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Topics - The Foot

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General Game Discussion / Bugged Item 1 Slot
« on: December 01, 2013, 03:32:26 am »
Alright, this had begun happening shortly after I purchased a faction base.

1. I had the 10,000 caps in my Item 1 hand slot.
2. It took my caps and successfully gave me the construction worker.
3. I went and placed my plot.

Though, I had soon noticed when I tried to equip some weapons into that item slot they would instantly bounce back into my inventory and prevent me from utilizing them.

I am unable to equip any sort of weapons, besides throwing knives, and misc. items such as gecko skins and random shit. Thus rendering my hard-worked character useless.

I believe there is an absolute bug regarding purchasing a faction base through the construction worker with holding onto the bottle caps.

I would be highly thankful is this could be tested by the development team or community members to help or give advice in fixing my issue.

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