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Messages - MickDick

Pages: [1]
A long time ago someone made FOnline server for a while that used all combat, mechanics and sprites from Fallout Tactics.

It worked perfectly, surprisingly.

Not sure why no one else hasn't simply done the same.  Better than working on entire new 3D assets for entire game when you have great looking assets from game that looks very similar as fallout 1/2 that are fully finished so as to not be in need of further development (more work needed for running animations on black guy for example) yet looked good and very appropriate, and did not clash with the rest of the artwork.

It's very funny and sad to have all that 3D work wasted when all the work necessary had already been done and professionally too.

edit:  Come to think of it, wasn't the reason that Tactics server stopped was because of a DMCA from Bethesda?

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 28/10/2013
« on: November 02, 2013, 04:23:00 pm »
I saw on hinkley HtH player who was able to kill 3+ Avenger/Pancor/Gatling uber builds alone

Good Player with good build can handle himself and this type of guys havent probles, You wont see them whining on forum etc.

Gameplay will change a bit when implants became more common, then we will see how its is working.
Sounds more like those avenger guys split up like retards.

Been watching too much scooby doo.

Simple mechanical changes.

C4:  I understand that C4 in reality is a throwable explosive device.

However, the amount of damage it does, it's basically a 250+ damage grenade + large knock back effect.  I don't need to elaborate for anyone to see the problem here.  Plant c4, wait for enemy, explode c4, add more c4, explode some more, rinse and repeat.

Pancors have large amount of damage + knock back.  At least give people with stonewall able to avoid this effect, in order to counter this issue.

Both of these things combined do nothing but encourage toilet control to it's most extreme.  Whoever takes up the first defensive position wins essentially, or at least takes the town till next TC window opens for it.

General Game Discussion / Re: Blueprints give-away
« on: October 29, 2013, 08:31:55 pm »
I would like minigun blueprint so I can finally stop relying on looting or asking for them.

News and Announcements / Re: Changelog 28/10/2013
« on: October 29, 2013, 07:57:52 pm »
I understand where people who hunted and bought and traded and dealt with rare blueprints are coming from.

They are in the right, in their own way.

At least now, people will competing in a different style, selling the best armours for high prices.  made a armor that adds 15 normal DT?  Sell it in an auction, I almost gaurantee you'll make 100-200k with that one armor, selling it to some quality over quantity super superior master race competitive Pvp ape, considering how bloated the caps are in this game.

Instead of running around opening up footlockers over and over again...  or paying 1 million for a blueprint.  Sell high quality armors to get your economies monopolies fix.

General Game Discussion / Re: ARmor condition
« on: October 29, 2013, 03:55:49 am »
is there a difference between 50/50, 50/100, 50/75?

Closed suggestions / Re: Command for follower
« on: October 26, 2013, 12:25:44 am »
Just adding a command to know the stats of your follower (specials, level, etc...)

For the love of god, the guess work is just a pain in the ass.

Closed suggestions / Re: Dynamic slaves
« on: October 25, 2013, 11:30:45 pm »
neither slaves or mercs can`t change their armors
...That's what he said.

He's saying to change that.


I too would like to be able to change slaves/mercenaries Armors.  Doesn't stand to reason why you cannot make your slave at least change it's clothes...  It's a slave.

Closed suggestions / Re: Norun with all BG
« on: October 25, 2013, 07:54:54 pm »
I've always wanted this to at least be attempted.

Some BG would be excluded though, such as the flamer, and LSW.

But this isn't happening.  Trust me.

The Thunderdome / Re: Shut the fuck up and stop whining
« on: October 23, 2013, 08:57:46 pm »
Many of you people have no idea how bad it used to be...

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