
What's politics got to do with this? English Motherfucken, do you speak it?

Hmm, the *khanspirit* you have you say ?
... Apparetly the answer to 1b is "No."

I'm ecstatic for you...
Chose a god and pray.

Wasteland News / Re: The Daily Khan (Issue 46)
« on: August 10, 2018, 09:44:35 pm »
Pathetic low lifer.

Chew a bullet.
For respective COMPETENT gamers? You have... "Interesting" standards.
Competence doesn't equal respect, fool. Surely you can get that through your thick tranny skull.

Suggestions / Re: Vindicate Vic.
« on: August 08, 2018, 04:55:52 am »
Actually, how can you NOT play the game? Save scum your way to Navaro and get yourself some APA, then save scum your way to NCR and get yourself a Bozar, save scum stealing caps from merchants and buy shitload of ammo for your Bozar. Congratulations, you're now god himself, all you need is a shitload of Super Stims and some level farming and you can go on your way to kill Frank Horrigan.
... That is actually both the most stupid AND irrelevant thing you could have said.
Stupid and irrelevant are the words used to describe your existence. Try again tranny.

Toxic Caves / Re: Changelog 23/07/2018
« on: August 06, 2018, 04:23:19 am »
I loved it.

EDIT: Oh and don't get the wrong drift here - I'm playing "afk progress BDO", Path of Exile on hardcore causally (don't ask, lost 2 chars already) and I'm looking forward af. to Monster Hunter World PC.
So I couldn't care less and laughed.

If your PC can't run anything else.. well.. doing something wrong in lyfe.
I'm smart and threw a 1070 for 400 bucks in my potato, to make it run another 3 years in 60fps full hd. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(back than, when Crypto miners didnt blew up the price to 500bucks ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) when shit's worn out, imma buy an entirely fresh highend rig. And idc if you don't care. Just be smart and lyfe the gud laif lel!)

EDIT2: lol And before this may (or may not) cause another mass trigger as always.
I know some people don't have that money and that it is not necessarily their fault (or their shitty life choices), but, my biggest inspiration for this, are those kinda people who say "ohhhh god this game is soooo shit cuckgore destroyed my favourite game, no drop, no grief, no shit in it to enterain my simple neuronal build up".

If I hate something... I leave it behind.

Monster Hunter World is gay because there is no magic, at least I can shoot things to death with LMG/Heavy Bowgun

Polskie Pustkowia / Re: Brak Dropu, co o tym myślicie?
« on: August 05, 2018, 10:05:27 pm »
Osobiscie nie wiem jak to jest gdy traci sie caly ekwipunek po smiercu wiec moj glos moze nie miec duzego znaczenia ale powiem tyle ze rozwianie ma swoje plusy i minusy jak wszystko w otaczajacym nas swiecie :D Moze przesadzilem ale wracajac do tematu uwazam, ze powinny istniec w grze obszary, ktore przeznaczone dla graczy szukajacych mocnych wrazen i dreszczyku emocji ze w kazdej chwili moga stracic swoj majatek ktorym aktualnie dysponuja. Powiedzmy, ze w takich obszarach mozna zgarnac duze ilosci drogich i unikalnych przedmiotow ale wiaze sie to z ryzykiem smierci i tym samym stracenia sprzetu. Tak jak gra w kasynach w Zlomowie czy Nowym Reno niemilosiernie wciaga i czlowiek budzi sie z reka w nocniku tracac ciezko zarobione kapsle :D

Mysle ze byloby to ciekawym urozmaiceniem dla poszukiwaczy przygod a jeszcze lepsze bylaby mozliwosc zabrania przedmiotow od kogos innego kto kiedys zginal w takim miejscu. Wyobrazam sobie tajemnicze kupki przedmiotow po poleglych podroznikach :D
Szczerze mówiąc, powinni po prostu przynieść spadek łupów w sezonie 2. Wystarczy porównać liczbę graczy od S2 do S3. Nie można kłócić się z tymi statystykami lol.

Suggestions / Re: Vindicate Vic.
« on: August 05, 2018, 10:00:24 pm »
Vic is actually a ghost, because we all know that faggot didn't make it through the fight with Frank Horrigan
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how someone who never COULD play the game ends up.
Actually, how can you NOT play the game? Save scum your way to Navaro and get yourself some APA, then save scum your way to NCR and get yourself a Bozar, save scum stealing caps from merchants and buy shitload of ammo for your Bozar. Congratulations, you're now god himself, all you need is a shitload of Super Stims and some level farming and you can go on your way to kill Frank Horrigan.

River of Tears / Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« on: August 05, 2018, 09:57:07 pm »
Lol game is fine. Get over all the butt hurt, load up the Reloaded, and come join civilization!
Lol I found the meme quote.

Toxic Caves / Re: LOOT DROPS BACK
« on: August 05, 2018, 09:51:55 pm »
Just saw this, the devs will never add back loot drops since they're brain dead. that was the appeal to the game and why only 20 fucking people play it now. goodbye shitloaded
I remember you told me back in the Hub during S2 that the wipe wasn't coming, and the devs were trolling us. You were wrong, but now we have this to show for it.

Suggestions / Re: Vindicate Vic.
« on: August 05, 2018, 09:50:06 pm »
The people of Klamath don't beleive Vic's "tall tales" (even though Sulik was there for most of it).
An investigatory quest to vindicate Vic;
"... (S)o I stopped talking about it."
"Gee, that sucks. I, in wish I could help..."
"... Maybe you can, at that... Marcus, the sheriff of Broken Hills, he could prove my story. Would you go and ask him to come here, clear my name?"
"Well, I could try I guess."
"He's that'd be swell. I can reward you for your efforts, too."

This leads to a long and mostly boring quest of going place to place, begging the FO2 characters to go to Klamath. Nonecwill (duh, they can't), but they all write a letter "I, [name], do solemnly swear and affirm that the events destined by Vic occurred as described, [blah blah]" and promising to come as soon as practical to testalie to take back to Klamath. Deliver the letters to Vic; He will ask you to hand them over to Maida, who asks to to deliver them to Jenny, and so on until all the speaking MAC's have seen the letters (re-use the skins for Warehouse quest note).
Rewards; 100¤, Vic's appreciation, +100 karma in Klamath, and maybe a random t1 item (tool or hatchet or some thig
Vic is actually a ghost, because we all know that faggot didn't make it through the fight with Frank Horrigan

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