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Closed bugs / Re: Previously obtained scout perk no longer working
« on: January 06, 2019, 04:05:03 am »
Should be fixed in next update.

The Thunderdome / Re: A Very Brief History Of Fallout Online.
« on: January 05, 2019, 09:31:26 pm »
Half of it is wrong, do your research ffs.

Closed suggestions / Re: Simultanous Turn Mode for dungeons (and maybe PvP)
« on: December 18, 2018, 08:07:34 pm »
There are still unsolved issues with regular TB, nobody in right mind gonna add even more possible fuckups on top of that.

Closed suggestions / Re: Pens As Stabbing Weapons
« on: December 16, 2018, 06:31:24 pm »
I've read it as "pets as stabbing weapons", but suggestion isn't about that :/

Closed suggestions / Re: Suggeston votes.
« on: November 28, 2018, 04:08:19 am »
So basically complete opposite of what this post says, eh?

The Workshop / Re: In Game Mapper?
« on: September 17, 2018, 01:04:54 pm »

Closed suggestions / Re: Caravan packer quest feedback enhancement.
« on: September 10, 2017, 11:37:57 pm »
As far i know, NPC always yelled at you when you put box in a wrong place.

Closed suggestions / Re: punk girl animations
« on: September 10, 2017, 10:53:37 pm »
It's on TODO list since few days already, have patience :)

Closed suggestions / Re: Accessing the server DB via Web?
« on: September 05, 2017, 04:41:47 pm »
And if it's not SQL, it's pain to parse.
It's not :)

FOnline uses single binary blob file for a worldsave (.fo), and separate files for each character (.client and .client_deleted). There's no SQL db anymore since ~2008, and there's no way to create new player character from scripts/dlls. Now, when Reloaded settled on one revision and does not plan to move, some hack could be deployed to expose that stuff, but that's just a part of the problem.

When starting, server goes thru all .client files (that's why longer session more alts = longer restarts time) and caches each character id, name, and password hash (newly created characters are appended, of course). That data, again, is not available to scripts/dlls, so that would need separate hack to allow runtime changes (for password recovery to work without need to restart server every time someone gets hit in memory).

That's minimal list of required changes, but knowing FOnline, it would need much more to reach 'alpha' status - especially client cache edits; that thing is too sensitive to go public without extensive testing. Now adding MediaWiki and SMF integration into that... and own layer which ties it all together... oh boy, that surely could be "fun" to code, but i doubt Reloaded team would jump on that. Too many points where something might fail. That said, merging SFM and MediaWiki only sounds like something what can be actually achieved, as these two platforms are widely used and there's a chance someone did such thing already.

It's waaay easier when it comes to (more or less passively) exposing server's pure data, that way or another. VTDB (Reloaded/2238), redirecting +requesthelp/log parts to IRC (2238), factions control status (AoP), and many others used internally. You just picked a wrong thing :)

Toxic Caves / Re: Read that before you post "+1" or "-1"
« on: October 14, 2016, 02:41:42 pm »

Fan Art / Re: FOnline: Shelter
« on: December 23, 2015, 12:44:40 am »
Talking about licence on FOnline forum is funny, to say at least. Anyway, if licence would be only problem some mad russians would do that already, so there has to be something else ;p

Fan Art / Re: FOnline: Shelter
« on: December 22, 2015, 11:31:34 pm »
Someone should recreate fallout singleplayer on fonline engine. Corosive? 8)
It can't be done.
It can. Technically. Biggest problem - imho - is converting humongous amount of dialogs from Fallout, plus fact that they are mixed tight with scripts, unlike how it's done in FOnline [where they are separated from the beginning]. If not that, you'd see Fallout  on FOnline long ago, as other parts are either lot easier to do or already done to some extend. Not harder than making own server, i'd say.

Still, saying it can't be done is not quite correct ;)

Suggestions / Re: Car Crashes
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:26:47 pm »
So instead of that all make car crash only as special encounter with additional mini quest about enclave soldier and oil. As you say if it happen too often it will be annoying. However special encounter which can happen only if player travel via car could be interesting and bring some kind of diversity.
Finally someone with actual idea. Yeah, special encounter would be nice, and let's not forget we have crashed vertibird maps/graphic since Fallout 2, which could finally find some use..

IIRC both things was tested already, with faction name being part of on-screen awareness instead of adding it to character name.

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