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Messages - cthulchu

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 19
Faction Announcements / Re: Peacekeeper Squad
« on: September 12, 2019, 11:06:33 pm »
if you haven't noticed yet, the server is pretty much abandoned... Unfortunately. We're waiting for the admins to come back and do something good to it.

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 01/04/2019
« on: September 12, 2019, 11:04:31 pm »
rather deadly busy

Suggestions / Re: Let players help fixing stuff?
« on: September 10, 2019, 01:36:55 am »
two months later: no responce.

I think "bad outcome" is not a thing at this point.

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 01/04/2019
« on: September 08, 2019, 05:40:28 pm »
Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 120 days.
Unless you're sure you want to reply, please consider starting a new topic.

See? ^^^ We haven't had any game updates for a disturbingly long while. Is everything ok?

Game Help / Re: How to get into a game with my friend?
« on: September 08, 2019, 05:30:34 pm »
if you want to play on this server and you downloaded this server's client and started at the cave, then you should know that some locations are such that you can't be in there with another player unless you explicitly bring them to that location given that it's possible.

This way the game protects you from trolls and pks when they're not helpful. Once you get out of the cave and get into the lander's camp, you will be able to see the other players there.

Suggestions / Re: Let players help fixing stuff?
« on: March 17, 2019, 10:54:22 pm »
Those bugs could be fixed during run of S2. Someone should believe now in that you will do it in S3? I have an experience with it and can't trust the "contributors" anymore.
You don't need to believe anything. It's code. It's in front of you. Open your eyes. Do peer review. It's also only data we're talking about. Almost no logic there. So hard to cheat. Also we're talking s3 stuff. S2 didn't have that many trivial bugs. Well, it's to be expected. S3 added lots of new content.
And one more thing - you can make some fixes of bugs at S2 SDK and import them to S3 easily. You don't need to have the S3 files here. Maps? If you're really so good mapper then just rebuilt them - S3 Mapper is a public tool. Good Luck!
again, I didn't notice that many simple issues in s2. S3 mapper? S3 has a new mapper or something? I missed it, lol.

Suggestions / Re: Let players help fixing stuff?
« on: March 17, 2019, 10:51:22 pm »
If you can fix but can't commit then you could send these fixes directly to bosses. In the other hand what you can fix when you don't have access to new content...

Exactly. I don't mind sending my fixes over mail/PMs, although it's awkward af in the age of git and steals time from both sides.

But, indeed, what can I fix if I don't have the source. To be honest, for 90% of the fixes, I don't even need the scripts, so they could release to public only the data files. Maps and strings without any scripts. Although in that case I wouldn't be able to test the fix completely, but hey, it's data. Data fixes are easier than script fixes and they require a lot less testing generally since it's harder to make mistakes.

Suggestions / Re: Set of suggestions
« on: March 17, 2019, 10:17:01 pm »
For me farm is a feature designed for single player and put into multiplayer game.

Very nicely noticed. I only want to add that a lot of work was invested in the farm, but it's obviously not completed functionally and balance-wise.

General Game Discussion / Re: Seasons and enjoyment
« on: February 18, 2019, 11:55:04 pm »
this game will become boring at one point, trust me, so you, as a player, do want some refreshment... and let me tell you, for some of us, it's more exciting to see the full wipe changelog than if the server was kept alive until we all die. This also gives newbies/newcomers/other players a fair chance to keep on track.

Now, puffy, I don't know why, but you didn't include this in your list of arguments, although I'd say this is the most important one.

Yes, the game gets boring rather fast, especially when you know it well. I mean, it's a great game and it can offer months of fun for the first timers.

I agree with Programmer.

I only wish we had some trivial marketing before the wipe. give an announcement a week before, do the email notifications a day before, use social networks, etc. No, none of this. We have to monitor the forum to get the updates. Huge miss. Could've gotten a lot more people if paid a tiny bit of attention to trivial marketing.

Suggestions / Re: Let players help fixing stuff?
« on: February 18, 2019, 11:49:01 pm »
Make this map is not a good task really. I mean, it's good if you know a player is a worthy dev and won't commit shit. It takes too much time to test a map. I mean, I made one location. It took a week, it ended up introducing what, like about ten new functions, a few maps and a few dialogues. I also learned how to remove movement blockers on the fly, which was a lot of fun.

But now a dev would have to spend a lot more time to test all of that and make sure it's safe to release. It's hours of reviewing.

I'm not even talking about new content. Let the core team tackle the new content. They have a better understanding of where they wanna move the game.

I purely talk about slight but significant improvements to existing content. Slight enough for it to be really easy to peer review. Like, okay, this commit only changes these five lines and adds an extra option that makes perfect sense. Okay, merge the commit.

And so it took an hour for a player to make a commit and 2 minutes for a developer to review and merge it.

