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Topics - OskaRus

Pages: [1]
Toxic Caves / Re: russian autoclicker in mine
« on: January 31, 2014, 09:21:18 pm »
This game is screwed up on so many levels that autoclickers are like 1000th one of them. lol

The Thunderdome / FOnline is harder than Eve online
« on: January 14, 2014, 04:38:13 pm »
Just statement to incite flamewar. I still play Eve I try FOnline from time to time and stop always after a week.

IMHO it is due to inexistence of market. In Eve eve the noobest noob can mine low tier ore and sell it to other players and for earned money they can buy any gear in game. So one player have to master only one activity and can have for them every kind of stuff.

In FOnline if player need some stuff he have to master a way of ingame obtaining it he cant buy it or sell his low quality metal parts. So every player ave to master all the activities in FOnline eve though there are far lesser number of them than in Eve.

Question is: does really FOnline want to have more players? I think not. Devs don get payed for more players or anything only more server load so they actually might be satisfied with current playerbase without need to extend it.

Closed suggestions / Normal armour
« on: December 09, 2013, 10:06:02 pm »
I was thinking a bit about armors we have combat armur good against all damage types and tesla armour great against laser/plasma but totally sucking against normal/explode. Why not add another armour which would be grat against normal/explode and totally sucking against plasma/laser. I think it would add a lot of fun elements and surprising situations in pvp and more tactical considerations.

like we have burster in reno lets take anti normal armour and pwn him. oh now there is plasmer. change to teslas. shit now they are both here. we should stick to CAs...

General Game Discussion / Why is noone bothered by inexistent market?
« on: December 07, 2013, 03:38:53 pm »
Why is noone bothered by inexistence of any market which could provide trade between players? After some years of existence of fonline scores of features were succesfully implemented yet no player driven market was even attempted. Which is weird for game where is most of stuff player made and everything lootable. I have several ideas why is that.

1) most of people live in communistic factions where all stuff is on pile and people randomly take from and put stuff in it.
2) everyone is able to craft/farm everything in no time
3) to provide gameplay for people who like to stand in NCR and try to sell stuff
4) to make game harder and less friendly for noobs
5) technical reasons: hard to make npc holding buy/sell orders


Closed suggestions / Get rid of group restrictions
« on: December 02, 2013, 11:38:58 am »
Having grou restrictions like you have to have 3 other chars in group to create factions do not enforce player cooperation. They enforce only multilog, alts and discomfort. get rid of them.

Closed suggestions / Player market
« on: November 30, 2013, 07:08:20 pm »
Barter ground is surely nice step forward but it is by no means market for players. Because all players are not online at the same time. It is nescessary to create sell and buy orders which can be filled by other players while order issuer is offline.

It might be made by dialog options with some auction house npc.

Any other ideas?

Game Help / electronic parts
« on: November 29, 2013, 05:28:43 pm »
Since standart sources of electronic parts (using science on comps) are bugged (they never respawn) can anyone please advice me how to get them any other way. What mobs to farm how high i need science etc...?

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