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Messages - Johnny

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River of Tears / Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« on: November 01, 2017, 07:40:09 pm »
casuals won't be interested in this kind of game anyway. Nothing to do here, too much reading, technical problems with running the client, graphics are ugly, shiny stars don't pop up when you manage not to die in first 10 seconds. Move along.

So again I who too is starting to be tired to repeat myself, wonder why do the game try to attract those players? Maybe read your own posts next time, you pretty much answer to yourself.

Unguarded towns remain unguarded, you can freely smash some n00bs for glory and lulz. They don't drop pixels anymore on Reloaded, but hey, who needs some n00b shitty gear, fun matters, isn't it? Isn't it?

Isn't it? Isn't it what? Why you assume because you got shot and pissed on by some random dudes on the internet because yes we are on the internet and people when they are protected behind their screen magically gain a pair of balls and since they are not used to that feeling they tend to get carried away.
Dont assume thats the case for every pvp player here.
Contrary to you i think pve and pvp players can get along just fine. I personnally have no problem with players who want to roleplay in the hub or stay  in their tent, but you seem to have an overgrown hate towards pvp. Maybe review your priority after all its just a game to have fun. If people have their fun shooting each others why do that remotly bother you.
And since when this is some kind of competition after all there should be a place for loners, pvp faction, pvers, roleplayers.
Dont assume that you are representative of the majority, neither am I. I'm just throwing my 2 cents.

Concerning the other servers the only reason why I dont play or even try them is because i dont waste my time grinding. I dont find it fun period. And on that regard reloaded is declining thx to people who said "its too easy to get items, I want them all for myself others dont deserve them".

For other servers to gain popularity you need to get rid of this one first. I dont think the game can improve in any way considering its just impossible to exchange with the devs about anything without ending in the "tears this, tears that section".

Once again if you cannot take any criticism dont develop. If you still do so be ready for them and accept them.

River of Tears / Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« on: November 01, 2017, 05:53:16 pm »
New kids?
Yeah, in a game where maybe 200 people play lets make it even less by deliberatly pushing away our core playerbase. Because you know, we dont have any idea how to improve pvp, how to balance it, we are bored and are sick of fonline in general. So let's blame the community and aim for random casuals who will quit after two days, two weeks, two months because lets face it, without PvP this game is complete trash and the content is too small to keep players around except die hard fans.

In my personal opinion I find TC in current shape(s) one of the most useless and cancerogenic features of FOnlines in general. It makes towns almost dead 95% of time,

Towns are dead anyway except from Hub. Once again too few people play this game to make all towns alive and then the random casuals you are aiming for stay in tent or avoid social interaction anyway.

River of Tears / Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« on: October 23, 2017, 02:28:09 pm »
Self-moderated community won't work with toxic playerbase FOnlines gathered around over years. Just read some posts here, imagine these guys can vote, safe like a chimp with a razor. Democracy as a failure from its definition won't keep any server tick, strong leadership will. Been there, done that.

After seeing some posts wich i didnt read i can't blame you on that one.

For me season 1 only needed some slight balance changes and I dont understand all those changes but I'm not up to date anymore, now there is Hexbots, cheaters whatenot.
So I can understand the overall reaction.

I found some posts where kilgore explicitly statted that easy to find gear and carpet of items in tents didn't bother him.

I have totally NOTHING about some CARPETS of items in player bases. This always happened and will always happen. Item should be relatively easy to get imo.

I just do not understand why the grind is augmenting. I would have appreciated if we could discuss some of the changes to have everyone opinion about that matter and not that of a few that think having a special item is an achievment.
This is a game that is supposed to be fun. And grinding isnt fun, at least for me. I'm not playing a game to work after work. This is just stupid.

Also adding NPC in town control is imo a bad idea.  Wasn't it removed in season 1?

River of Tears / Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« on: October 21, 2017, 08:47:50 am »
This is exactly the bullshit I've heard being a deviant developer of FO2. Doesn't trigger me anymore as I'm just a civilian bystander, just memories.

You are right. If everybody say always the same thing since years, how could they be right. They surely are wrong. You're so perfect.

As a high-tech troll crafted with finest advanced trollymers and quality trolloys I must inform, my good man, you are totally wrong.

Trash with a cherry on top is still trash.