This way we would have a lot more small, people-driven cosmetic updates that would make the overall experience better. We have it in CDDA. Any player can commit small changes and if they make sense, the devs merge them. The majority of the changes commited by the userbase are just simple JSON data improvements.

Now, I know I would commit small things from time to time for sure. I keep encountering idiotic errors that I know how to fix, but can't commit my fixes. I'm sure you'd commit things, Slowhand. Maybe a few more folks. Well yes, we don't have the online we used to have, but I'm sure we'll regain it and with it, we'll get more public involvement.

Closed suggestions / S4
« on: February 01, 2019, 11:31:44 pm »
The only thing left for people to do here is to do the new quests.

The game somehow feels shorter than s2 was. In s2 it made sense to collect money to implant characters, to progress and become stronger. In s3, we lost the endgame.

Can we take note of this in s4 and create ample opportunities for late-game character developments?

Also it's kinda time to switch to s4. S3, even though it was a lot of fun personally for me since I do like pve a lot more than pvp, hasn't become popular among general public.

Suggestions / Let players help fixing stuff?
« on: January 28, 2019, 04:15:32 pm »
I was thinking about fixing the farm and a bunch of balance issues in smaller quests.

The farm, in particular, has many known issues like dialogs that obviously need to use the say functionality, but don't or the priest whose name is "error" currently.

Smaller quests like gecko sanctuary or find-and-kill-this-really-buffed-opponent have incredibly boring, non-scripted loot that could be more surprising with some light statting.

I'd love to fix these issues and PR the changes so that the devs could review and release them. These are trivial fixes that don't require a lot of work or peer review time. I still remember angel script from s2.

The only thing required is to release the source (that was leaked anyway). Why don't we release it and start incorporating people's work in it?

Bugs / Military base has no parking spot for a vertie
« on: January 23, 2019, 05:05:19 am »
Cmon guys. It's one bloody tile.

Tried Gas Station from Junktown Scouts already?

you mean the police station?

I believe all scout dungeons to be too difficult to solo in melee. Will either require too much ss or too much time in tb.

Hi folks. The title may be a little bit confusing, but I'm about to explain.

The game (especially s3) has a lot of content that is a lot of fun to play/replay. And while sometimes I'm totally into
randomly exploring various quests, sometimes I just want to fight.

In this topic, I want to list dungeons with loot that are fun to clean up, ordering them by complexity for a completely melee build in RT (I love punching stuff). Please help me to add to the list since I'm totally not the one to know a lot of these things.

I will miss a lot of simpler ones. A lot of harder ones too, for sure. I expect people to add and I'll edit this post. Maybe once we have more of these, we can make an entry on wiki. I'm doing these at ~lvl60.

  • [Private]When you die around SF, you end up at its respawn point. It's easy if you're careful. Fun, too. Yields some loot that would be useful for beginners. Some books there too.
  • [Private]The Cathedral Rat Problem
  • [Public]Gecko Sanctuary Boring and non-scripted/non-statted loot, but it's fun to do. Once or twice. A perfect place to farm fire gecko pelts since they don't have flame breath here and respawn quite quickly.
  • [Public]The next one by complexity would probably be the Abandoned Homestead We're talking melee, don't forget. You should start killing them from the girl with the flamethrower. Just keep her on the ground
  • [Private]The next one would be The Stranded Ship It's a bit more complex since it's not a lot of pleasure to go melee against BG. It's hard to keep robots down and you gotta be good at hotkey-using the fa/ss. But stranded ship is annoying since it requires two characters to proceed, so you have to run two windows, which is awkward, so I normally skip it. It has some good loot like a chance for unique CA and about 10k of caps among other less interesting things though. Used to have two oil cans :)
  • [Public]Next by melee complexity would be Vault 15. It's significantly more complex than the stranded ship, but has no T3. A lot of Unique T2 and some meds though. More XP, too. Requires some practice, but once you have it, it's quite exciting. Honestly, I would put some T3 there, but hey, it's still a lot of fun.
  • [Private]The Ridgecrest Hotel. It's very unpleasant. Doable by constantly using and managing chokepoints. Easy to die. Poor loot and overall reward. Not worth repeating
  • [Private]Even more complex for a solo melee would be the easiest of raider bases that you get sent to from NCR. It's unexpectedly hard for melee. I barely managed to finish it only relying on AI bugs. The loot and reward are nonsensical. This line of quests are not balanced yet.
  • [Private]The Mutie quest. If you can do it solo RT (or even TB) as a melee character, please make a vid. It may be possible with implants and very special builds in T4. But unfortunately, we don't have implants or T4, so this remains undoable.

Folks, please add to the list. Just tell me where do you think your entry fits. I'm eager to try other dungeons.

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