None of those guys are to be seen in threads related to how shitty the ded gaem is. I wonder why, do you?

I dont see them either saying the community is shit and they did all their work for free. I wonder why, do you?

Remove hexing, remove hexboters. Save the cheerleader, save the world.

Talking about spanish inquisition. You know whats between black and white? Grey.
Some people work and dont declare to the state, lets remove work alltogether?
You're top notch.

Witchhunting and Spanish Inquisition climate.
With cheaters, no mercy, no respite. Isolate them, without support they'll quit.

Who are you to decide which opinion matters more?
I'm asking for a consultation of the overall server population, nobody in particular. You know it's a stupid concept where everyone can share their ideas? Moderated by the community itself. I'm sure most of the players are capable if they enjoy the game and play it.

You just don't understand someone can have his own idea to do X or Y and not always this idea fits yours.
This apply to everything, compromise is the solution, not arbitrary removal of unbroken game features.
So fragile to rejection, what mistakes your parents have made during your childhood?
A lot, like all parents. You'll learn that one day.

River of Tears / Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« on: October 21, 2017, 06:44:15 am »
Interesting that the River of tears has the two most popular threads on the site at the moment.  Tucked away in a near hidden corner.

I think it goes without saying... Says a lot about the status of the Reloaded community

It has always been like that. To be honest I dont understand how they can keep developping a game they find boring,  with a community they make fun of, and that they dont play.

Each time you post a suggestion, you get all the trolls and litteral autists with 0 social interaction that say "you cry" or "do it yourself". And of course those who exploit broken stuff and dont want anything to change.
Those are the famous "internet trolls". Pathetic losers that profit of internet to make their useless opinion no one care about IRL count by annoying others online.

I have my theory about online trolls, i think they get dumped and people make fun of them all of the time IRL, so they take their revenge by doing the same thing protected behind their computer screen. Since their life is total garbage, they must ruin hobbies of others for their own satisfaction.

There is no Dev, even on free project that dont listen to the community this is just suicide.
That is my insight, their are tons of modders doing amazing stuff for free on the internet.
Look at uruk hai who mapped, corosive who wrote, mousecz who did tons of new anims.
All of that was for free as well.
Example: Removing one hex because some morons used HEXBOT or autoclickers to aim is just penalizing all players because a few douchebags (always the same) cheat.
Its always the same people and you know who is always abusing cheating and stuff. They migrate from server to server and they even dare to post suggestions.

Is there really no way to get rid of those guys? You cannot IP ban them ? Delete their chars ? Add reward for people denunciating their new chars if they use proxy?

Is it possible to actually ask the community before doing such huge impact changes instead of a few old players that dont play anymore? This is only what those guys are asking to be honest I didnt see anything disrespectful.

But maybe in Poland sharing you opinion is considered crying. Must be really fun to hang out with some of you.  ::)  good luck guys.
you never progress without critics, if you cant take a critic or are too fragile for that, then this project is doomed dont waste your time.

River of Tears / Re: FOnline Reloaded RANT
« on: October 17, 2017, 06:47:19 am »
I strongly advise khans to not engage any kind of debate with forum trolls if you value your sanity.
Unfortunatly some of those who played and now know how this server works, do not bother anymore, you start to understand why.

Adams said it. Changes were made towards that goal and I've figured that years ago too.

If you like Fonline the best is to try to set up a team and do like Kilgore did at the end of 2238.
(2238 stopped because players refused to donate because updates were too irregular and none of them ameliorated the pvp aspect of the game =>,26042.0.html )

My personal opinion is reloaded is like 2238, it has to close so another team can emerge.
To be honest who really exchanged with the devs, most of them are ghosts anyway. Even those who had access to the personnal IRc or god knows what say they never talk.

So dont get too excited things will change, because since season 2 it's not going the right way at all...

Suggestions / Re: Some thoughts
« on: September 28, 2017, 10:04:41 am »
Thx to the guys who post wall of constructive feedback! You guys should be astronauts. Keep the posts coming make your voice count, Fuck the grind.

General Game Discussion / Re: Season 3 Thoughts
« on: September 28, 2017, 10:02:48 am »
Incredible reading.

Now that's what I call a forum post that have weight. for once no trolly useless shit. So glad to read that. You must have a godamn IQ of 260,  if all players could post such constructive opinions this game would skyrocket in awesomness.

Me I like reloaded because admins aren't assholes. Even if not always agree with kilgore he's not an idiot. Same for docan and mojuk. Too bad they dont speak too much. A legend says someonoae heard DocAn speak in 1986..

Suggestions / Some thoughts
« on: September 27, 2017, 09:19:00 am »
Alright so I think I saw enough of this to post something:


Alright so before item conditon wasnt applying when we had 300 gun skill. Obviously this was a bug, glad it was fixed.
But now the items are degrading wayyyy too fast.
Since you made oil cans nearly impossible to get now, i suggest you halve item degradation and item condition penalty on death.


Ok so i've checked mojuk's formula and i didnt understand anything cause my maths skill level is 5%.
But I get it that the main idea is to nerf one hexing and make the game more Nweeb friendly.
I think that however you removed a feature that was very important for many players (including me) who like to solo dungeons wich is now impossible.

I'm sure that a compromise is possible here: I suspect the damage formula is the same at 1 or 2 hexes? I suggest to change this so one hex is still a feature but that the damage doesnt violently increase like in 1st session but that it still does considerably more damage from 1 Hex that from 2.

There is no reason why people with 500 ping or people using hexbot or some other dork program justify penalizing all the players.


Ok so we all agree that private mines rendered leveling very easy in session 1. I also have heard that in session 2 the caravan was giving exp increasing with your level.
Now i get it you dont want to see easy leveling.
Just acknowledge one thing is that people will always find what's the most efficient way to level and they'll repeat it to get the level they need.
Why making something everyone had to go through a pain in the ass?
Please: Bring back the caravans improving exp depending on level.
           Don't make private mines visible to all, they are utterly useless now and you already added junk to every recipe so crafting is already nerfed no need to render it useless and grindy as fuck.

Alright so there is a difference between nerfing a feature and render it completly useless.
Surely we can find some middle ground here because overall you seem to get the main issues right but the solution are fucking radical.
I mean you literally go to white from black. I'm asking for some grey here.

General Game Discussion / Re: Season 3 Thoughts
« on: September 25, 2017, 08:45:40 pm »
Yeah yeah whatever,kid.

It's just cheech Kebab, if you ignore him he'll eventually go away  :D

General Game Discussion / Re: Season 3 Thoughts
« on: September 25, 2017, 02:18:30 pm »
"what happened to our beloved game we did absolutely nothing for apart from playing it and crying on forum".

This is getting old and nowhere wichu. You progress with critisiscm. People who like you tell you your defaults, those who don't just tell you sweet lies so you can be in your confort zone and fail so they can feel better than you.

We enjoy this server otherwise we would be like you and some others: trolling the shit out of every posts cause you dont give a flying frig. In that case you're wasting your time here and it's just kinda strange for a grown man.

For the rest, I'm one of those who thinks the no loot drop is good. Because i dont want to fucking grind my gear to lose it. Plain and simple.

in season 1 I didn't care because i could craft thousands of Combat armor or weapons easy. Now losing stuff is punishing, plain masochism and nowhere near fun.

General Game Discussion / Re: Season 3 Thoughts
« on: September 24, 2017, 11:48:20 pm »
PvP wise season 1 was best, server since season 2 went completly in the opposite way.
1st blow = removal of reno (season 2)
2nds blow= very bad tc system (season 3)

You guys did well for pve but why this brutal change in pvp? Who say you received endless pm of pvp crybabies in season 1? From who? I'm curious to know who changed your mind so that now we have a very bad pvp server without reno and troll control instead of town control.

The grind is even worse than season 2 and there is no point for it at all.

Toxic Caves / Re: Pvp Movies & Screens
« on: September 23, 2017, 05:41:01 am »


Faction Announcements / Re: The Hawks
« on: September 22, 2017, 07:40:29 pm »
Hi ,
I'd like to join you if you are active this session. I played 1st session of reloaded so i got the basics. I speak english, french and ape (for pvp).

Character builds / Re: Sniper Build
« on: September 16, 2017, 07:06:47 pm »
Best build of all times

so you guys see it's actually possible to make a good sniper build!

But if i may.. you should put more points into Charisma and tag barter and speech. Very important for sniper! :-*

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